** Official Oblivion Story / Help Thread **

da_mic_1530 said:
main quest, what do i do once ive got the 4 nasty people books (the red cloak dudes) i have the 4 books it says read em 4 clues, i have, but no idea

You need to go and talk to a woman and the Arcanine (sp?) University at the Imperial city. She'll tell you to do 'something' to work out a clue. When you work out the clue dont go on your own back to try and do it like I did, you need her to tell what it is.

I hope that made sense.
I started a new game a few days ago (thanks to the annoying levelling sytem making my enemies untouchable), and I've had some problems with some magic spells I bought. I got a load in Bruma, and after buying them and leaving the mages guild, I checked my spells list, and only some of them have shown up there. For instance, the summon skeleton spell is there, but I bought a soul trap spell, and it's not in my list, and when I go back to the mage who sells them, she hasn't got it available to buy any more.

Have I hit a bug or am I missing something obvious?
da_mic_1530 said:
cheers 4 the help with the books, now im at the nasty fella area and i nick the book n they kill me, should i nick it or just do missions 4 em?

I held back until they ran up the stairs and took them out one by one before nabbing off with the book. Shame 'cos I probably missed some missions but that was a pretty hard bit to do for me.
Just did the main quest...I think. What an ending :eek: Suffice to say I don't have any weapons left...
Kainz said:
Just did the main quest...I think. What an ending :eek: Suffice to say I don't have any weapons left...

Yeah the ending is pretty mind blowing, hard as hell and a little too short but still goosebumping stuff.
J, is the "allies for Bruma" quest part of the main quest? ie do i need to complete it to complete the game? Reason i ask is i closed the gate at Cheydinhal but accidently killed the count's son in the process, now he wont even talk to me so there's no way i can get him to send troops to Bruma. Is there a way round this at all?
Has anyone found Umbra, the chick with the full ebony armour and Umbra sword? I tried talking to her but I had absolutely no dialogue options appear, not even persuasion, so I did her in and stripped her of all her stuff. After a quick search I've found that she's one of three daedra quests you have to do - will it matter that I've bumped her off already?
Ripper^ said:
J, is the "allies for Bruma" quest part of the main quest? ie do i need to complete it to complete the game? Reason i ask is i closed the gate at Cheydinhal but accidently killed the count's son in the process, now he wont even talk to me so there's no way i can get him to send troops to Bruma. Is there a way round this at all?

When I was playing the game, it did say that I needed the Allies for Bruma, even though the bloke followed me around the Oblivion Gate in Bruma and said he knew how to handle it now, so to be honest I really don't know. I did each city just to be sure, but I 'think' you can skip the help actually and simply get the artifact that Martin mentions which kinda has the same effect anyway.
i need to buy a bow, as in bow n arrow, where from? cheers

btw i found if you drop loadz stuff on the floor in the cloud ruler palace thingy, its there later, so if you need to stash some stuff....
da_mic_1530 said:
i need to buy a bow, as in bow n arrow, where from? cheers

btw i found if you drop loadz stuff on the floor in the cloud ruler palace thingy, its there later, so if you need to stash some stuff....

Buy a house yer damn litter-louting vagrant!! :p
I recommend the mansion in Anvil, i just got it after finally making 5k and it comes with a nice quest :) Nice and big too.
Windle said:
I recommend the mansion in Anvil, i just got it after finally making 5k and it comes with a nice quest :) Nice and big too.

I just did that quest.. dont know if it was worth the trouble in the end.. id been storing stuff there for ages in its grotty form.. but i suppose its much better now :D

On a side note, can you upgrade that house? because you can with others cant you?
Mirage said:
Having trouble finding nice armour (heavy). I'mstill wearingthe grand champ armour :/

There's some gorgeous glass amour in loads of caves, it'll mean you having to fight for it but it's worth it.
~J~ said:
No, it's the only house the you can't upgrade.

What happens when you upgrade houses?

Edit : Having real problems with spirits in this game, not the average ghost but any of the bad spirits such as the traitor in the "Forlorn Watchman" quest and now i can't kill Lorgren Benirus in "Where spirits have reign" (Anvil mansion quest). I'm a mostly combat orientated, my silver sword doesn't do enough damage to Lorgren and his fire attack is devastating me :(
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Windle said:
What happens when you upgrade houses?

Edit : Having real problems with spirits in this game, not the average ghost but any of the bad spirits such as the traitor in the "Forlorn Watchman" quest and now i can't kill Lorgren Benirus in "Where spirits have reign" (Anvil mansion quest). I'm a mostly combat orientated, my silver sword doesn't do enough damage to Lorgren and his fire attack is devastating me :(

When you buy a house, it's generally just the shell, old and tattered, old furniture, a fire, etc. Pretty sparce.

If you goto the local shop, you can purchase extra furnishings such as paintings, furniture, wardrobes, etc. They come at a price, and it's a mini-quest as the average house has about 15 furnishings, ranging from 1300 coins to about 7500 for the manor in Skingrad. There's no 'upgrade' a such, it just means it looks more 'homely'.

Those spirits are hard, and yes the last spirit who tricks you is a right pain to do. Have to admit, it's a very much 'each to their own' way of playing, but because I'd done the mages guild quests early on I was fortunate to have a fire staff which causes 80pts of damage and hold about 36 fireballs so tackling this spirit was just a case of unleashing about 6 fireballs and it was done.

You may need to build up your magic or armour before you can complete the quest. It's worth it though, it's a nice house and it's the only one that once you complete you haven't the additional expense of having to furnish it as it 'returns' to it's glory.
How are you guys getting all this cash? I'm about 53 hours in & have had 6000 gold at most at any one time (and haven't been spending much at all).
deSade said:
How are you guys getting all this cash? I'm about 53 hours in & have had 6000 gold at most at any one time (and haven't been spending much at all).

Get into some Oblivion gates. At the start of the weekend I'd only closed four of them (after 50 hours of play). Finally managed to get the house in Bruma at that point. Since playing over the weekend (another 10 hours) I seem to have come across a glut of them and closed another five. Found all sorts of really expensive stuff hidden in 'fleshy pods' and the like. Last one I shut I came back with two fireball staffs, an ebony axe, an ebony hammer and a heavy helmet that lets you breath underwater (thank god for rings of feather!). I now have about 17,000 after buying the house in Anvil for 5000 and a whole load of training.

I'm starting to get a pretty good character going since Khajiit can already see in the dark and now I have an amulet for breathing permanently underwater. I'm also currently in posession of about fifteen different magic rings ranging from 1000 to 5000 gold, mostly stolen from Oblivion gates.
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