*** Official Nintendo Wii U thread ***

21 Apr 2010
I love comments like this, the fact is you know just about as much as the people claiming it will have 16 cores/680 level graphics cards.

So to ridicule them you may as well ridicule yourself.

Come back when the specs are announced.

You probably think the NextBox/PS4 will be some super computer or something...:rolleyes:
18 Oct 2002
block 16, cell 12
the next gen consoles will have at least nvidia 680 gtx performance

how you know dg ?

well the new cod is on unreal4 engine and needs that card for 30 fps min ;)

that will probably also be launch title for the console

unreal engine on the pc. consoles are vastly more streamlined and the engine will be cut down meaning they can give you 30fps of slightly lower texture models without a 300 quid gpu.

neither xbox, threesiddy or ps2/ps3had the current gen of graphics gpu. its just not economically viable especially for higher end current parts.
1 Jun 2006
look at previous consoles

the chips on release in them were like our top end gpus

xbox 360 and ps3 on launch had the equivelent of a 300-350 quid gpu in.

it wont be any different in this.

they lose on consoles production for many years but in ints life cycle profits through games and once the production costs have lowered.

stop thinking of todays price of a top end card . it doesnt work like that

as said previously one of the biggest games that will ever sell and will generate a billion pound on its own ! will be on these new consoles .

it will probably be the launch game for the xbox so if this is the plan the xbox 720 will be out nov 2013 same time as the new call of duty using the unreal 4 engine. call of duty 2 was the xbox 360 launch title. you always launch your console with games to sell it. there wont be a bigger game in next few years.

so expect the consoles to have at least a gpu chip to run the unreal 4 engine at atleast 30 fps currently a nvidia gtx 680 does this @ 30 fps.

thanks for listening :)
12 Jun 2008
I'm going to go out on a limb, and say tbh i dont care if any of the "next gen" consoles have better graphics than ps3, i'd rather they took some time and developed some half decent games.
28 Jan 2003
To get this thread somewhat back on track...........

.........I just watched a demo of Mario on the Wii U, the person was using a stylus to control it on that monstrosity of a control device.

Man it's truly hilarious they expect people to play like that.
28 Aug 2006
look at previous consoles

the chips on release in them were like our top end gpus

xbox 360 and ps3 on launch had the equivelent of a 300-350 quid gpu in.

it wont be any different in this.

they lose on consoles production for many years but in ints life cycle profits through games and once the production costs have lowered.

stop thinking of todays price of a top end card . it doesnt work like that

as said previously one of the biggest games that will ever sell and will generate a billion pound on its own ! will be on these new consoles .

it will probably be the launch game for the xbox so if this is the plan the xbox 720 will be out nov 2013 same time as the new call of duty using the unreal 4 engine. call of duty 2 was the xbox 360 launch title. you always launch your console with games to sell it. there wont be a bigger game in next few years.

so expect the consoles to have at least a gpu chip to run the unreal 4 engine at atleast 30 fps currently a nvidia gtx 680 does this @ 30 fps.

thanks for listening :)

I'm still gonna go with a gtx570/580 (AMD equivalent) max (my opinion)
Maybe am 8 core Bulldozer/Piledriver.

Last I heard was Sony looking at AMD A4/6/8 style APU with an AMD GPU. Maybe they want something like Lucid MPV going on with PS4.
18 Jan 2005
360/PS3 never had top end gpus, they were stripped down versions of high end cards from 6-12 months previous. Consoles get a lot of mileage out of the gpus, but to say they're essentially a £300-£350 card just isn't true.

It's apples and oranges, they may be based on existing architecture, but they're paired down so much that there is no like for like pc gpu comparison.

We are not getting a 680 or a 7970 in the next consoles, that much you can put your life on.
22 Nov 2005
xbox 360 and ps3 on launch had the equivelent of a 300-350 quid gpu in.

it wont be any different in this.

i would expect the next console on paper to have specs similar to
qaud core intel cpu
4gb of ram

cost and heat mean almost everything especially in this climate and the ps3 showed what happens when you launch an expensive console
16 Jul 2007
Stoke on Trent
You can't compare PC specs with console specs. It doesn't work. For a start, if they made a console with a GTX 560 based GPU the games would be made just for that GPU would probably match anything any PC could do at 1080p. Consoles are ultra efficient. It's easy to get side-tracked looking and clock-speeds all the time. Also, I imagine if someone orders a couple of million GPUs from NVidia or AMD, they get a good discount. And finally, with the original Wii on about 100 million sales, I'm sure they would supply the GPU at a loss to begin with because it will pay off in 2-3 years.
2 Jun 2007
more gimmicks :rolleyes:

just make me a console i can look at on my tv and play mario on without having to move about to much.

then sell me it cheap

i predict £199.99
27 Nov 2002
Interesting comments from John Carmack. He believes that if you put a current PS360 game on the next gen at 1080p and 60FPS then it will be pushing those machines. So he thinks a lot of games will still be 720p @30fps which isn't a huge surprise.
I believe he also said that that they will be ~6 times more powerful.(don't have access to the article atm) which if true would confirm that the hardware jump will be less this time and the perceived difference will be even less which is good news for Nintendo.

