The Lightning’s available to all three factions, and comes outfitted with a Skyguard turret that’s effective at ground-to-air firing as it is against on-foot infantry. Even better, its shots burst into flak if they’re shot near aircraft, so even if you miss a couple shots against airborne enemies, you’re likely to do some serious damage. The Lightning is also a predator of the battlefield: the ATV-like quad is the only vehicle that can outrun it, and the only way to evade a Lightning is to turn back and retreat towards your base. Though it won’t beat a full-on battle tank in a head-on fight, it can easily strafe around it to take it down from behind.
Capable of firing up to six rounds in under three seconds, allowing the driver to quickly adjust their aim after their first shot
Designed to have a modular turret that can be completely swapped out for other turrets types
Its "Skyguard" turret is the most effective ground-to-air weapon on the battlefield, as it's fitted with 40mm cannons with an elevation range of 80 degrees
Fastest ground vehicle, besides the quad, making it difficult to out run it