*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***


I think the Vulcan Harasser, Striker and MBT stats speak for themselves. It isn't just 'omg this weapon is op, that weapon is op' its a cascading series of things. E.g. the Striker is/was op and any noob can use it with 100% effectiveness, therefore TR vehicles are safer because NC/VS will have less vehicles in the field so TR vehicles are able to get more kills and so on.

In straight comparison though I'd take the Vulcan over the Enforcer any day of the week. Do I even need to say that I'd take the Maruader over the complete abortion of a weapon that the Enforcer Modified is? Fractures (yes I know they're going to be nerfed) vs Falcons or Ravens? Striker vs Phoenix?

The NC Max needs a medium to long range set of weapons added to match the other two factions, particularly as once flamethrowers are added it won't have a single unique quality about it as TR and VS will be just as deadly in 5-10m, heck with the ZOE probably more so.

One thing we can agree on though, ZOE is quite possibly the most stupidly OP weapon I've seen in any game and needs to be nerfed big time.

and no despite the title of the thread I linked I don't think NC are 'hardmode', we do need some buffs in certain areas though.
When the ZOE got buffed that was the exact moment a lot of people went Vanu on Woodman and hence the overpop. I think it's probably the reason the increased the max costs so much as well, as they would just max crash with 20 or so maxes and there was nothing you could do. (and yes they have good engies, I will never deny that).

I have no problem with strikers if only they didn't follow through terrain etc. At least they had the decency to nerf the phoenix really quickly so it wasn't a one shot kill on infantry, but they kept screwing up the strikers :-(

I will say that the TR and Vanu on Woodman really stepped up their game, and caught the NC napping. It's a good thing, although the constant Vanu zerg can get pretty tiresome when you are trapped in the lattice system.

p.s. Interesting Stats! Wall of numbers but picked a few things out :-) Thanks.

EDIT: The Enforcer... is that the NC specific weapon for the harasser? I don't even use it, it's so pants.
EDIT: The Enforcer... is that the NC specific weapon for the harasser? I don't even use it, it's so pants.

There are two weapons called Enforcer and are both available on the Vanguard and Harasser. The base Enforcer is basically an AV weapon with fairly long range dart like projectiles and just goes ping, ping ping, its a good weapon if you can hit things reliably but you're punished for missing to a much greater extent than the Vulcan.

Then we come to the Enforcer Modified, this is a shotgun and a complete joke of a weapon, it unfortunately fills our slot where the TR have the Maruader and the Vanu have the PPA. For example for 500 certs you can get an extended magazine for it, which gives you ONE more shot, try hitting infantry with a shotgun on a harasser at full speed, and why do you want to get your tank into shotgun range?. With the vanguard you're better off with a halberd or normal enforcer, with the harasser just use a fury seriously... as you can see from those stats its so bad that in the period they tracked things for the Enforcer Modified on Harassers, got a mere 164 kills (because nobody uses it, because its awful) whereas the TR equivalent the Marauder got 18029

Re my comment on the Striker: as you say if it didn't pass through terrain and ignore flares it would almost be bearable.

For me its two things really, firstly it is really just Annihilator 2.0 improved super edition, yet when Annihilators first came out a huge amount of whining (a lot of it from the TR as it happens) got them nerfed because people were just wiping out vehicles left and right with them. So SOE in their infinite wisdom then give an improved Annihilator to only one faction.

As its a lock on it takes no skill to use at all and in a game like PS2 where numbers are king most of the time it is therefore the most effective launcher where it can achieve big results with little or not coordination. As a result TR vehicles fighting close to their own forces are much safer than NC or VS vehicles doing the same.
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I need a corp to join lol, been out this game for ages and ages so fancy starting up again. I am the NC (i think, the blue team) on the miller server. lol i like to play sniper/engineer the most but only br 13 ish. i dont really have much gear and that so was going to get some points. any tips you lovely guys can give me haha
I need a corp to join lol, been out this game for ages and ages so fancy starting up again. I am the NC (i think, the blue team) on the miller server. lol i like to play sniper/engineer the most but only br 13 ish. i dont really have much gear and that so was going to get some points. any tips you lovely guys can give me haha

As an NC engineer you are lucky to have one of the best default/starter guns in the game - the Mercenary.

Other than that, make sure you use AP mines (placed near doors, around generators etc etc).

Oh, and cert the repair tool up to at least lvl 4.
Get your nanoweave, or flak armor (depending on your play style up to level 4 too).

If you're using a good close quarters weapon use soft point ammo and put a laser sight on it.
Get your nanoweave, or flak armor (depending on your play style up to level 4 too).

If you're using a good close quarters weapon use soft point ammo and put a laser sight on it.

If you are repairing max's in close quarters ALWAYS use flak armour as the max will be target of explosives.

Recently saw a reasonable video by Wrel on TTK (Time to Kill) and Lag Compensation: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3fUok2AoaU
Worth a watch.
After recently jumping on the PTS and having a play with TR and NC weapons for the first time, I can definately say that the NC don't realise how lucky they are when it comes to their default weapons. The SAW is incredible. It's a 5 shot kill. It is unique in this aspect. It can also equip the ADVANCED grip and speciality ammo. A trait that none of the other default LMGs share. The Mercenary is also superb. High damage, again, and extremely controlable, just what you want for a new player.

