*** Official Planetside 2 Thread ***

NDA, sadly. It is ultimately best for the success of the game to comply with it imo.

No it's not. Alpha/VERY EARLY Dev is almost always under NDA but Beta rarely is.

Having only the opinion/feedback of a very small segment of your market in the form of Beta testers is never good. A large % of people who get into betas do so for having a blast and some fun and almost never submit any feedback whatsoever.

What purpose does keeping a beta of a game under full NDA when you have so many people in it and everything will leak anyway?

Public betas, which is what PS2 beta will be, invite or not do not need NDAs. Everyone and their dog just likes to slap an NDA on everything these days, gives them a get out of jail free card to censor anyone and everyone without lashback from the community for it.
The problem with NDA's is that the people who like the game won't say anything as they don't want to get banned but the people who hate it won't care if they get banned so they can trash the game as much as they want.
I read that the Devs said the NDA is supposed to be in force for the beta but will be lifted at some point.

I suspect that if they do a closed beta initially (PS1 Vet & PC Gamer key) then the NDA will still be in place, then once they start letting the website Beta applicants in, then they'll lift the NDA.

Now we just have to wait for news....... <annoying> :D
T_T Got a priority key so hoping it gets released soon.

iirc smedly tweeted the order in which people are let in the beta and it basically goes active ps1 subs > inactive ps1 subs > priority keys(pcg, e3 etc) > twitter and the rest. So chances are you wont be in the first wave of beta invites.
I loved the first Planetside, probably my favourite FPS of all time. I doubt I'll see the beta for this one unfortunately but is there any idea of a release date? I'd guess early/mid 2013 if public beta is starting soon?
I loved the first Planetside, probably my favourite FPS of all time. I doubt I'll see the beta for this one unfortunately but is there any idea of a release date? I'd guess early/mid 2013 if public beta is starting soon?

No idea on open beta, but think closed beta could very we start in the next 2 days.

If you go on there twitter and keep bugging them THEY WILL send you a closed beta key!
I don't have Twitter, although it may be a worthwhile time to get myself an account lol. I wish I still had access to my old Planetside account as I have read they get keys too? Just been watching a few recent videos on YouTube, it looks incredible. Some of the night time footage is absolutely amazing. Not seen any sniping footage though which I have no doubt would make me drool :p
Yep, looks like another week of Tech Test at least, then possible Beta next week.

Usually take what Smedley says with a pinch of salt as he tends to be out of whack with his dates for stuff. :D
I don't have Twitter, although it may be a worthwhile time to get myself an account lol. I wish I still had access to my old Planetside account as I have read they get keys too? Just been watching a few recent videos on YouTube, it looks incredible. Some of the night time footage is absolutely amazing. Not seen any sniping footage though which I have no doubt would make me drool :p

Easy and quick to get a twitter account, seems a small thing to do if you want a key.

And I see they listed tech test times so definitely no closed beta this week.
I loved the first Planetside, probably my favourite FPS of all time. I doubt I'll see the beta for this one unfortunately but is there any idea of a release date? I'd guess early/mid 2013 if public beta is starting soon?

PS1 players get priority for beta, so if you can remember your login it will work on planetside 2 site then apply to beta and wait until it starts
PS1 players get priority for beta, so if you can remember your login it will work on planetside 2 site then apply to beta and wait until it starts

Afraid I can't, it was under an old e-mail that I have no idea what it was or what the password was. So it looks like I'm tweeting my way into beta, although I have no idea what to do lol.
Will be anytime after Friday (Probably a week or so after). I'm not too sure why they're stalling, it will definitely have some kind of problem and that's what beta is for XD
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