***Official Squad Thread***

Hotfix 3.4

  • Tweaked the Dead Info HUD Widget to display different depending on if the map is open or closed
  • Fixed a US Ammo Crate starting unbuilt in Sumari
  • Fixed bunker collisions and material assignments
  • Fixed the Map Legend from not showing up
  • Fixed the Squad Leader right-click map menu from not showing up
  • Fixed a bug in the keybinding menu that prevented axis keys (Move keys, etc) from being rebound. Azerty keyboard users rejoice!
  • Fixed a case where players would fail to load into the game
  • Revised Forest, adding a new flag and new assets
  • Prevented a case when players would become more stuck if being teleported when stuck
  • Fixed the Join/Part spam from overflowing into the chat box. It now scrolls up instead of down.
  • Fixed a server crash when Squad leader is passed to a player who is disconnecting
  • Modified Fools Road. The river has been significantly updated and floating grass around the map has been properly taped down.
  • Added Chora

Known Issues:
  • Low View distance makes the iron sights go away on some settings. Fixed internally (missed the build by 15 minutes).
  • SL Markers all appear at 0,0,0 on the map.
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I imagine, I actually prefer urban infantry type maps so works for me but would be nice to see some transport in the game soon.
Troop transports are not that far away at all.

It's that time again!


These weeks are flying by way too quickly! The last Sunday night gang-bang before we go into Early Access. Lets make this a great one guys!

"All forum dwellers, mods, admins, devs, are encouraged to turn up."

Server: Paris, France #1. If any of you clan boys want to "donate" your server for the night let me know. Will make it easier for map restarts/changes.

If we can all start joining around 1945hrs GMT for a bit of a mess around followed by a map change/restart at 2000hrs GMT when we shall start the evenings shenanigans.

Hope to see you all there!
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