*** Official Nintendo Wii U thread ***

28 Aug 2006
The problem is, all the talk about the new Xbox and PS4 are just rumors. No one really knows how big or small the next leap will be. We all have our expectations, hopes and desires. Whether they will materialise is something else.

If I see any good games I like then I will get that system. I'm not gonna sit here and bash whichever. I'm just going to play the games that I will enjoy.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
The problem is, all the talk about the new Xbox and PS4 are just rumors. No one really knows how big or small the next leap will be. We all have our expectations, hopes and desires. Whether they will materialise is something else.

Well, we can all see how good things look on a current PC... It's not going to be a million miles either way from that.
19 Oct 2011
Why do people say stupid things like "I do not expect them to be near current pc set-ups"

Of course they will. They will have the latest hardware in them at the point of release. The next xbox is rumoured to have a 16 core cpu and a radeon 7000 series gpu. In a console that is going to be incredible and besides why do you think Epic have released Unreal 4 footage. People really do have no idea of what console gaming is here at all or even read up on anything console related. Its all PC's rule and PC's are the best.
1 Jun 2006
the next gen consoles will have at least nvidia 680 gtx performance

how you know dg ?

well the new cod is on unreal4 engine and needs that card for 30 fps min ;)

that will probably also be launch title for the console
26 Apr 2003
West Midlands
the next gen consoles will have at least nvidia 680 gtx performance

how you know dg ?

well the new cod is on unreal4 engine and needs that card for 30 fps min ;)

that will probably also be launch title for the console

I'll bet my car that isn't not even close. None of the consoles will be about all out grunt.
28 Jun 2005
On the hoods
How powerful was the 360 compared to concurrent PCs? That'll be about where things end up, I'll bet. You can't look at it in terms of the cost to you of building a comparable PC, because things are very different when you're doing runs of millions of integrated boards rather than one off discrete parts.
1 Jun 2006
I'll bet my car that isn't not even close. None of the consoles will be about all out grunt.

not about grunt like said the next gen unreal engine needs a 680 gtx to run at 30 fps

how many cod sales will be on console ? = 90 percent . (cod2 was launch title for xbox 360 )

also its rumoured to be a 10 year life cycle and it may seem a lot but look at the last xbox and ps3 . the cards or chips in them at the time of launch were 300-400 quid on pc .

they lose money on consoles for quite a few years but over life cycle gain a lot .

i think youll have equivelent of a 7950-70 in one console and a 680 gtx equiv in another .
26 Apr 2003
West Midlands
not about grunt like said the next gen unreal engine needs a 680 gtx to run at 30 fps

Maybe at 1080p at max settings, ever heard of scalability?

If the console is due to release in fall 2013 then Microsoft/Sony will be purchasing chips within the coming months, even in 1 years time a 680/7970 based CPU core will NOT be cheap enough or have the availability on a 28nm process to be cost effective.
9 Mar 2006
How powerful was the 360 compared to concurrent PCs? That'll be about where things end up, I'll bet.

Precisely this. When the 360 came out Gears of War looked better than almost anything out on PC at the time. It's not unrealistic to expect the '720' to come close visually to what we're seeing on PC now (obviously it'll be at a lower resolution probably).
25 Jun 2005
On a hill
Not touching this. I went along with the Wii fad when it arrived and ending up buying it with all the top games. It's been sitting locked up in the cupboard for years.

Motion control just isn't for me. When I think of gaming I think of relaxing and having a more cerebral experience, not waving my arms about when all I want to do is a simple jump. For my gaming needs I'll stick to the PC, and possibly the next Xbox if its a good price. And no, I'm not a FPS loving drone, I find the genre boring and repetitive. I mostly play RPGs, MMO's, RTS' and TBS games.
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21 Apr 2010
I'm not expecting them to be near current PC set ups.

Exactly, It's been stated by Sony & MS that they aren't going to spend anywhere near the amount of money they both spent on the PS3/360. Therefore, the huge leap we all seen on the 360/PS3 console won't apply to the NextBox/PS4.

Both Sony/MS are after the casual market just like Nintendo and want to make a profit from day one on their systems. They are both following Nintendo's ideology in that regard as they lost billions this gen on their hardware.