Something that isn't really mention is the cost of making games for more powerful hardware. More detail means better assets which cost more which is becoming a big problem for dev's which is one of the main reasons that there hasn't been such a push for a new generation.
22 Nov 2005
You can't compare PC specs with console specs. It doesn't work. For a start, if they made a console with a GTX 560 based GPU the games would be made just for that GPU would probably match anything any PC could do at 1080p.
ofcourse you can compare consoles to pc specs..
obviously not paper vs paper

but you can say what type of pc it would take to give the same experience as a game does on a 360.

8800gt probably wouldnt be to far off a 360 graphics wise

a new console with a 560 would give games with graphics todays pcs are capable off and more.

which would be good for pc as we are beeing held back massively right now
5 May 2008
That's always going to be the case though, isn't it? 5-6 years lifespan for a console which is restricted to its starting spec is never going to be able to keep up with advancing PC technology. By the time the next Xbox arrives it will already be behind.

It's a difficult one when two platforms are so different yet they are trying to run the same software. Consoles are compromised in many ways (BF3) and PC's get sloppy ports of successful console games. Devs have to make money so it will always be this way, unless they are willing to produce for PC only, which must be less viable due to the mass market appeal of consoles.

Back on topic...

I've always been a huge fan of Nintendo and its gaming philosophy. The Wii was the first Nintendo console I haven't bought into (nes, snes, n64 and handhelds) and I am sorry I have missed out on so many Marios and Zeldas etc. My experience with the Gamecube (though at times a joy) was that Nintendo just did not make enough games. So for me I didn't want to buy into it again. Also the control method just does not appeal to me.

Will keep an eye on the Wii-U but I fear it's going to be more of the same but with better graphics.
18 Jan 2003
Expat in the USA
You know, I feel i already have a PS4 or new xbox in my room. I have a IB3770k and 7950, linked to a nice big Panny Plasma, and a 360 wireless controller. With a keyboard shortcut, i switch between my PC desk and LCD to my Plasma on a couch with a 360 controller and game on that, everything to the max at 60fps locked in. All the driving games that exist on the current gen on a console are locked in at 30fps, but on my PC, they're set to max everything 1080p, 60fps without a single hiccup. I can't see what the next gen is going to do that'll be any better. I do already know what to expect. Yes they'll be titles that arn't available for a PC, that will be on the new console, and they'll also be new gimmicks introduced in way of the Kinect built in. I don't chat to others, so never really make use of the xbox live features. So as far as I'm concerned, I'm already with a next gen console.

However wiiU titles will not be available, so it would be a change.
26 Apr 2003
West Midlands
You know, I feel i already have a PS4 or new xbox in my room. I have a IB3770k and 7950, linked to a nice big Panny Plasma, and a 360 wireless controller. With a keyboard shortcut, i switch between my PC desk and LCD to my Plasma on a couch with a 360 controller and game on that, everything to the max at 60fps locked in. All the driving games that exist on the current gen on a console are locked in at 30fps, but on my PC, they're set to max everything 1080p, 60fps without a single hiccup. I can't see what the next gen is going to do that'll be any better. I do already know what to expect. Yes they'll be titles that arn't available for a PC, that will be on the new console, and they'll also be new gimmicks introduced in way of the Kinect built in. I don't chat to others, so never really make use of the xbox live features. So as far as I'm concerned, I'm already with a next gen console.

However wiiU titles will not be available, so it would be a change.

Forza and GT5 are locked at 60fps.
13 Feb 2003
Another interesting problem facing the Wii-U which I read in what I believe was a Gamespot article, is that Nintendo themselves are acknowledging that customers aren't completely clear what it is.

While we all here are Gamers and know that the Wii-U is a new console, many people in the general public think its just a controller add-on for the Wii. A couple of big gaffs they've already have include:

- CNN, a major news organisation reporting it as an add-on for the Wii and it wasn't until they were corrected by Nintendo that they changed that.

- Talk Show host Jimmy Fallon attended E3 and checked out what was going on. He then had the Vice-President of Nintendo USA on his show to talk about the Wii-U and even with him there, he still thought the Wii-U was a Wii add-on, the Nintendo employee had to explain to him why it wasn't!

They have also not done themselves any favours by showing games like the new Mario Brothers which shows little difference between that of the Wii, which again makes it seem like its a controller add-on. Further to that, the console looks very similar to the Wii.

Given that the casual market was so important to the success of the Wii, it looks like Nintendo have already given themselves an uphill struggle just trying to explain to them that this is something entirely new.
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