***Official Squad Thread***

Ive been looking for a game i can really get into, used to be pretty good at CS back in the day but after a long time away I was wanting something a bit slower paced so thought I'd give this a go.

First impressions - seems really good. I especially like the way chat works in game, makes it really realistic when you can hear people in the distance, getting louder as you approach.

Unfortunately I haven't worked out what in the world I'm meant to be doing. Didn't help that I couldn't bind my usual numpad keys for movement (weird lefty config I've always used). Managed to sort that out by remapping some keys, but still no real idea what I'm doing. Bit intimidating when everyone seems to know their role. Any tips for getting started?
That doesn't sound right, I really need to get playing and start leading my squads with the gung-ho overly aggressive style that I do on insurgency mode in PR :D
Just spent 2 hours playing and think I managed to press fire once lol. I'm going to have a party if I ever kill anybody

Sounds just like bad luck. I have been playing for a week and a half and have only had a couple of games where the squad lead had us camp an area and then the enemy never came.

Stick at it, it is pretty unusual not to be in a fire fight and get a couple of kills on a full server.
once you get used to it you can gets lots of kills but each game is different.some games i had 30 kills some i had only a few. depends on team squad you have and other team.

when are the vehicles in ?
Sounds just like bad luck. I have been playing for a week and a half and have only had a couple of games where the squad lead had us camp an area and then the enemy never came.

Stick at it, it is pretty unusual not to be in a fire fight and get a couple of kills on a full server.

I had no trouble finding fights, or to rephrase, they had no trouble finding me. Problem was I was dead before I had any idea what was going on. I don't think I actually saw an enemy the whole time I was playing.

This isn't a complaint about the game btw, just illustrating how awful I am at it so far. Does seem like it will be fun if I can get my head round it.
I had no trouble finding fights, or to rephrase, they had no trouble finding me. Problem was I was dead before I had any idea what was going on. I don't think I actually saw an enemy the whole time I was playing.

This isn't a complaint about the game btw, just illustrating how awful I am at it so far. Does seem like it will be fun if I can get my head round it.

Nearly everyone says the same when they first start, so don't worry. It's just a case of getting used to the movement. You have to be much more stealthy and observant than you would in other shooters. Keep with it and watch some of the guides on youtube.
Sounds just like bad luck. I have been playing for a week and a half and have only had a couple of games where the squad lead had us camp an area and then the enemy never came.

Stick at it, it is pretty unusual not to be in a fire fight and get a couple of kills on a full server.

But thats like real life, and i love it, camping/protecting a spot, enemy dont always come :)
If you're new then the best thing I can say is find a decent squad who are using comms. Tell the SL you're new and the 90% of the time the guys will help you out. Just play as a standard rifleman at first to learn the basics then move onto the other roles when you're comfortable. Once you're in a squad just stick to the SL and do what he says.

The [M] Mumblerines Teamwork [EU-ENG] server is one of the best ones at the minute. They enforce an "All SL's must have a mic" rule so you're likely to find a SL who is more than willing to help.

Any specific things you want to know just give me a shout on here.
We pushed a version 6.5 hotfix release last night, which contains:
  • Bugfixes for RCON to allow for additional testing on live servers.
  • A crashfix in code relating to soldiers.

Also some of the Dev team will have a gaming session with Hitbox.TV crew for some livestreaming this weekend. Drop in on Sunday and watch the Squad Devs match up with and then against the Hitbox.tv team live. We'll do some Q&A and giveaways live on stream. Maybe drop some knowledge on Alpha v7.

Alpha v7 is getting close now chaps!
Yup, I won't be here for it either unfortunately. It will have some juicy v7 info though so make sure you catch it another time!
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