And lastly, the Bolt-Driver. SOE must have been doing all the cocaine when thed decided to give a single faction a completely different CLASS of sniper. I love my Spectre, but as a sniper, it's plain outclassed by the Bolt-Driver. Overall, I love the feel of the NC snipers, even the Semis. They just feel, powerfull! But it was definately a bad move to give the only the NC a bolt-action for a starter weapon.

Vangaurds and NC MAXes are also excellent. If you know what you're doing, you can beat any other tank or MAX 1v1. Including ZOE. Seriously.

I'd have to agree with most people that the TR get the short end of the stick. Their weapons seem to be in a strange place. Having 40 rounds on carbines and AR's, however, is a massive advantage. It doesn't nececarilly make up for generally lackluster weapons, though.
Lancer is fine, Phoenix is fine, Striker will be fine when they fix the terrain bugs.

The thing I envy you guys the most for on my VS character is a High-Damage, low-mag, carbine, and a 2 round burst AR/LMG. They are awesome!
I need a corp to join lol, been out this game for ages and ages so fancy starting up again. I am the NC (i think, the blue team) on the miller server. lol i like to play sniper/engineer the most but only br 13 ish. i dont really have much gear and that so was going to get some points. any tips you lovely guys can give me haha

Check out digital-legion.com or wasp-inc.com either will be happy to help you find your way in the game.
Bear in mind that the SAW is TERRIBLE in close combat.

I kinda disagree. Admittedly, I've only had limited experience with it, but at close range, you don't need to be able to aim when you only need to hit 5 (realistically 6) shots! If you practiced toggling ADS when you need to to keep your CoF down, I think you could be extremely competitive.

As Scougar says the Saw struggles in close combat which is where most fighting takes place in this game. Yes we have 200 damage per round weapons like the Saw but their rate of fire hurts and in the case of the carbine and assault rifles they only have 20 round magazines which really punishes you for missing. As you say the Saw can use the adv grip but the thing is many would argue they need that grip to make it usable at all. So as a default gun for a nee player it isn't good because to get the most out of it you need to put 200-300 certs into it.

NC Max nobody denies it is good in places but honestly it is just far too situational and desperately needs a medium-long range option that isn't a shotgun, especially once vs and tr can dominate in close too with flamethrowers.

TR guns are fine imo, and I woild argue their traits of larger magazines and rapid fire make them much more noob friendly than NC weaponry.

The phoenix is just a gimmick and most outfits have given up using it really. Again its too situational and a lock on or decimator will serve you better more often than not.

I'm not saying all of our gear is rubbish or anything I just think people go on pts and have a serious case of grass is greener syndrome. Sure a lot of the things you mention are nice in a certain situation, but if you use them everyday you'll soon be frustrated at their downsides because it isn't often you find fights that lend themselves perfectly to those weapons in a way that lets them shine more than something else like say the EM6 lmg which is a much better all round weapon not as situationally limited and therefore a better choice to carry.
Qel, I totally defer to anyone's knowledge and experience with NC weaponry. I'm speaking from my extremely limited play time on the PTS. I definately agree with you about the grass is greener syndrome! Going back to my VS heavy, shooting 143 damage feels like a super-soaker compared to the SAW!

You make a good point about the SAW being relatively expensive to make it perform well. It's certainly true, compaed to the Orion (my least favorite weapon), where you just spend 30c on a IRNV and spray at anything that moves.
I used the SAW for a long long time, and eventually got the EM6 to replace it to get the recoil under control. I was still getting owned by shotguns and SMG's at close range due to their ability to not have to ADS. The SAW is really only for use 15 metres upwards to be effective, room defence with it is a no go really unless you need to have suppressing fire. It's still a beast of a weapon, but SMG's and shotguns are best in room defence/clearing. If you are up against people with LMG's just get up close and they are stuffed. Invisi-prawn: Don't forget that by going ADS you totally loose mobility and speed of turning etc, which means in close quarters you get stuffed very quickly (and you need that ADS with the SAW), it is awful when not ADS.

Don't forget the MUCH increased accuracy with the VS weapon. There is a reason people mock with the term "easy-mode".

Nowadays I switch between weapons much more. So far I use: Warden (Battle-rifle), GR-22 (SMG - cheap and very good), EM6, Piston (Auto-shotgun), and normally have a hawk (anti-air lock-on rocket, that can also dumb fire) selected but switch out depending on what's needed.
I kinda disagree. Admittedly, I've only had limited experience with it, but at close range, you don't need to be able to aim when you only need to hit 5 (realistically 6) shots! If you practiced toggling ADS when you need to to keep your CoF down, I think you could be extremely competitive.

I used the so called "GOD SAW" constantly when I first rolled my NC char. Its strength is medium to long range fights. It is absolutely terrible at CQC. IMO

You will get totally destroyed by anyone with a fast firing weapon and a gram of skill. It doesn't matter how hard the gun hits because it fires so slow Most TR and Vanu weapons unload a clip in the time the SAW lets off 5 rounds. The TR andf Vanu player doesnt even need to aim they just let off 30 rounds in your general direction = death.

Unless you come across a complete noob your not going to win CQC with the Saw. 1vs1 Your need to get the drop on someone and hope hes drunk if the fights at close range.

IMO SOE under estimated how much fast firing weapons effect CQC battles.

With the Blitz I can drop squads. In CQC A weapon that shoots paper bullets. Its not how hard they hit its how fast you can shoot in a close quarters fight.
Why does my game keep cutting out after about 15 mins. I've updated my graphics driver nd my set up is in my sig? Please help coz I really enjoy this :(
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