Is it going to chug on a 4770k
I'm screwed then.
Yes, it seems more cores and faster those cores better it is.
But I guess we will finally see when its out.
Is it going to chug on a 4770k
I'm screwed then.
Yes, it seems more cores and faster those cores better it is.
But I guess we will finally see when its out.
That’s gonna depend on how well it utilises multicoresWhen people get to actually play it a thread will have to be started to post details on whether Ryzen or Intel are best to run it
From those who played the Alpha, is it CPU or GPU intensive?
GTX1080 ~100%
This concerns me. MS Say recommended is a GTX970 and Ideal is an RTX2080. Hope my 1060 6GB can handle it. I can't afford (read: justify to the Mrs) to be upgrading my gfx card at the moment.
This concerns me. MS Say recommended is a GTX970 and Ideal is an RTX2080. Hope my 1060 6GB can handle it. I can't afford (read: justify to the Mrs) to be upgrading my gfx card at the moment.
I wouldn't be too concerned. Its GPU heavy but that's 1440p with most stuff cranked. 30fps in Heathrow and 60+ everywhere else. It's a good experience.
I'd imagine cpu usage will increase with the likes of Pmdg planes.
My ram usage is always at least 16/17gb in total, 8 think 32gb is a must.