******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

mmmm might ccu my LTI 350r to a Vanguard, only $125USD extra... For some reason I've been collecting 'fighting' ships; Freelancer MIS, Cutlass Blue & a Vanguard would be nice... two that can carry cargo and still fight a wee bit, and one more dedicated fighter... Especially with the vanguard being in Alpha 2.0!
mmmm might ccu my LTI 350r to a Vanguard, only $125USD extra... For some reason I've been collecting 'fighting' ships; Freelancer MIS, Cutlass Blue & a Vanguard would be nice... two that can carry cargo and still fight a wee bit, and one more dedicated fighter... Especially with the vanguard being in Alpha 2.0!

Only hangar ready though, just incase you or someone else gets the wrong end of the stick. That said, i'd expect it to be the next 2.0 multicrew ship to be flight ready, 2.1, 2.2 perhaps.
Sorry, yes that is what I meant... I've been holding off until a) they got the CCU ready and b) it was hangar ready; its nice to wander around it at least :-)
Nice, I'm looking forward to just trundling about, although I do fear for my latency given I don't think they've spun up Australian or Singaporean servers yet...
ArcCorp wasnt limited PTU, it was open.

Not sure what the last limited PTU was.

Dunno, This is from the email I got last time....

Greetings everyone and happy Wednesday!

If you are receiving this email, you have been specifically invited to PTU to playtest Star Citizen 1.2 which features the multiplayer Area 18 landing zone of ArcCorp in the Stanton system, which you saw in the GamesCom demos.

It's our very first element of the Social Module we're rolling out to our backers... and it's available exclusively to you on PTU starting right now!

PLEASE NOTE: We're respectfully asking our initial test group to refrain from livestreaming and taking screenshots during this test. Not only is Area 18 lacking major features that we will be deploying in the coming weeks, but more importantly, we don't want anything spoiled for all of your other fellow Citizens. We want everyone to have that epic feeling of wonder and surprise when they walk through that elevator for the first time!

Are you saying I'm not a special *********?! :mad:
So I've caved... now own a vanguard and a P-72 :-( Luckily for me, being in NZ, I'm not restricted by currency so I bought in Euros as that saved about $40NZD of the price...
We're all special **********, but AFAIK because we're all special we all got the invite. I could be wrong, but i dont recall there being any questions over when it'd be expanded to more people etc like AC release. My understanding is that it was there if you wanted it, in an near-finished state with regular updates, and then when happy with it it went to live.

Theres also a lot of people who are simply waiting for the release, and while the game might reach the same features under a 'beta' phase, some people will still simply wait for the release.
That's what I'm doing.

Well, I actually had got access to Star Citizen via an AMD promo code I bought for $15 a while back(with two other games), but I was told by a bunch of people it was nothing but a bonus ship, so I sold it to somebody for $5, and then it turned out it actually was a proper introductory package! Bummer.

But anyways! I'm just waiting til the game is reasonably feature complete before buying it. Specifically, I want the game to be populated and I want there to be a way to buy ships with in-game credits. I refuse to fork out for these high cost ships that a lot of other people are willing to. I'm not hating on anybody for this, but I cant justify it myself. I'm willing to buy the game for $60 or whatever and I'm even willing to fork out extra for expansions or significant content additions afterwards when they come, but I'm not paying real money for in-game content.

Also, I am absolutely floored that this is a screenshot of an in-game(in-engine whatever) video game:

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