*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

Actually just got back into PS2 after playing the BF4 beta and thinking "i need bigger!" :)

Tonight will be my last proper game of PS2 for quite some time I suspect. Selling off my main bits and going to the back up PC. Gonna miss the fun, the community and all the guys in my outfit.

If you are NC on Woodman, check out www.151st.co.uk Freedom Fighters [FFS] :-) Reasons to join, a lot of fun, yet serious OP nights. Last night we ran one of our regular training sessions for the new guys (basic training) and er.. 'helped' them discover how they should be fighting at the end of a TR training characters gun :D Oh and obviously casual things like the holding of regent rock last night (one of our guys got a thousand kills in a few hours lol), and The Saturday Crossroads Bonanza from a couple of weeks ago.

Have fun guys, really sad I never got to experience the optimisation patch, I hope to be back once I'm all settled, and have bought a new decent PC.

Thank you to all the guys on Woodman (including the guys from other factions!) that made it so fun.

[FFS] Scougar (now ex-platoon leader).
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Hi Scougar

When is the optimization patch due to be released?

There is no set date yet. They are still working on it and release regular updates on the things they coding/testing. The last update was a gent explaining some basic bots they are using to simulate players for load testing (which is a bit odd I suppose now I mention it, as you would think they would have done that a long time ago.)

Saying there is no set date of course, they plan for the 23rd for the first release of it, but there is no firm date. http://planetside2.co.uk/teasers/optimisation_update
Tried PS2 this morning with my Phenom II dual core backup machine on an essentially empty server with everything on low. 10 to 20 FPS all GPU limited. Oh dear.
So our fight with KOTV on Nexus finally got shown on the PS2 EU Warpgates show.

They only show a minute or two so it kinda sucks, so here is a better version

Here is a video from the VS side, check out the scoreboard at 2:20 lol

Ooo, I get to see what killed me on my Flash, that pesky AV Turret. :l

I like how the VS video finishes with me killing the guy who first killed me. :p
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Still very busy, although the populations are a bit imbalanced on some servers too. There's a whole performance improvement programme on the go at the moment, but it hasn't hit the live servers yet.
Not played this for many months, has it improved much performance wise? Also is it still busy?

Give it till the end of the month and they 'should' have released their performance upgrade patch.

Yes it's still busy, but you rarely need to queue (so it could be busier.). They changed the system so the fights are generally more focussed now so you still get massive battles.
The performance patch will bring a large number of players back if it works. The reason many left is because they simply couldn't run the game acceptably in large fights and that's where the action and fun is most of the time.
Higby posted that on 'some' systems they were seeing up to 30% improvement.

I imagine AMD systems will see the biggest gains as they're optimizing it mostly for the consoles.

The patch is only the first part of their optimization push. They'll be continuing to work on it for a while, even after the first patch.
Just saw the latest episode of "Make Game Faster" and have to wonder at the tweaks they are doing. Unique objects in bases, reducing the size of camo's? Really? Seems like they should be working on the netcode. I realise this is one tiny part of what they are doing, but still. Every bit helps I guess.

It's the big medium to large infantry fights that are really the problem.
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