***Official Squad Thread***

I know this game is more serious/sim like than battlefield etc but I hope its not too serious and all the fun has been taken away!

1 I have a mic and don't mind communicating,im quite looking forward to this as there few games where people actually speak anymore.

2 can follow this I suppose lol

3 do you mean I have to lay there injured for however long it takes? I will be bored stiff if I'm lead there for 5/10mins waiting when I could just respawn lol

4 I don't mind following orders at all but if there too stupid eg stand on the roof of building for 30mins to be the squads eyes and not to engage any enemy no matter what I will get very very bored lol theres fun realism then theres over the top!

I have high hopes for this game so really hope I do like it :)
I know this game is more serious/sim like than battlefield etc but I hope its not too serious and all the fun has been taken away!

1 I have a mic and don't mind communicating,im quite looking forward to this as there few games where people actually speak anymore.

2 can follow this I suppose lol

3 do you mean I have to lay there injured for however long it takes? I will be bored stiff if I'm lead there for 5/10mins waiting when I could just respawn lol

4 I don't mind following orders at all but if there too stupid eg stand on the roof of building for 30mins to be the squads eyes and not to engage any enemy no matter what I will get very very bored lol theres fun realism then theres over the top!

I have high hopes for this game so really hope I do like it :)

In regards to point 3, the time you wait while incapacitated waiting for a medic is taken off your respawn time so there's no real need to give up anyway unless your squad leader wants you to respawn at main base with another person and pick up a vehicle.

You will know within a minute if it's worth staying incapacitated or to give up by talking to the medic and by looking at the map at the current situation.

There are no die and instant respawns unless it's at a main base or an insurgent ammo cache on the game mode Insurgency.
In regards to point 3, the time you wait while incapacitated waiting for a medic is taken off your respawn time so there's no real need to give up anyway unless your squad leader wants you to respawn at main base with another person and pick up a vehicle.

You will know within a minute if it's worth staying incapacitated or to give up by talking to the medic and by looking at the map at the current situation.

There are no die and instant respawns unless it's at a main base or an insurgent ammo cache on the game mode Insurgency.

ok,thanks for the input,im really looking forward to trying this as I'm looking for a more team based realistic shooter just as longs as its not over the top and still fun :)
downloading now,i think it will only take around an hr or 2 of gameplay for me to decide if I like it or not so will also be buying it tonight as well if its as good as I hope :)
right I have only had a quick game so cant comment yet..but..how do you invite people? or how do friends join the same game? I'm trying to get in the game with my bro but we cant work out how to get into same game?
right I have only had a quick game so cant comment yet..but..how do you invite people? or how do friends join the same game? I'm trying to get in the game with my bro but we cant work out how to get into same game?

Just make note of the server when you join or he can click your name in the Steam friends list and click View Game Info.

This is my Steam profile if you want to add me - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197960434988/
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