Anyone expecting 8/16Gb of RAM, 680 GTX level of GPU, etc, are seriously kidding themselves on.

When MS & Sony release their system i can see some very annoyed fans as they'll expect each system to be a lot more powerful than they actually are. It's inevitable.
28 Aug 2006
Why do people say stupid things like "I do not expect them to be near current pc set-ups"

Of course they will. They will have the latest hardware in them at the point of release. The next xbox is rumoured to have a 16 core cpu and a radeon 7000 series gpu. In a console that is going to be incredible and besides why do you think Epic have released Unreal 4 footage. People really do have no idea of what console gaming is here at all or even read up on anything console related. Its all PC's rule and PC's are the best.

You really think that the next Xbox/PS4 will keep pace with your overclocked 2500k and your gtx580's SLI. I'm waiting to see this so called 16 core CPU, unless they're using the AMD Interlagos. With all that tech, they're gonna need a PC case for the extra cooling.

I wouldn't be surprised if they've opted for a high end AMD 6xxx GPU. The specs have already been decided for the next consoles if the dev kits are already out and about.

I'm not bigging up PC's Nintendo or anything. I'm just being realistic about my expectations.
14 Mar 2009
You really think that the next Xbox/PS4 will keep pace with your overclocked 2500k and your gtx580's SLI. I'm waiting to see this so called 16 core CPU, unless they're using the AMD Interlagos. With all that tech, they're gonna need a PC case for the extra cooling.

I can't see it happening either just look at the power draw/ cooling needed for cards now compared to when the 360/ps3 was released and tell me how they will be getting them into console boxes without another RROD happening.

I think the best we could hope for is along the lines of a AMD 7850. It will still probably act close to a 7970 because they only need to design things for the spefic hardware.
28 Jan 2003
Exactly, It's been stated by Sony & MS that they aren't going to spend anywhere near the amount of money they both spent on the PS3/360. Therefore, the huge leap we all seen on the 360/PS3 console won't apply to the NextBox/PS4.

Both Sony/MS are after the casual market just like Nintendo and want to make a profit from day one on their systems. They are both following Nintendo's ideology in that regard as they lost billions this gen on their hardware.

Anyone expecting 8/16Gb of RAM, 680 GTX level of GPU, etc, are seriously kidding themselves on.

When MS & Sony release their system i can see some very annoyed fans as they'll expect each system to be a lot more powerful than they actually are. It's inevitable.

You really think that the next Xbox/PS4 will keep pace with your overclocked 2500k and your gtx580's SLI. I'm waiting to see this so called 16 core CPU, unless they're using the AMD Interlagos. With all that tech, they're gonna need a PC case for the extra cooling.

I wouldn't be surprised if they've opted for a high end AMD 6xxx GPU. The specs have already been decided for the next consoles if the dev kits are already out and about.

I'm not bigging up PC's Nintendo or anything. I'm just being realistic about my expectations.

I can't see it happening either just look at the power draw/ cooling needed for cards now compared to when the 360/ps3 was released and tell me how they will be getting them into console boxes without another RROD happening.

I think the best we could hope for is along the lines of a AMD 7850. It will still probably act close to a 7970 because they only need to design things for the spefic hardware.

I love comments like this, the fact is you know just about as much as the people claiming it will have 16 cores/680 level graphics cards.

So to ridicule them you may as well ridicule yourself.

Come back when the specs are announced.
28 Aug 2006
I love comments like this, the fact is you know just about as much as the people claiming it will have 16 cores/680 level graphics cards.

So to ridicule them you may as well ridicule yourself.

Come back when the specs are announced.

I'm not claiming to know anything. I'm just merely presenting a realistic view, rather than clinging to the vaporware cloud.

People will always play the guessing game.

Besides, this thread has become sooo off-topic now.
14 Mar 2009
I love comments like this, the fact is you know just about as much as the people claiming it will have 16 cores/680 level graphics cards.

So to ridicule them you may as well ridicule yourself.

Come back when the specs are announced.

Just saying aswell as price that console makers must have other constriants on design mainly power/heat and cooling in designing the new consoles.

Edit contriants on constants :p
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