My copy of the Collector's Edition arrived yesterday, I've yet to unbox it/play it though, mainly because I'm waiting for my order of the Collector's Guide to arrive so it can better explain how to play the game. I looked at the user manual online and it looks very confusing. If the tutorials are anything like the first Xenoblade, they won't be all that helpful.
1) WiiU Pro controller all the way, did you not get one with your bundle? Do they not include the Pro Controller in Black WiiU bundles these days? A shame if so. It's much like a more traditional controller, charges using the same cable as the DualShock 3 (from Playstation 3) and has excellent battery life, best wireless controller I've ever used. The only downside is that the 'triggers' remain as buttons like on the gamepad, instead of actual analogue triggers. It's fairly pricey, but worth it since it can be used in most of the good WiiU games.
2) Be glad to get character customisation at all. It's not something games on Nintendo platforms excel at unfortunately (Animal Crossing for example). That said grab Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Great game (probably the best looking MH we'll ever get in the West :c), online is still going and of course, you can have pigtails. Mine were red and they even jiggle when you move! Hair physics!
Also nice to see you're rocking all 3 current gen consoles, console-equality ftw! I'm not quite there yet, the PS4 remains boxed (no reason to use it yet) and I've yet to buy an XB1. Funny that we often hear XB1 can't run games at 1080p, when WiiU has the likes of Mario Kart 9 running at 1080p60 in split-screen multiplayer. Really does go to show that a dev can get a game looking and running well on any system if they put in the effort (look at all the bad PC ports from those who didn't).
I also recommend folks (even if you haven't bought the game) to try listening to this game's soundtrack, it's amazing! Well worth looking for that, even if you don't like the game.