!!**Official RAGE Thread**!!

Its not a console port as such, but the limits for the console have definitely had a knock on effect for the PC, the game seems to have been focused laterly on "what can fit on a sensible amount of media for the xbox/ps3" and "what looks good on a 720p 40" TV viewed from 6+ foot". If you play it on a large screen, especially at typical console resolution, at a distance it looks stunning. Even another 5gigs of texture data on the PC would have alleviated the most noticeable low res textures. Which sucks a bit as the original concept of the megatexture system was so that artists could go in and develop the product at super high resolution and then the engine would crunch down to the target platform automatically without having to keep in mind the limitations of the various platforms.

Also on a lot of AMD cards it seems to look even lower resolution than on nVidia cards, not sure why but they seem to have far more compression artifacts and less texture detail - it may be due to the fact that the transcoding has a set ms budget which has a direct impact on the quality rendered that frame and AMD drivers seemed a bit slow at the transcoding also resulting in more noticeable texture popin to.
Indeed, not a lot of pop in on my geforce but housemates radeon is unbearable constant pop in. Also a little confused that I get such high framerate but low textures, the game does look awesome when you're not too close to anything but anything closer than about 6 feet looks horrendous. Though characters and vehicles look excellent.
Still tempted to get this!

So far it's very good.

I've bound to have forgotten a few things but anyway...

Upside :

* Graphics where good are imo very good, they suit the environment rather well. I think the lighting kind of saved the day here though, probably the most consistent addition for the visual element.

* Voice acting is good.

* Combat is thoroughly enjoyable. I'm playing through on normal during my first campaign; will most likely run it on nightmare next time because iirc the a.i. is sharper, so that should be good.

* My system seems to run it well, x 16 AA, transcoding and using the latest WHQL from Nvidia. Texture pop-in is almost a non-issue, most times I don't notice it and when I do it's over in a blink.

* I liked the racing and car upgrade mechanics (no pun :)), and the feel of roaming around the wasteland taking on side missions added a really nice touch to the game.

Downside :

* I tend to agree with others; the ending is a bit abrupt and to a certain degree unexpected, though I wasn't as bothered by this as some players seem to have been.

* Maybe it's because I've seen too many games over the years, but it did get a little repetitive towards the end - shooting someone in the head two or three times for them to drop. I think they've done a good job with the a.i. but some aspects of combat rarely seem to alter much when a new game is released.

* Although I appreciate that the environment isn't meant to be a fully staged rpg like the Fallout games (and even those have limitations on movement restrictions - as all games inevitably do), it did seem a shame to see so much potential be used for not much else other than presentation purposes. I think the technology is amazing and like many others I'm sure, I would welcome a future title built with a much a stronger rpg design, though realistically I can't see idsoftware going down this road.

All in all, I think some slack should be given to them for making imo a good, solid shooter with some rpg elements included. I think the technology and development can only improve the polish for future titles.

It was nice to be able to press F5 and save during the game when I wanted to.....now we just need a health bar like in Stalker or a counter like in Quake. ;)

19 hours campaign, roughly 7.5 / 10.
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So just got the game the other day. Running it with most options on ingame and using smart vsync tho i cant get adaptive vsync to work with Rage from the new nvidia drivers grr, 2x aa and the rest is set to best settings like textures.

Runs ok for the most part, using fxaa as well using nvidia inspector tho not sure how much of that is working. I get some tearing and i also get some texture pop in when i rotate the camera. What are the vital tweaks to do and how to do em? I have a 1gb 460 card overclocked, q6600 @3.2ghz and 4gb ddr2.

The benchmark thing says 51 and is rated good.

I have the skip intro and the fov tweaks in the command thing for steam so thats sorted so far.
Just finished it, disappointing, and easy ending, tbh I found the Gearheads and the Deadcity a lot more gripping than the Authority
Only just started playing this and I love it so far, my only problem is the amount of film grain, especially in dark areas. Too excessive for my liking ;)
Looks like there may be some DLC on it's way. RAGE: The Scorchers.

Link and here

cinemablend said:
id Software's post-apocalyptic shooter RAGE may finally receive some downloadable content. PEGI, the video game ratings board for Europe, is now listing something called RAGE: The Scorchers.

The Scorchers are one of the six bandit clans that patrol the ruined world of RAGE. They apparently worship the asteroid that nearly wiped out all life on the Earth. Their clothing and vehicles are decorated with fire images. They presumably wield flamethrowers, too.

If you played through RAGE, you probably haven't heard of the Scorchers. That's because id was forced to cut them out of the game toward the end of development. Looks like the development team decided to hang onto the Scorchers material they had created and build post-launch DLC around it.
It still does, :D the whining is unbelievable, I suppose people had unrealistic expectations of iD. I'll get the DLC personally, I enjoyed it.
Rage Textures couple questions

Only just bought the game and when setting the game settings up, when I switch on Texture detail I get the message.

"Your PC has an insufficient number of cores. Enabling this feature may reduce the texture streaming performance"

But I have an i5 2500k? witch is 4 cores, this game wants more? Also am using a AMD HD 7950 witch is 3GB Vram and 8GB Ram. I have also noticed this slow texture load is this because of this?

The hardware detection in the game is beyond broken and the settings will often switch to sub-optimal settings and then not let you manually change them because its not detected whatever it needs despite you actually having the hardware.

Game is still seriously in need of patching/fixing I had it working fine up until the latest patch and now it won't let me enable CUDA transcode or force another couple of settings I was using despite having a GTX470 which supports CUDA fine.
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