*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

When I get annoyed at being killed constantly, I end up pulling medic/engineer then avoid fights and concentrate on repping, ammo supply, ressing. It's like another game and a lot less stressful than spwan, charge, die, spawn, charge, die.

I roll a Buggy with Marauder or Cloak Fury Flash and just go on a rampage, feels good. ;)
When is the multicore patch coming?

As it is no doubt linked to the PS4 version I would imagine sometime before the PS4 release date, they want Planetside 2 to be there as a launch title so we'll be the testbed for the optimizations.

There was also a 300mb patch the other day for which they put up no notes, seems to be performing better for me and many others since then so the assumption is that was some of what they've been working on.
So can any of you guys on Woodman recommend a good VS outfit for my alt?

Just need to find a home for a TR character now, so any suggestions there are welcome too.
I need a bit of advice on what weapons to get. I am a lvl22 TR Heavy Assault and would like some suggestions for a more powerful weapon at short range than the standard T9 CARV,and a better weapon for shooting at range.
So can any of you guys on Woodman recommend a good VS outfit for my alt?

KOTV (Keepers of the Void). Can field 3+ platoons (full platoons) during alerts and they are always well lead and structured.

A good group of people to play with as well.
I cant get the hang of this game at all, i just keep dying all the time.

Which server/faction are you?

Best advice is join an outfit so you have people to play with and learn from, if you fancy NC on Miller then digital-legion.com we'd be happy to answer any questions and help you out, play in squads/platoon and the game is much more fun than running solo.

If you prefer other factions I'm sure others on here will have outfits they can point you to.
It's both, many Outfits have an ingame section you join, that way you can see squads/platoons and their members/location. And many have external websites as well.

It really does make the game better if you find a decent outfit to play in, you can find all sorts, casual, semi casual/serious, full on serious guys etc.

Find something you like doing and do that for the outfit, like driving/deploying sunderers, AA, medic, engy etc.
Is an outfit like a guild or something? Or is it an externally run clan? I only played as a lone ranger before so was just doing my own thing.

Join a medium/large outfit. Then you can run in squads/platoons which have leaders (on voice comms) who can tell you where to go, what to do. Also you will have back-up in the form of other squad members etc.
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