***Official Rift Planes of Telara Thread***

Level 18 and I'm already starting to see a lot of slows, stuns and CC in BGs. I hoping this doesn't go the same way as WoW, where you're hardly ever in control of your character at top level.
Lvl'ed a Guardian Celric up to 12 tonight on another server (its pretty much a pally with a pet :D), did a big RIFT event and it was awesome
Changed my champion build to riftblade/reaver.. oh my god is it awesome!

The aoe damage I can do is insane also am able to kite when needed and solo rift elites.

I have one problem at the minute and that is I'm on the shard Mordant which is low pop - less than 100 people on guardian side. I'm level 27 and don't fancy re-rolling, does anyone reckon they'll merge a few realms soonish as I'm not sure how many people they have subscribing after the initial launch?
Changed my champion build to riftblade/reaver.. oh my god is it awesome!

The aoe damage I can do is insane also am able to kite when needed and solo rift elites.

I have one problem at the minute and that is I'm on the shard Mordant which is low pop - less than 100 people on guardian side. I'm level 27 and don't fancy re-rolling, does anyone reckon they'll merge a few realms soonish as I'm not sure how many people they have subscribing after the initial launch?

Personally mate I would just bite the bullet and reroll. Game has only been live a few days and even just over a week with the early access. You will be 27 in no time if you get stuck in. Just remember what points you put where and go for it.
In between a rock and a hard place! I spent the majority of the weekend wasting away getting to level 25 and I'd have to do it all again.. this makes me sad :(
In between a rock and a hard place! I spent the majority of the weekend wasting away getting to level 25 and I'd have to do it all again.. this makes me sad :(

Give it a couple of weeks, things *might* pick up, by then you'll be 50, I reckon they'll offer free transfers pretty quickly though, I think they know they over did it with the servers
Any Cleric/Healer around 25 want to group level? I'm riftblade/reaver which has amazing AE damage but I don't have enough points in reaver to pull the 7-10 mobs yet for the self heals.
Still at the lower levels and really hoping that world pvp opens up at higher zones, that or they make the warfronts larger scale. Sick of walking into a place with what I call "wow syndrome" if your team doesn't get the objective and dies in the first minute of the battleground they give up and start hopping around the spawn zone so they don't get kicked for afk saying something along the lines of "lose already lulz, i want my exp" it reallllllllly boils my ****. Don't like dying? Go play PvE rather than giving up, ends up with me and 1 or 2 others getting the stuffing kicked out of us as we are the only ones trying.

First negative that I have against the game so far though, unsurprisingly, its a community problem which it tends to be with all MMO's these days :rolleyes:
I'm finding warfronts frustrating too. The only way to play them, in my opinion, is as part of a pre-made team. That's the only way you can guarantee some sort of cohesive plan. On the other hand, being in a warfront raid that's been cobbled together from across several servers is a nightmare. Half the players run around doing their own thing, some give up too easily, and others go afk just to leech XP & favour points.

I'd much prefer open world PvP lakes with incentives to visit them and complete objectives. I've never been a fan of forced battleground style PvP ....just too many pitfalls that make the experience frustrating and not fun.
Can anyone suggest a good PvP healing build for a Cleric? I have tried several, but they don't seem very good, yet the opposing team's healers seem very effective. Maybe it's just a case of the grass being greener on the other side, but it's starting to bug me.

I have all the souls, plus the PvP one.
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I really don't like warfronts in this game, I think whether or not I play this game long term will quite simply boil down to whether or not they add some sort of pvp content that isn't instanced, if not I'll have to find a different game, or heck, maybe even pick up WAR *shudders*
I really don't like warfronts in this game, I think whether or not I play this game long term will quite simply boil down to whether or not they add some sort of pvp content that isn't instanced, if not I'll have to find a different game, or heck, maybe even pick up WAR *shudders*


pvp server?

you for real ?
I really don't like warfronts in this game, I think whether or not I play this game long term will quite simply boil down to whether or not they add some sort of pvp content that isn't instanced, if not I'll have to find a different game, or heck, maybe even pick up WAR *shudders*
Round up some like minded people and go and cause some trouble.
are you?

random world gankings is NOT pvp content, I pity you if you think it is...

I agree with this - I don't count random gankings as proper PvP. It takes absolutely zero skill to take a lvl 50 and roll over several dozen noobs. What is challenging & fun is running up against an army of opposition in open play, battling for control of a castle etc. At least Trion have admitted on the official forums they are looking at implementing this type of PvP - it would be a good move on their part I think for retaining a player base.
are you?

random world gankings is NOT pvp content, I pity you if you think it is...

Never played in a pvp guild on a pvp server before then I guess?

After a while and the main guilds are sorted, a circuit will become apparent, and may even be made known generally depending on server pop. Pvp guilds who can get a full group (or two if they're that way inclined) will run a vague circuit of some predefined area in the game in order to meet those other guilds.

Of course you'll get the gankers in lower level areas, may guilds will swing by these every now & again to clear the area of gankers & let the lowbies carry on in peace. Of course, these aren't pure pvp servers, it's faction v faction, but the same principles will apply. Group v group is where it's at, ganking isn't an issue.
warfronts are broke, the balance issues are ridiculous, a warrior yes a WARRIOR does more damage at range (Riftblade) than a pyromancer (supposed to be the pure DPS mage spec), and has dots thats do more damage tha necro/locks (Reaver). Warriors should be able to take a lot of punishment and do respectable damage, but not dominate everyone else damage wise whilst still wearing plate armor.

Just dinged 40 with my mage but have boycotted pvp until they fix it.
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