**** Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Thread ****

I haven't played a computer game (I know this is a sim but still) for around 5 years but I think this will bring me out of gaming retirement.

It looks absolutely unbelievably phenomenal. I was actually watching some youtube videos this evening of a Pilot who videos his 737 take offs and landings and after that a suggested video about this Flight Simulator came up (one of the preview videos from the creator's press day in Seattle). I had no idea another Flight Sim was being developed.


I knew that having not been in the gaming world for a few years the graphics of games would have advanced a bit since the last time I was a gamer but this is just jaw dropping, the visuals and the technology with the real time weather and weather systems etc.

I'm a bit spellbound by it !

I spent hours and hours on Flight Sim 95 when I was 10, and then 98 etc. but I think after 2000 I stopped playing them.

The only thing is I'd need to replace my entire rig and spend quite a bit of money, as I'm running an i7 930, 6GB RAM and a 30 quid Graphics card!
I saw another trailer the other day, and it addressed one of the concerns I had. I had only seen small aircraft highlighting the vfr flying, whereas I used to live doing ifr in big jets. This trailer ended on a gorgeous looking 747, so I'm officially stoked

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Apparently there are two new feature update videos coming this month: aerodynamics and cockpit. The former I understand from another video is a vast improvement over FSX (1000s of points at which aero is calculated vs one single point in FSX), but the cockpit is where I'm really interested to see the details fleshed out. Eg will there be fully functional IFR, all the controls to start from cold and dark etc.
Wowzer... This looks incredible. I just looked today at my last upgrade was 5 years ago.... Got to go big for this one
PMDG 737 NGXu is coming to FS2020, i guess the 777 and 747 won't be too far behind.
Apparently PMDG are pivoting their entire Dev team to fs2020, so that says what they think of it :)

I'd expect to see the other classics join the hangar. The 777 is, after the 747, the jet I'd be looking for.
PMDG jumping onboard is certainly a strong indication of the potential of the new Sim.

Not a tubeliner guy myself so hoping for some high quality GA; if the TBM 930 in the previews is anywhere near as good as the HotStart TBM900 in XP I'll be a happy simmer.

Anything with a turboprop (or two) and a G1000 cockpit.
While I am excited about the sim, I am a little annoyed that I'll probably have to end up buying a ton of add-ons yet again. I now have stuff for FSX, P3D ad XP11, and stuff like the NGX are not cheap. I hope there are some discounts for previous owners.
While I am excited about the sim, I am a little annoyed that I'll probably have to end up buying a ton of add-ons yet again. I now have stuff for FSX, P3D ad XP11, and stuff like the NGX are not cheap. I hope there are some discounts for previous owners.
That’s what I was thinking. I paid loads for the PMDG 737. An upgrade option would be nice.
There is always the possibility that the out of the box aircraft will be good enough that we won't need to buy add ons (except maybe for ones that aren't in by default).

Think the tagline for this should be, you no longer need to go on holiday, the holiday comes to you!

Of course watching that latest video clip begs the question, what the heck level of hardware will be needed to run this? I suspect a mid level I7, GTX 1050 and 8Gb of RAM is not going to give the graphics level on display in the trailer. I can see OCUK or the other custom PC builders making a nice bit of money off people ordering new boxes for this.

As regards the default aircraft, well they have always been a bit wonky in previous iterations certainly in terms of sound and physics. the default FS9 and FSX jet spool sounds like it was sampled from a Henry vacuum cleaner :).

Still, eagerly awaited, now I have to work out what I'm buying the wife so I can get enough hubbie points in the bag for a new PC.
I can't wait for this. I'm more GA and Bushflying than airline stuff and from what I've seen in the videos so far it looks amazing. I will wait until closer to release when I have an understanding of where to spend my money to get the best results but I will definitely be doing a major upgrade to suit. I've started putting some cash aside every month because I'm a proper adult nowadays lol.
IGN posted 15 mins of vfr flying across 9 cities. Most interesting for me was at about 13:30 there is some ground level flying over Venice that was pretty impressive for detail.

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