**** Official Microsoft Flight Simulator Thread ****

Need some help as the latest update keeps looping. Tried restarting both game and system but keep getting the same problem. Had this before so reinstalled the entire game and mods - don't really want to go through that whole process again.
I’m going to be downloading sim update 8 this evening. Would be good hear how others get on with it.

Also considering the new Heathrow scenery!
Update went smoothly, although I got the ‘insert game disc’ error for the first time. I just relaunched and all was ok. I have the MS Store Premium Deluxe version, so that was odd. There were a few updates available in the content manager as usual too.
Got a really weird issue since world update 8, is it affecting anyone else?

When i pan round, the edges of objects trail and have a shadow round them. On the Garmin, the line showing flight path is pink as normal, but when I move it has a green line appear for a millisecond before going off again. Panning just looks awful.
Was really hoping world update 8 would fix the “bug” re the Cathedral in Palma, Mallorca.

if you don’t know, rather than show the cathedral (or even something like the cathedral) for some reason the game has generated an ominous black monolithic sky scraper which is about 10x the height of the cathedral and dominates the whole of the city…

anyway, it’s still there after world update 8, which was supposed to upgrade Spain, so not great!
I keep meaning to look at VATSIM one day. 21 years as a controller though probably means i'll get a bit frustrated with it! :D
Not only yes but they need to pass training before they are let loose on the network. There are other networks to, IVAO and PilotPlus for instance. The later pay their controllers, I believe, but they have a much more restricted coverage.
Not gonna lie. For me, if it's Boeing... I'm not going

However. This PMDG 737-7 has my interest....
How much will it cost? 800 version I'll wait for.

No price structure released by PMDG but state it will probably be cheaper than people thing. I know some PMDG products can be triple figures but given what Rob from PMDG is saying, I'm taking bets it's gonna be around the £60-£80 Mark.

They're releasing it in bits with the -7 coming first, then the -6 with the -8 coming about 12 weeks after initial release. Upto lastly the MAX.

Looking forward to it.
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