******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Woke up in my room and looked at the FPS, as is a habit with SC, 75 FPS on Very High, thats the refresh rate of my screen, its the highest i have ever seen SC.

Too good to be true?

Went outside, 65 FPS...

Noooo, can't be!

FPS did fluctuate around playing the game but its better again than the last 2.5 Patch, and a whole lot better than 2.4.1.

I also have a short video that i'll upload tomorrow :)

I put it down to a shiny new ssd :p

Usually they'll sell a couple of ships that are normally limited, but not all of them.
The Terrapin does seem like it'd make sense to sell it, and yet they've said for a while (and followed that through) they'd announce the price about a week beforehand, but obviously we've not had that.

'Military use only' though, im wondering if its another drop-ship, or if its ex-mil and repurposed for things like mining (as referenced in its initial description during T3 concept voting)? Last night i was thinking a bounty hunter might work, but i think the Cutlass Blue occupies that role fine (as does the Prospector for mining) so im kinda hoping this is repurposed for salvage as we havent heard of anything below the Reclaimer.
oh, also in the newsletter

Ursa Rover from Constellation (possibly Carrack too)
Hmm, its a tad big so
'd it
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A freelancer you say... we could do with one of those on our regular friday night sessions.. fancy a few passengers for a laugh? :D

Haha once I'm a little better at navigating - I've only just found out how to get out of the bed, let alone get in the cockpit :D
Damn, downloaded for the free fly week and my laptop can't run it at a playable framerate even on low settings.

First game it's had any bother with. :(
I should have known better and switched on at 8:30pm. They have never once started an event on time.

All that's left to complete the usual trio is stream crashes and audio issues.

Oh and the live demo crash as the man himself tries play. Make it 4 instead.
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