Seen his vid too, He nearly hit the solar panels at end.
Still don't agree with the 3rd person view.
Seen his vid too, He nearly hit the solar panels at end.
Still don't agree with the 3rd person view.
Usually, it's quite hard to design a game for both 1st and 3rd person without compromising things for one or the other, often in some major ways.That's fine, so don't use it?
As long as their is no advantage gained what does it matter? In fact usually your worse off but it is nice to see you ship etc.
So, is this game ever going to actually get released? Or are they just going to carry on milking cash by selling in game ships to morons with more money than sense?
Still its looking good, but I personal feel that their server stability and ecosystem should have been at a better stage by now and that they need to focus more on the stuff that really matters.
Their ship to ship interactions are crazy cool, but their facial animations are just pointless and just feel like a big ass cash sink.
Their ship to ship interactions are crazy cool, but their facial animations are just pointless and just feel like a big ass cash sink.
Fingers crossed for a friday release of 2.0 to live
Fingers crossed for a friday release of 2.0 to live
I need to get my main gaming rig setup on Friday daytime as its been stripped and my gaming laptop just doesn't cut it even with the graphics on low @ 1680 x 1050 (its a GTX765M)
Anyone made any purchases from the anniverseary sales?
I've kept my options open and obtained the $0 upgrades for the concept ships which have been on sale
Tempted to go for the P72 @ $30 with LTI... also interested in the Hull series ships and the Herald.
So, is this game ever going to actually get released? Or are they just going to carry on milking cash by selling in game ships to morons with more money than sense?
I've bought a P72 for that reason, although as I've since ccu'd my 350r to a vanguard I thought the P72 might be a good racer, short range fighter, especially if I get a constellation in the game.
By the way, does the constellation Taurus come with a snub fighter (or at least the attachment)?
This made me lol... Connie "Macross!" Found on reddit
*vid snip*