*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

Previosly I could be anywhere between 15 and 120 fps depending on where I was stood, what i was doing and how many players there were.

Deleted my user options.ini. Let PS2 auto detect settings for my machine. Switched a few up a notch or two myself. Sat at 59fps all night.

This will be because you have smoothing turned on. It attempts to keep things between 30-60 fps so if you turn it off you should get higher fps should you so desire although it will probably be a bit more spikey.
This will be because you have smoothing turned on. It attempts to keep things between 30-60 fps so if you turn it off you should get higher fps should you so desire although it will probably be a bit more spikey.

I think he means before it was all over the place FPS wise, same here I was seeing a big jump in FPS between empty and big battles, now it will sit happily at near 60FPS like with me, very impressed at how stable it all is (performance wise)
Well up until last night this was my situation with ps2 play it with most settings on high and ultra and get huge spikes in big fights, that made teh game run like crap, or turn all the settings down(which i refuse to do) and have the game look like crap and still spike down to crap frames in big fights. SO I ran with few things on high and a few on medium, low shadows

Now I have everything but shadows (which are on low) set to Ultra or high. So i have turned a few things up and enable ambient occlusion. Now the game looks and plays great.
I turn smoothing off as i run adaptive Vsync. I'm nailing 60fps 98% of the time. Haven't seen a drop below 50-55fps even in the huge battles we was having last night.
IMO great work by SEO i honestly didn't think as a base the OMFG patch would perform this well. Lets hope they continue there tweaking and performance improvements.

Optimization patches seem a thing of the past in todays gaming world. If this was EA we'd have all just been told our pcs suck and buy the latest GPU and CPU there partners are selling at the time.
Well up until last night this was my situation with ps2 play it with most settings on high and ultra and get huge spikes in big fights, that made teh game run like crap, or turn all the settings down(which i refuse to do) and have the game look like crap and still spike down to crap frames in big fights. SO I ran with few things on high and a few on medium, low shadows

Now I have everything but shadows (which are on low) set to Ultra or high. So i have turned a few things up and enable ambient occlusion. Now the game looks and plays great.
I turn smoothing off as i run adaptive Vsync. I'm nailing 60fps 98% of the time. Haven't seen a drop below 50-55fps even in the huge battles we was having last night.
IMO great work by SEO i honestly didn't think as a base the OMFG patch would perform this well. Lets hope they continue there tweaking and performance improvements.

Optimization patches seem a thing of the past in todays gaming world. If this was EA we'd have all just been told our pcs suck and buy the latest GPU and CPU there partners are selling at the time.

What gpu are you using?
So according to "Nitty" from ISK, I wallhack. :D


Pretty pathetic from someone who is BR94.
I've been pondering over signing up for this to see if it can give me the multiplayer teamwork fix that BF3 used to give me, is it easy enough to get into? Do newbies end up at a massive disadvantage for not having anything unlocked?
I've been pondering over signing up for this to see if it can give me the multiplayer teamwork fix that BF3 used to give me, is it easy enough to get into? Do newbies end up at a massive disadvantage for not having anything unlocked?

I have a subscription but there's no need to sign up tbh, the main advantage of having a subscription is having boosts to your Exp and cert point gain, those don't really have a big effect until after a few months.

The starting gear is more than capable of competing with some of the unlockable weapons, it's just a case of adding a scope for most of them. The only area I think that you will be a little underpowered in would be in the vehicles, mainly aircraft as you don't start with rocket pods or missiles which are a must.

All of the weapons, accessories and vehicle mods can be tested in the training area for free so you can get a good feel for the stuff that you like and want to save up for.

The game itself is great and people who stick together and focus on teamwork are really hard to stop, it can be a real nightmare trying to take a base full of well co-ordinated players, but at the same time it makes it so much more epic and rewarding.
My FPS is a lot more stable. There is smoothing auto enabled now, so you might see lower FPS if you were getting above 60 before (mines locked to 60)

You can change that:-

Framerate smoothing will raise your minimum FPS and make the FPS more consistent. As far as I'm aware *everyone* should use this option. It is good for low/high end machines and everything in between.

Open your UserOptions.ini file from the PS2 game directory.
Go down to the [Rendering] section and add;

Change the first setting to the Hz of your monitor. So 60 for 60 Hz, 120 for 120Hz etc

Don't enable v-sync as that introduces input lag! If you get tearing drop it down to 59 or 119 . Drop it a little more if tearing is still present.

I use SmoothingMaxFramerate=71 as my monitor is overclocked to 72hz.

Enjoy a better smoother Planetside :)

Oh, and Myriad Apocolyse Project on Woodman VS are recuriting ;-)

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I have been a little disappointed with this game. It just doesn't do the same for me as Planetside 1 did. Shame really.

That's pretty much why I don't play it, I was in beta and had high hopes, bought 6 months of premium and quit playing after 1 month due to lag, and boredom.

100% disappointing game for me after way too many hours spent on PS1. Saying that, I am just about to try it again, from an i7 950 / 7970 to 4770k / 290, so we'll see if it's any better.
That's pretty much why I don't play it, I was in beta and had high hopes, bought 6 months of premium and quit playing after 1 month due to lag, and boredom.

100% disappointing game for me after way too many hours spent on PS1. Saying that, I am just about to try it again, from an i7 950 / 7970 to 4770k / 290, so we'll see if it's any better.

You might want to hold off a bit more then - only difference now is improved FPS which is possibly the best thing to happen to the game, but for my server atleast it is still plagued by population problems (only ever big fights on one continent) and the same stale gameplay.

I'm waiting for Hossin and continent locking before I really get back into the game, that way it will have some feel of progression like in PS1 but alas it has been pushed far to the back :(
You might want to hold off a bit more then - only difference now is improved FPS which is possibly the best thing to happen to the game, but for my server atleast it is still plagued by population problems (only ever big fights on one continent) and the same stale gameplay.

I'm waiting for Hossin and continent locking before I really get back into the game, that way it will have some feel of progression like in PS1 but alas it has been pushed far to the back :(

Normally I would agree about the continents but last night on Woodman, we had some epic battles on Esamir. Made a pleasant change from slogging it out on Indar
I've downloaded this through Steam, trying to create an account but when I fill all the required fields in it just gives me the following error:

We're sorry an unexpected error has occurred while we were processing your request. If you encounter this same error again, please contact us so we can offer further assistance at help.soe.com

Their help page is predictably useless, what do I need to do? :)
I've been pondering over signing up for this to see if it can give me the multiplayer teamwork fix that BF3 used to give me, is it easy enough to get into? Do newbies end up at a massive disadvantage for not having anything unlocked?

Takes like a week to learn really. People say it's got a steep learning curve... it's not that steep anyway.

I try to break it down for you, there are bases, each base has a point called A, B, C or D and it's your job to stand at this point till the little bar and timer goes down and goes up for your faction till the base changes colour.

The trick is to stay alive long enough.

Other then that, try to find a good outfit to join and join platoons.

I recommend you join TR on Miller for a good time.

Also **** this game, my 5th crash in 30 minutes.
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