I think the Vulcan Harasser, Striker and MBT stats speak for themselves. It isn't just 'omg this weapon is op, that weapon is op' its a cascading series of things. E.g. the Striker is/was op and any noob can use it with 100% effectiveness, therefore TR vehicles are safer because NC/VS will have less vehicles in the field so TR vehicles are able to get more kills and so on.
In straight comparison though I'd take the Vulcan over the Enforcer any day of the week. Do I even need to say that I'd take the Maruader over the complete abortion of a weapon that the Enforcer Modified is? Fractures (yes I know they're going to be nerfed) vs Falcons or Ravens? Striker vs Phoenix?
The NC Max needs a medium to long range set of weapons added to match the other two factions, particularly as once flamethrowers are added it won't have a single unique quality about it as TR and VS will be just as deadly in 5-10m, heck with the ZOE probably more so.
One thing we can agree on though, ZOE is quite possibly the most stupidly OP weapon I've seen in any game and needs to be nerfed big time.
and no despite the title of the thread I linked I don't think NC are 'hardmode', we do need some buffs in certain areas though.
I think the Vulcan Harasser, Striker and MBT stats speak for themselves. It isn't just 'omg this weapon is op, that weapon is op' its a cascading series of things. E.g. the Striker is/was op and any noob can use it with 100% effectiveness, therefore TR vehicles are safer because NC/VS will have less vehicles in the field so TR vehicles are able to get more kills and so on.
In straight comparison though I'd take the Vulcan over the Enforcer any day of the week. Do I even need to say that I'd take the Maruader over the complete abortion of a weapon that the Enforcer Modified is? Fractures (yes I know they're going to be nerfed) vs Falcons or Ravens? Striker vs Phoenix?
The NC Max needs a medium to long range set of weapons added to match the other two factions, particularly as once flamethrowers are added it won't have a single unique quality about it as TR and VS will be just as deadly in 5-10m, heck with the ZOE probably more so.
One thing we can agree on though, ZOE is quite possibly the most stupidly OP weapon I've seen in any game and needs to be nerfed big time.
and no despite the title of the thread I linked I don't think NC are 'hardmode', we do need some buffs in certain areas though.