!!**Official RAGE Thread**!!

it'll be interesting to see what's going on with DOOM 4, It wont be out for ages though, because all the advertising/hype usually starts a year in advance and DOOM 4 is STILL dead quiet

as for RAGE, it's a waste of time , too many bad posts, you can tell it's not much good.... i'll wait for borderlands 2/ bulletstorm and then wait for FAR CRY 3/ GHOST SNIPER 2 AND CRYSIS 3

In John Carmacks keynotes he mentioned that Doom 4 hasn't had the traditional id hype as their new publisher (zenimax) wanted it done their way, IIRC he implied they'd have been hyping it the last 6 months if it was done the traditional way which probably means somewhere in the region of 6 months away.

I wouldn't call RAGE a waste of time, theres a lot of problems with it, but theres also some great stuff in it, tbh I think they could make a great game from it with fairly minimal tweaking as far as the gameplay problems go, most of the content is there just not the best used. The rendering issues and how static the environments are however would take a lot more work and thats why they've pulled the people from that who would have been fixing RAGE to put their efforts into Doom 4 make sure the same mistakes aren't made there.
I have rage only played 30 mins I must get into it I have too many games, I even have deus ex which I have not payed yet either. I did notice pop ins while playing rage but it seems like a fun rpg/fps game
Just completed this, thoughts below:

+Awesome easter eggs like homage to Doom etc
+Characters are generally decent although it is a shame some of the ones you meet early in the game don't feature later on e.g. the Hagars
+Decent array of weapons
+Combat is generally satisfying, although the AI sucks
+I thought the game length was OK although that was probably because I was attempting pretty much all the side missions and (proper) races. Steam clocked me in at 14hrs although that may be counting time I had it paused, not sure. I reckon you could blitz through it pretty quick though if you don't bother talking to people and just focus on the main missions.
+Aside from the framerate cap and stuttering I initially experienced the performance is very solid, it never moves from 60fps.
+Good graphics
+Great sound (even got the Doom midi music :D )

-Feels like a Borderlands rip-off with worse gameplay/loot and better graphics
-Ammo provision is very inconsistent e.g. the Mutant Bash TV show is an absolute joke I assumed they would provide more ammo or at least give you the opportunity to restock between rounds. I ended up completely running out (all weapons) and having to kill the final boss with my fists!!
-The fearsome 'Authority' that is a theme throughout the game never really made much of an appearance I was expecting to face the full might of their forces at some point but aside from the odd skirmish there wasn't really much
-Reuse of 'dungeons' is a bit poor in a largely linear FPS game; for something like Borderlands fair enough but they should have had more different environments in Rage. It got to the stage where I was walking past locking doors thinking "will that door open up as an exit later, or will it be for when I have to revist this hellhole for some other mission?"
-Racing is too easy except for the Rallies which I didn't really "get" so didn't bother with
-Apart from the start of the game headshots don't seem powerful enough i.e. if I shoot a guy in the face with a Fatboy or Sniper Rifle I expect that to take him down unless he's wearing a helmet or a super-mutant
-Was really surprised at how small-scale the environment is, based on early previews (and all the talk of megatextures etc) I was expecting some sort of MASSIVE world but really it didn't feel that big at all compared to something like Halflife 2, Fallout 3, heck even Duke Nukem Forever.
-Ending is a bit anti-climactic in that you are just facing these weedy mutants rather than a bunch of heavies or super-mutants etc. I stocked up on ammo before leaving expecting an epic fight but it never arrived - heck I never even fired my BFG as I was saving it for a proper fight or a boss :(
-Had a bug where I fell out the bottom of the level when being a bit impatient jumping off the lift down below subway city.
-Transition between Wasteland and Settlements is really clunky, there should be a way to just go straight in without the annoying vehicle transition screen (with Enter defaulting to "Repair" rather than "Leave", and even when you choose Leave occasionally you pick the wrong option and end up outside again GRRRR!!)
-60fps cap, totally unacceptable in a FPS game
-Had some weird stuttering issue whereby the game runs at constant 60fps but then it as though somebody has flicked a switch and suddenly the framerate drops to single digits when turning the mouse. I checked VRAM usage (peaked at 2GB out of 3GB) and RAM usage (over 2GB free) so that can't have been the problem. In the end I had to get some cfg online and created some cache directories to fix it (also moved the game to my SSD)
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Just completed it too. Echo most of the thoughts in the post above.

Returning to the same areas repeatedly for different missions was pretty lame. I gave up on doing side missions early on for this reason. The ending was indeed a massive anti-climax - what was the point in the BFG? I didn't use it either. Weird that there was no end "boss" when you faced some in earlier sections of the game.

It was pretty good overall but could have been so much better.
Yeah the storyline didn't really work. It had potential but the main 'bad guy' never really did anything of note while you were there and there wasn't anyone to really target so the final mission just seemed to be you fighting through pawns to reach... nothing in particular.
Still looking forward to some DLC for it, it's gone quiet on that front lately though.

Doubt it'll get any, the game wasn't that well received and id assume at this point theyve ditched it and moved on. =/ Aside from the update i don;t think its been even been mentioned by id in about a year or more.
Still looking forward to some DLC for it, it's gone quiet on that front lately though.

