***Official Squad Thread***

Monthly Recap - April 2015
You know what time it is? Monthly RECAP TIME!

April was a very busy time for us, as you can see by the feature work done below. In addition we are planning something very big towards the end of this month, so keep your eyes peeled for more media from us as well as on Youtube.

  • First iteration Deployables system implemented, with unique deployables for each faction.
  • First iteration Kit Role system was implemented; with 5 roles per side (Officer, Rifleman, Automatic Rifleman, Medic and Grenadier)
  • Rudimentary healing system implemented
  • First iteration Ammunition Resupply system added
  • Added proper physics and rolling for grenades
  • Atlas performance optimizations in preparation for weapon attachment system
  • Lowered strafe speed for more realistic movement
  • Radial menu with multiple menu levels introduced for SL commands, Deployables and other basic interactions
  • Changes to tracers to reflect realistic loadouts






  • Added Smoke Grenades with various colours
  • Added GP-25 and M203 Grenade Launchers
  • Added RPG-7
  • Added footsteps dust kick up effects
  • Added more environment props and assets
  • Improved performance and visual fidelity of the ACOG
  • Audio improvements and sound packages for the RPG7, Grenade Launchers, Smoke Grenades and Clothing
  • Improved performance and visual fidelity of grenade explosions
  • Humvee asset finalized







  • Added a play-test environment for heavily forested areas
  • Added new Scrub foliage assets for Kohat
  • Updated Logar Valley with additional foliage and smoothing



gameplay wise :p

Get Battlefield 2 and Project Reality installed and see for yourself! It's still amazing fun!

Edit - Search for "Action Clips #3 - PR v1.2" on YouTube, that will give you a good idea.
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Scared to think how many hours I've spent on Al Basrah map! I did always prefer the most closely contested urban maps and insurgency mode, but that's not to say that vehicular combat wasn't fun. With a decent crew you could've had amazing games in tanks and attack helicopters or simply flying around in a littlebird on Muttrah City dropping off sniper squads on rooftops.
Good old Muttrah!

It's coming together quite nicely now. The main focus is still getting the infantry fighting nice and tight before moving onto vehicles but it's certainly heading quickly in the right direction.
Last week or so there have been huge strides made with some big features being implemented. It's still quite basic but I'm having so much fun on the testing sessions. Lots of new videos over on the official forums.
I dont know this project, but if its like PR its all about the people and structured engagement so no stupid stuff. They expanded the bf2 engine to handle 500 players which could be kinda silly I guess but thats how they roll, extreme combat but no zombies afaik :p
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This looks really good, will definitely keep an eye on developments - looking forward to seeing how the vehicles are implemented etc.

It does remind me a little of Insurgency on a much larger scale.
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