***Official Squad Thread***

Hahaha cracking video Xcept1. I think I played with you lot last night and it was a lot of fun, just a shame I was too knackered to play for longer. Its really coming along nicely now. Very impressed indeed.
Hahaha cracking video Xcept1. I think I played with you lot last night and it was a lot of fun, just a shame I was too knackered to play for longer. Its really coming along nicely now. Very impressed indeed.

Yeah I remember seeing a Grumpy in the squad!

Great video Xcept.

So when is this availible for us non pre-order chaps via Steam?

Comes out on the 15th mate, only a week to wait!
So what are go to solutions for being out of video memory errors? Tried to fire it up on the PC that I built for someone not long ago and getting the error message without fail right after the keyboard loading screen on launch. Spec is actually better than the laptop that I managed to fire it up on and tried playing with pagefile size to no avail.
anyone having the mouse pointer disappear when on trying to respawn got to hit m then hit esc then i can give up ????????? strange everyone of our clan has same prob and it even does same thing on my laptop
anyone having the mouse pointer disappear when on trying to respawn got to hit m then hit esc then i can give up ????????? strange everyone of our clan has same prob and it even does same thing on my laptop

M is just for the map. Pressing N will change the level of zoom.

Enter brings up the map for spawning/Giving up :P
Hotfix 3.3:

  • Fixed AKM GP25 Reload Animation having sounds out of sync
  • Added a US Main Base to Kohat Insurgency
  • Updated the Sumari and Forest minimaps
  • Fixed animations playing for a short time with the medicbag and field dressing when it has no target
  • Fixed hovering trees and rocks on Fools
  • Admins can now grant Observer Cam without crashing the server
  • Set health to 0 when going into incap, so now everyone has the same amount of time to be revived when they go down
  • Fixed a few cases where the respawn timer would not be replicated from the server.
  • Made medic HUD icons lerp between 0.5 and 1.0 to prevent them from disappearing
  • Improved the PSO-1 scope
  • Really fixed servers starting on maps other than logar. For realsies this time
  • Updated Forest with some additional tweaks and assets
  • Fixed a variety of bugs and log errors in the Compass
  • Really fixed the give up button disappearing. Also for realsies this time
  • Fixed being able to throw grenades in the main menu
  • Added basic controller support
  • Updated the Tire Wall deployable
  • Fixed a number of issues with the village house
  • Added bullet hole decals to a variety of materials
  • Standardized zoom duration and focus zoom time across all weapons
  • Standardized the Incendiary grenade throw strength to be the same as all other grenades
  • Increased the bullet crack volume
  • Updated the Server Browser, adding better indicators for passworded servers and anticheat protected servers.
  • Added the Custom Servers browser for displaying unlicensed, self hosted, and modded servers.
  • Fixed the arm on M4 weapons from overstretching when looking up
  • Added tooltips for deployables.
  • Updated the Physmats on Eastern European houses
  • Improved the voice code to not allocate memory as much
  • Added an entry in the binding menu for the SL menu (defaults to T)
  • Improved the green tracer to look less like a laser
  • Added details to Sumari and improved the Skirmish layer
  • Fixed a crash when a player joins a server while the map is changing. It currently prevents that player from joining the server during the map change process
  • Added Server Name, Map Name, and GameMode to the scoreboard
  • Added the Squad Leader and Medic indicators to nametag drawing
  • Added Interaction widgets to certain deployables (for example, a 'Press [F] to use' to Ammo Crate)
  • Updated the HESCO and cost
  • Increased the damage threshhold to skip incap and go straight to death
  • Modified the non-ADS recoil modifier. LMGs have a higher recoil now than rifles, rifles have slightly more recoil, pistols slightly lower
  • Removed Kohat Conquest Experimental and Kohat v3
  • Updated the Menu music to the latest version, also adding a new music track
  • Fully removed the old login menu and prevented a situation where it would come up and not go away
  • Fixed a memory corruption server crash related to assigning roles to players
  • Fixed a server crash when kicking players from squads
  • Updated the error text on dedicated servers when Steam is not found
  • Fixed a number of cases where Dedicated Servers would fail to launch because it can't find Steam
  • Updates and bugfixes to Fools Road
  • Fixed Interaction Menus not appearing on deployables in Training.
Really enjoying the game at the moment. I played my first game on that weapon cache mode the other night and I really like it. I only played as an attacker but I can imagine it would be just as fun being on defense.

Xcept1 : Are there any plans to support TrackIR ? Would be a bloody marvellous addition.
nice one :) btw sure the guys know but we where on 3 diff servers last night and all just crashed @ random times one was the redcoats server and over was a Ahoy uk one happened night before as well
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