****Official rFactor 2 Thread****

Morning all. Nearly finished my racing cockpit in my gaming room but would like some advice on a couple of final bits. I am looking to purchase rf2 as soon as I am finished the build so this will be my primary racer.

Firstly, I am looking to run some sort of external display for telemetry info (fuel, tyre cond, etc). I have a spare laptop or two which could be used (incl a touch screen). I have read reports of sim tools and motecadd but having never raced before am looking for advice as to which to use.

Secondly, I have made a couple of button boxes for other games so would be looking to add one to this build. Could anyone help with what buttons would be handy to have on a box please?

Many thanks in advance for any help. I'm looking forward to getting into this sim. I dabbled with rf1 years back but only had a cheaply wheel set that was attached to the desk and to be honest it wasn't very realistic. This time I want to go the whole hog to see what I can get out of it
A button box would be useful depending on what wheel you have. A logitech g27 with shifter attached can do almost everything you want. But 10 extra buttons wouldn't do any harm.
In rfactor 2, you can pre set anti rollbar settings, brake bias and other things

You can have 3 rows with 3 buttons on each, 1 row could be brake bias pre set, 2nd row anti roll bar pre set and 3rd row suspension stiffness pre set. This would help you with a setup big time instead of going into the garage every 2 laps.

Other things could be a flick switch which can be ignition on and off, and a big red button saying start to start the engine.

as for telemetry info, rfactor 1 has lots of programs for that. Rfactor 2 how ever is still in its beta. You might find something but i wouldn't trust it.
Had a go on a friends pc. The formula ISI is amazing! You really feel the difference with the DRS open (rear wing flap in settings). It took a while to adjust, as if you open to early it feels like someone just lifted your car up and spun your around. Once its gone, its gone!

Renault meganes to me have taken a big hit. Cant seem to get a good laptime around mills metro now. Could be me using a different wheel and setup but i couldnt even get 1 sec close to my best time.

Announcing "Brianza"
Hi folks,

We have entered final testing of a new historic track for rFactor2. Coming in two configurations (to start with), "Brianza" is a 1966 10km (max) circuit suitable for 1966 period F1 cars.

Also featured in the screenshots is the Brabham BT20, now officially confirmed.

All were taken in a development build (why the strange resolution and lack of AA).


Tim and ISI.
Roughed it around to show you what the ISI f1 cars are like. Used a old wheel with no FFB. The track is searspoint, located here

Amazing track, you should try it out!
hey mate, i was playing this today.

what track is that?

also i cant get the 370z to work in game, any ideas how to get this to work???
I actually like the track, hated it in rF1 but when i gave it a go on rf2 i quite enjoyed it. Still think mid ohio is best modded track in rF2 so far.

Another video for some people who have not seen rF2 :)
So will rFactor 2 come with more cars, or types of formula, than rFactor to better demonstrate what it can do?

just the whole track i dont like, that and VIR 2 worst tracks in america...
Don't mind VIR too much actually. It's quite fast and flowing. I do find the last bend leading into the last corner comes up on me quite quickly so I never get onto the right line. :p
So will rFactor 2 come with more cars, or types of formula, than rFactor to better demonstrate what it can do?

Yes it will. there is a link somewhere saying what is certain to be in the final/production release. There will be more than what was in rF1 anyway.

All i know off the top of my head, there will be karts :) which im going to enjoy very much
Yes it will. there is a link somewhere saying what is certain to be in the final/production release. There will be more than what was in rF1 anyway.

All i know off the top of my head, there will be karts :) which im going to enjoy very much
Nice. Link in this thread did you mean? And I like the sound of karts. :cool:
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