***Official Rift Planes of Telara Thread***

It won't let me get past adding my CD-Key unless I add some form of payment

Yeah it's the same for everyone. I guess this is to try and catch people out who forget to cancel before the 30 days is up in order to get some extra cash out of them. Just remember to cancel if you don't intend on playing after 30 days.
You add a payment method in but it does not charge you for 30 days and you need to buy more before it actually charges you.
anyone else get really really ****ed off with mob respawn times, stupid amounts of mobs in small areas where you are ment to be questing, and extremely long aggro range :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
The first lag I've seen was just now. Entered into a Warfront and it was totally unplayable :( . Hopefully this will be the exception and not the rule.

See lag occasionally, generally only seen it on massive invasions when there are hundred plus people. But even then I dont always see it.
This games single largest issue has to the chronic lack of content from 1-50. There is only just enough to do it once with one character, by the time you have hit 50 once you've seen all the content there is for that faction, it'll get very old very quickly when you're playing through the exact same stuff again. I don't think that I've ever seen an mmo with such little levelling choice.
People are screaming for nerfs on the Rift forums for sabo's, anyone had the displeasure of playing against one like I have? Was in a warfront and this one bloke was 1 shotting healers like myself, no one could catch him because he could cast every ability on the move, taking out tanks and other higher hp peeps in two to three shots it was sick :( We lost about 6 in a row, eventually won 1 in the end but this guy every round had something insane like 40+ killing blows and out at least tripling the next nearest persons damage on the meter. This was with us focusing on him and trying to kill him as well :p

Im not calling for a nerf, that leads to a wow-esque bout of nerf screaming in the weeks leading up to a patch day, one class is ruined, then the kids and e-peen strokers move onto the next class to ruin and it ends up a complete mess. Really don't want the game to go down that route as it is balanced for large scale battles. A bit better team work and we would have had him, but im hoping even more that at higher levels they balance out more as others gain more powerful abilities too. Because in low levels its embarassing how much they kill.

Funnily enough they used to be in a minority but as soon as the nerf calls came it seems a lot more people have went on to that setup for a bit of the action. Especially defiants, there was 4 sabo's in a defiant team once (but we beat them because defiants hardly ever heal :D)

Still having a good laugh on this game. Really, really enjoyable.
Really annoyed with the place i ordered Rift from(Jersey Outfit),its now the 7th and i still dont have the game,will be the last time i pre-order a game from them.

I could have bought it on Steam for £5 more and would have been playing it on the 4th.
Brought this on Saturday and am level 25 now. Yes my weekend was pretty much devoted to this game and I'm liking it so far!

anyone else get really really ****ed off with mob respawn times, stupid amounts of mobs in small areas where you are ment to be questing, and extremely long aggro range

This has been the only thing that's annoyed me. I've died so many times after aggro'ing multiple mobs and there's not a lot I can do about it as a champion warrior :(.

Also the 60% mounts in this game feel no faster than running to me!
anyone playing this on a 280GTX? quite tempted to give it a shot but worried my pc may not be up to the task

Works fine. Had lag once in the most humungous raid rift but other than that runs fine at max settings (except shadows)
Dont suppose anyone elses sound goes haywire when you exit the game? That nasty buzzing through my speakers everytime I log out and exit, right annoying.
I'm trying to play as a Chloromancer, as I love the idea of healing through damage I deal, but every single one of my damage-dealing abilities is on a darn cooldown. I end up having to spam the direct heal abilities which cause me to lose my mana very quickly.

I might go back to levelling primarily as a warlock and try my luck again as Chloro once I can get more abilities. I am only level 17, after all.
anyone else get really really ****ed off with mob respawn times, stupid amounts of mobs in small areas where you are ment to be questing, and extremely long aggro range :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

yeah this is doing my head in too - i'm in the mirror grove bit atm and it is incredibly annoying, I also feel this way about quest items taking up bag space! 4 or 5 quests that require you to use an item or a kill and collect quest and that's bags full. really annoys me. oh and linked to the op I also get really annoyed by the fact it's almost impossible to outrun anything! my gran runs quicker than me in this game so if you do agro something unexpected it's likely to lead to your death.

i prefer it this way as at least it means that you're not waiting for respawns all the time. on the plus side rifts are pretty cool, especially when it all kicks off and the big bad guys come, trouble is most of them are always where i'm not :P
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