John Carmack mentioned in one of his keynotes that all future development on RAGE has been put on the back burner to "ensure" the same issues don't arrise with Doom 4. I don't think hes very happy with how the game (RAGE) panned out and may revisit it in the future. But for now all work on stuff like DLCs afaik is suspended until Doom 4 is released.

To be fair it was id's first attempt at doing something very different and very ambitious and while the game overall didn't quite work as I think they intended I think its a solid stepping stone for them to build on and see what mistakes they made, what worked well, etc. and make better future products because of it.

I enjoyed RAGE such as it was but there was a lot of stumbling blocks, I found it especially annoying that you'd get weapons/tools at the end of a section that would make that section really fun to play again or even to go back to a do some additional missions in the area, but there was nothing left to go back to that area for despite a lot of stuff they could have reused in an interesting way and those weapons/tools were of little use in the next section of the game.
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RAGE was a good blast, but it didn't feel finished. It was certainly very polished, graphics wise, but it felt to me like it needed a better story, less linear levels, and more interesting characters. It was like taking the foundations of 'Quake' and attempting a Quake themed Fallout 3. It just didn't gel together properly, yet the concept held so much promise and potential.
And right on time....


Further evidence has emerged to suggest that Bethesda plans to release campaign DLC for last year's shooter Rage.

Rage: The Scorchers was classified by PEGI back in the summer, and now a list of PS3 Trophies for the content has been published online by PS3 Trophies. They reference a campaign, as well as roly-poly and video poker mini-games. The Scorchers is a clan which was originally intended to feature in the game before being cut prior to release.
Hardly concrete, but I came across this earlier and then noticed this thread only to find people taking about dlc
I've finally started playing this after buying it when it first came out. I had the misfortune at the time to have both only a dual core processor and an AMD GPU. The game basically didn't work for the first couple months after it came out and when it did get patched I couldn't get into it.

I reinstalled it recently and on my current rig it's very fluid - and if you go to the trouble to use some of the custom configs out here, the infamous popup pretty much goes away. I have to say, I'm about 50% of the way through and I'm enjoying it tremendously. The art direction, music and the visceral gunplay is really enjoyable. I feel in this generation of shooters the actual mechanics of shooting feels a bit...I don't know, weak. Rage bucks that. Playing Rage after COD or one of the BF games is quite jarring (in a good way).

In Rage it's so satisfying running around narrow corridors with your shotgun, and just blasting stuff. There's actual fun, a lot of fun, to be had in just shooting.

I can understand some of the criticisms of the game. The linear narrative, go here, do that, come back, that sort of thing. It was really hard going to get past the first 2 hours. But once you hit Wellspring, you stop worrying so much about the narrative, and just start looking forward to an excuse to go somewhere and shoot things.

Sometimes I just drive around looking at the scenery, or doing the skill jumps. Other times I go into a 'dungeon' I've already cleared and just shoot stuff or blow enemies up with the remote control cars.

What I get though (and I haven't finished it yet), is an enormous sense of sadness that this game didn't get a little bit more love. From the Press, from gamers, or from id even, themselves. It feels like it has the potential here for a truly amazing game. But it's been given up on. There's flashes of brilliance here, but it seems like either the tech or game vision (or both) was too ambitious and the game got weighed down by expectations.

It has a metacritic score of 79 and can be picked up for under a tenner. Mass Effect DLC costs more than this...

I have heard the ending leaves a bit to be desired. But I don't care. I am just enjoying the gameplay and I think this is a terribly underrated game.
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RAGE not looking as good as it used too :S

I was a big RAGE fan when it launched and In preparation for the release on Monday of the new expansion I have reinstalled it and recovered my saves from a backup however Im not sure if its rose tinted glasses or what but im sure it just does not look as good as it did 14 months ago.

Spec then:
i3 540 @ 4GHz
1GB 460GTX Hawk Talon Attack 810MHz
21" Acer 1600x900 CCFL backlit TFT on VGA
Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit

Spec now:
i7 3930K @ 4GHz
3GB HD7950 Boost
23" LG 1920x1090 LED backlit IPS on DVI
Windows 8 Pro 64bit

For some reason the textures don't seem as high res as I remember and everything looks a bit grainy (like the way T2 looks on bluray due to the filming process used). I do have everything maxed out in the options.

Any ideas? The game is now over a year old so ATi/AMD must have fixed their driver issues now surely? Im really looking forward to the new expansion (hell at $5 who wouldn't be) and hope I can get this fixed if it is an issue, im sure it should look better than this.
if you carried over the saves from your old pc it usually loads the graphic settings aswell

maybe if you did a re install and start a new game it would save/load system specs properly? other than that i cant think of anything,looks and runs fine for me with 7850 card,is it any different using a hdmi cable? thats what im using on my monitor,technically they are the same hdmi/dvi apart from sound
The latest update added a "detail" stage to textures which is just a noise pattern (makes textures look grainy) can turn that off if you don't like it.
I copied the saves but not the video config file, set it all up when I started the game, don't really feel like re downloading 17 odd gig to see if stream messed up the installation.

Do these look right? they look good but to me not really better than Quake 4 or UT3 and I remember RAGE being better than them...

I copied the saves but not the video config file, set it all up when I started the game, don't really feel like re downloading 17 odd gig to see if stream messed up the installation.

Do these look right? they look good but to me not really better than Quake 4 or UT3 and I remember RAGE being better than them...


looks pretty sweet to me to be honest
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