***Official Rift Planes of Telara Thread***

The UI is very customizable out of the box. I had to increase the size of everything as I'm blind as a bat.

There is an option to change the overall UI size, and there is also a more in-depth option that allows you to change the size and position of every aspect of the UI.


Another + hmmm

Gonna be playing it in about 40mins, just sorting a laptop out first :)

Thanks for letting me know mate.
Overall impression from the few hours I played, smooth, polished, stable. I felt aspects of WoW and WAR predominantly, got a feeling it could go either way at the moment. If Trion build on what I saw so far, and really push hard, it could grow very well and have an extremely healthy userbase, the foundations and polish are certainly there for that. On the other hand, it could slip into the same rutt that WAR fell into and subscriptions could plummet rapidly if they dont keep on top of keeping the world feeling open and not letting the playerbase lock themselves away in instances. Its definitely got potential, a lot more potential than many MMOs since WoW.

Sounds good so far, gonna join a pve-rp server in about 35mins(the one I want has high pop, well it's the only one I *think*).

I am thinking the same as you as regards slipping down the same road as WAR, but I had beef with WAR in anyway.

Can't wait to get going, especially since I now know you can increase the size of the ui, and the ui is generally quite customizable out of the box etc. :)
Tombstone id advise against levelling as a pure healer it would be painfully slow, level as shaman/druid or inq/cab then buy a new role at 13 and respec then you can switch,whenever you are out of combat. Remember with this game you're not stuck as a healer by picking cleric, you can save yourself a lot of boredom by having a questing/levelling role (shaman/druid/inq/cab), and a healing role (Sent/pur/warden) plus if you really wanted, tank (Justicar), then change whenever :)

Also some advice on souls, your third soul really shouldnt have many if any at all points in it, focus on 2 then just use a third with a useful 0 point ability.
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Tombstone id advise against levelling as a pure healer it would be painfully slow, level as shaman/druid or inq/cab then buy a new role at 13 and respec then you can switch,whenever you are out of combat. Remember with this game you're not stuck as a healer by picking cleric, you can save yourself a lot of boredom by having a questing/levelling role (shaman/druid/inq/cab), and a healing role (Sent/pur/warden) plus if you really wanted, tank (Justicar), then change whenever :)

Also some advice on souls, your third soul really shouldnt have many if any at all points in it, focus on 2 then just use a third with a useful 0 point ability.

Well as I say this is really just a demo for me, this character is not to be levelled seriously , its just to see how the different heal spells compare to each other. Having said that, I don't mind slow levelling, it took me almost a year to "max" my first character in UO and around 9 months to max my first character in daoc. Newer MMOs feel like rocket speed levelling compared to those no matter how "slow" they are supposed to be ;)
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Really enjoying this so far, my server is down for 30 mins due to a hotfix :( ... least I know these guys are on the ball.

Two words so far:

Super Sleek

Will add more later, but like I said really enjoying it. Comparing it to WoW in these early stages seems to suggest this is already as polished and seems like a natural evolution of WoW, apologies for comparisons but I'm really sick of WoW almost destroying most mmo's on the market.

Will add more, the more I play(which could be a lot).

One thing of note. I have increased the interface size, but when I go into the soul spend screen you cannot see how many points you have to spend as the window is too big, hopefully this might be the hotfix!
Its certainly concerning that there are so many people saying they are bored of Rift, especially after just a couple of weeks. Can only hope that its more that they are bored of the genre as a whole than bored of Rift itself.
Its certainly concerning that there are so many people saying they are bored of Rift, especially after just a couple of weeks. Can only hope that its more that they are bored of the genre as a whole than bored of Rift itself.

Happens in all games though, for me as mentioned above, other games taking my interest as well as there being a very linear progression/path in leveling, a lot of other mmos you can decide to go to different areas and such, meaning that re-playability in this game is going to be a complete bore having to go to the exact-same-areas on a new character.

I rerolled halfway through as I wanted to play a healer itself which will also contribute to the boredom gained.

Maybe some end game pvp/pve will be more fun rather than the grind of leveling :D
Anyone tried a raid Rift yet? Seen em popping up every so often.

Ding'ed 44 last night, Titanium Curiass looks epic :D

Anyway to stop interface setting syncing with the server? Having an eyefinity UI try to work on a 1600x900 screen on the laptop doesn't look good!
@Tombstone - when you hit 10 you can enter WF. You can do this by pressing K and then you can join the queue. I joined once I hit 10 and people were so appreciative of good healing and mainly because I was the only healer in there!
The problem I'm having with this game as far as replayability goes is that there are no alternate zones for leveling with an alt. Even when you roll the opposing faction the zones seem to be split and mirrored for each faction after you leave the first zone. I personally dont think this is going to hold many peoples attention after 2-3 months and half the servers will be merged.
The problem I'm having with this game as far as replayability goes is that there are no alternate zones for leveling with an alt. Even when you roll the opposing faction the zones seem to be split and mirrored for each faction after you leave the first zone. I personally dont think this is going to hold many peoples attention after 2-3 months and half the servers will be merged.

i dont understand?
@Tombstone - when you hit 10 you can enter WF. You can do this by pressing K and then you can join the queue. I joined once I hit 10 and people were so appreciative of good healing and mainly because I was the only healer in there!

Ah thanks, will give that a try when I reach 10 so that I can see how the WF stacks up, I'm expecting something pretty similar to the WoW and WAR BGs. More into open world PvP in MMOs, but will give the WF a try. Totally forgot that Liverpool were playing tonight too, so wont get too long to play tonight.
The problem I'm having with this game as far as replayability goes is that there are no alternate zones for leveling with an alt. Even when you roll the opposing faction the zones seem to be split and mirrored for each faction after you leave the first zone. I personally dont think this is going to hold many peoples attention after 2-3 months and half the servers will be merged.

Cant say that particularly bothers me, UO had the same areas to level up all your characters in, as did Daoc and LoTRO. In all of those you had to do the same zones with each character. I suppose some people might be put off by it, but all of those have/had very healthy subscriber bases for many years.
I don't know why I play MMos, they're such a wind-up. Entering a WF with a bunch of mouth breathers is really bad for my blood pressure. I need to find a PvP guild before I develop a brain tumour.
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