*** Official Nintendo Wii U thread ***

26 May 2012
Surrey, UK
Grrr. I hate friend codes! They pretty much prevented me from playing online Wii with friends and family. I can see why Nintendo would want them (for extra security so random people can't add you), but they should listen to the consumers.

And just to clear things up, a couple of generations ago Microsoft may have 'won' the console front but it cost them. According to an article in a gaming mag the lost money on every original xbox they made. But of course they made it back with the 360. Nintendo actually had a profit from their gamecubes, even though they did the worst.

I really liked the gamecube, especially the control pad. In most of the Wii games with gamecube controller support the players preferred it over wiimote and whatever other options there were. I kinda see (<- it's an opinion not a statement) the 360 controller (best for pc gaming too :D) as it's spiritual successor.

Personally I'm reluctant to buy a Wii U. If there's a good deal to trade in my current Wii with out box and manuals then I'll get one. As long as my current game saves will work if I move them over to an SD card. I also hope it will have the same connector that connects it to the telly. I have an awesome component cable that splits into Wii, 360 and PS3 connectors. It's very convenient not to have to disconnect and connect cables when switching between the consoles, I can just use the switch. But honestly I doubt it :(.

£200 with no deals is too suspiciously good of a price. Especially when living costs are high as Fillado says. How am I to get through the next few years?!?!?
I won't buy a Wii U if I have to eat shoes XI!
13 Feb 2003
They have to release it at a low price, even if it costs them.

As I said in my earlier post, third party exclusives just don't happen anymore, so really they are going to be wanting to push the fact that all of this years top multi-platform games are going to look better on the Wii-U. By having a cheapish price point for the console, they might convince some people to switch.

It's still a big ask though. Most are going to want to continue playing with their friends on the current console and wait for the next Xbox or Playstation.
28 Jan 2003
You're back are you?



Go and read any gaming site and they will all say about the next generation being the next MS/Sony console.

I'm not saying the Wii U is not innovative but it's not going to be next Gen in terms of graphics physics ai etc.
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18 Oct 2002
I'm not saying the Wii U is not innovative but it's not going to be next Gen in terms of graphics physics ai etc.

I see your point but surely 'next gen' means something more than the next level of gfx etc. It's about ideas too and forward-thinking (like the Kinect et al) and differing aspects of input and interaction.

I for one am looking forward to all the major companies next gen consoles, just seems they're all going in slightly different directions and that's great for us consumers :)
19 Oct 2011
To be honest a price point this high for the Wii U is not a good sign for Nintendo. They are releasing a system that is only as powerful as a PS3, if that, at a point where MS and Sony will be releasing their next gen consoles which will be staggeringly more powerful. These will likely retail at £350 ish therefore represent much better value for money in the long term.

The Wii U should not retail for anymore than £180 for what it is but I bet you those additional controllers cost upwards of £80 themselves looking at what they do.

Nintendo usually come up and create some great consoles but I have a feeling this time they may have screwed up slightly. I understand they dont concentrate on graphics as much as the others devs BUT their timing and pricing could suck for them majorly and really the Wii U is more a regular consoles as apposed to the Wii where it was family orientated. Its more about a real controller and more adult games

And where are the games. Another worrying aspect of E3 was Nintendos lack of Wii U games being shown. No true new games or footage was shown and the games we do know about are coming to the 360 and PS3 already or have already been out on these two (Batman AC) so the games line-up doesnt shout must buy this console to play these games. There will be no Zelda game for at least a year (confirmed by the team) and the new Mario game to be fair looks rubbish and looks more like a Wii game so once again not showing what the console can do. Devs have already said that its already looking to be the hardest of the next gen consoles to program for which is also another issue (look at how long it took devs to really get5 to grips with the PS3 when that first came out).

I love Nintendo but I think this time they may have messes up big time. Luckily though the Japanese loyal market will make it a success which means they will still make their money and will get to the next next gen console cycle and hopefully re think that they do after that lol
19 Oct 2011
I am sure though, that it will run more stable than either an 360 or PS3 !

Nintendo hardware has been the most reliable this generation.

While I do understand your point if we are honest when all Nintendo use is out of date processors and GPU's that have been tried and tested for over a generation it's no wonder they are always more reliable.

To make cutting edge next-gen consoles it takes cutting edge hardware. Take the rumour of the new xbox packing a 16 core cpu. Id rather have a few teething problems that a company respinds to and sorts out than something that isnt cutting edge for the same money or not much less. And on that point its only ever a small percentage that have an issue and not everyone. I for one have had my Elite since it launched and it has never died on me.

Hardware failure however is a fact of life when things get this complicated and everything can fail and will in a small percentage. Its what the company does to solve the issue that matters and MS did a sterling job overall. As did Sony.
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