*** Official OcUK Chess Thread ***

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Looked on chess.com but you have to pay to be a member to watch them entirely.

What free video tutorials can anyone recommend me ?
Looked on chess.com but you have to pay to be a member to watch them entirely.

What free video tutorials can anyone recommend me ?

Haven't tried the videos yet but ChessMentor on that site is amazing - it really has improved my game many times over this past week.
How do you get better at playing the endgame ?

My advice (for what it’s worth) on endgames.

It’s good to know the minimum pawns or pieces you need to win/lose a game.

For example, depending on where the kings are, a king and single pawn with correct play should result in a draw, so if you were in a losing position in the middle game and one pawn down you could try to exchange off all pieces and draw the game. (pawns are not strictly pieces).

It’s important to know that king and rook or queen can force a win against lone king.

Two bishops can force a win against a lone king as can bishop and knight.

Single knight or bishop cannot force checkmate.

It is NOT possible to force checkmate with two knights against a lone king (with correct play from every position, ie king in the centre of the board). However, it is possible to place the pieces on the board in a checkmate position.

Games can be drawn in the end game with (someone correct me if I’m wrong) with fifty moves being made by each player without a piece being taken or a pawn being moved? I remember drawing one game in my youth with only a king against bishop and knight where my opponent failed to make the correct moves and I escaped defeat.
Any tips on the mixed up chess games we are playing in that team game?

Do I still prioritise capture/control of centre squares or is the the target control squares the ones that would be on the diagonal to the kings position?
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Any tips on the mixed up chess games we are playing in that team game?

Do I still prioritise capture/control of centre squares or is the the target control squares the ones that would be on the diagonal to the kings position?


A very odd variation of the QG there. :p

Here are some points to consider:

Your A pawn is weak. You will need to develop your rook at some point, so this is something to be aware of.

You have a nice pawn combination controlling the centre. Be aware that these are weakest at their base and black still has two knights which can cause problems.

Presently, your black bishop and queen are passive; aim to develop them.

You are focusing on a queenside attack here, as you need to keep your king-side relatively undeveloped now you've castled. Black has developed pieces able to draw out your kingside.

With some careful play, you should be able to launch an attack on black's king whilst his rook and queen (somewhat) remain passive.

The knight on F6 will cause you problems in trying to mate, so you are looking to either draw it out/exchange or create a useful combination leading to mate. Think these through, as they sometimes use sacrifices.

You have a nicely developed centre but it's alone, a little fragile and can be undermined. Aim to develop your back line to support it before launching an attack.
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Guys, just a head's up to check the Vote Chess as we've got a move due in a couple of hours in one of the games (we're white).
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