People are screaming for nerfs on the Rift forums for sabo's, anyone had the displeasure of playing against one like I have? Was in a warfront and this one bloke was 1 shotting healers like myself, no one could catch him because he could cast every ability on the move, taking out tanks and other higher hp peeps in two to three shots it was sick
We lost about 6 in a row, eventually won 1 in the end but this guy every round had something insane like 40+ killing blows and out at least tripling the next nearest persons damage on the meter. This was with us focusing on him and trying to kill him as well
Im not calling for a nerf, that leads to a wow-esque bout of nerf screaming in the weeks leading up to a patch day, one class is ruined, then the kids and e-peen strokers move onto the next class to ruin and it ends up a complete mess. Really don't want the game to go down that route as it is balanced for large scale battles. A bit better team work and we would have had him, but im hoping even more that at higher levels they balance out more as others gain more powerful abilities too. Because in low levels its embarassing how much they kill.
Funnily enough they used to be in a minority but as soon as the nerf calls came it seems a lot more people have went on to that setup for a bit of the action. Especially defiants, there was 4 sabo's in a defiant team once (but we beat them because defiants hardly ever heal
Still having a good laugh on this game. Really, really enjoyable.