******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Is there a release date yet? Or is it one of those done when it's done affairs?

I'm still very sceptical that this game will ever actually be properly finished.
Is there a release date yet? Or is it one of those done when it's done affairs?

I'm still very sceptical that this game will ever actually be properly finished.

Done when it's done.

They're taking their time and rightly so, if you want a rushed space game look at no man's sky and the backlash that got.
Is there a release date yet? Or is it one of those done when it's done affairs?

I'm still very sceptical that this game will ever actually be properly finished.

No hard date yet but the single player Squadron 42 is supposed to be released around the end of 2016. The multi player Star Citizen will be done when it's done.

If you are sceptical just wait until it's done, they have raised plenty enough to finish it.
Thank you Humbug for all the help! Last night I managed to do a few missions and I'm able to get around, EVA, and land my ship. Now I'm at the stage of "what next"? Do missions or is there something else?

Biggest annoyance for me are definitely the lack of prompts to use certain controls. That includes mobiglas - the back key is backspace which is totally hidden. That is broken enough that it will make people stop playing if they can't navigate the primary in game menu. I am googling everything and using chat all the time to work out what to do.

I get that it's an Alpha game, but they really need to get a grip on making this game usable for people at this stage, not later. I'm by no means suggesting they dumb it down, merely I am saying they need to hire a user interface/user experience designer to fix some glaring issues with the interface and onboarding process for new players.
Thank you Humbug for all the help! Last night I managed to do a few missions and I'm able to get around, EVA, and land my ship. Now I'm at the stage of "what next"? Do missions or is there something else?

Biggest annoyance for me are definitely the lack of prompts to use certain controls. That includes mobiglas - the back key is backspace which is totally hidden. That is broken enough that it will make people stop playing if they can't navigate the primary in game menu. I am googling everything and using chat all the time to work out what to do.

I get that it's an Alpha game, but they really need to get a grip on making this game usable for people at this stage, not later. I'm by no means suggesting they dumb it down, merely I am saying they need to hire a user interface/user experience designer to fix some glaring issues with the interface and onboarding process for new players.

Couldn't agree more, my biggest complaint since day one has been accessibility. The web store is terrible, there's a lack of any hand holding when you first enter the various modes and even the flight tutorial they made after years of us bitching broke within a handful of patches and has since been disabled. They are getting better now the issue council is up and running but they could get a lot more backers with just a bit of polish.
Haha awesome mate thank you so much for that :D I will have another go tonight! I need to see if I can find my Rhino HOTAS too as I can imagine that will be awesome with this. :D

What kind of spec do you need to run this all at ultra? I have a 980 4GB HOF edition running on a 27" ROG Swift but I found it felt a little sluggish and slow even with the settings on medium... I'm looking at any excuse to upgrade really, is this game more GPU than CPU intense? Like if I get a Titan X Pascal will this run on ultra? I know it might be a bit of a hard question to answer.


Performance is very limited by the server and the netcode back end of Cryengine, which was never designed for anything even close to this, the data transferred between server and client is massive, it does cause DeSync, lag and low performance, the power of your CPU does help a bit, but not much, as long as its an i5 or an i7, i think an i3 would struggle with this.

I run it Very High with the rig you see in my signature, the performance on Very High is the same as it is on Low, i can even run it Very High at 1440P and still only use 50 to 70% GPU power but then i run out of V-Ram.

I think the best set-up would be minimum 8 thread i7 very overclocked, 6GB GPU with GTX 970 performance, 16GB System Memory, installed on an SSD.

Alpha 2.5 (Wich is about to be released) is much better than the current 2.4, it is smoother, less DeSync and higher performance, its better but still not great.

CiG are in the process of building a completely new backend to sort these problems out, it will probably be ready for 2.7 along with planet landing.

Thank you Humbug for all the help! Last night I managed to do a few missions and I'm able to get around, EVA, and land my ship. Now I'm at the stage of "what next"? Do missions or is there something else?

Biggest annoyance for me are definitely the lack of prompts to use certain controls. That includes mobiglas - the back key is backspace which is totally hidden. That is broken enough that it will make people stop playing if they can't navigate the primary in game menu. I am googling everything and using chat all the time to work out what to do.

I get that it's an Alpha game, but they really need to get a grip on making this game usable for people at this stage, not later. I'm by no means suggesting they dumb it down, merely I am saying they need to hire a user interface/user experience designer to fix some glaring issues with the interface and onboarding process for new players.

Yeah, i agree completely, it does have a steep learning curve and it does need an in game tutorial, just simple message prompts to tell you what to do, what keys to press..... all that can be turned off once you have memorised the key bindings and know where everything is.

Without that no one new coming into this has a clue what to do.
Theres 3 sides to the game i suppose.

In terms of developing the game, its better to work on things as you need them, to build a game with only the release version being accessible, however being 'early access' we're given access to things in whatever state that might be, and they're effectively wasting time making that stable and as issue-free as possible. Building stuff as if this is the finished game is fairly pointless right now. Game assets, tech implementations etc, thats the stuff that matters now. You spend 10hrs working on explaining something, so much is going to change that you'll spend hours correcting stuff in the next patch, and the one after that etc. Its time wasted. Essentially any time spent working on something that isnt the next phase is time wasted.

In terms of backers, most people who've pledged their $45 or w/e have a decent understanding of whats going on, and even if they're going in blind, they're more committed to trying to understand what to do. They'll dive in to different patches, have a decent understanding of whats changed, but they already know the basics and just have to adjust to the changes. They dont need much help, what they do need, they'll ask.

However the free-fly crowd are new to it all, probably know about they hype, the amount raised, maybe seen gameplay footage and are diving in cos theres a free-play so why not. They're not invested, they need convincing, they need to be sold on the game - instead they're plonked in and left to figure everything out, and give up because screw you and your stupid game that cant even be bothered to help tell me what to do.

Those elements dont work well together, 2 are a compromise, but 3 just doesnt work, not to the extent that someone suffers and thats likely to be the devs and their workload, or the people wanting an introduction part.

SQ42 will have all the hand-holding, because it's built to be a standalone title with a start and a finish and all the stuff a regular single-player title would have.
SC will get that once its more than just individual modules (dogfighting, planetside, hangar, universe). Theres no introduction, no "Hey, you look new", go here and do this, then this... part of the game, because it doesnt exist, this isnt the 'game' itself, but a sandbox using that technology.

Sadly we did have a tutorial module, but it was more work than was practical to keep it up-to-date and correct, it asked you to do things with instructions that were wrong, that didnt perform what they'd say because something changed elsewhere and didnt have the corresponding change there. However the reality is, whenever these free-fly events happened, never did people complain about the tutorial not working, people didnt try that, they went straight into the universe, believing that was the 'start' of the online MMO which is what SC will become... but its a long way from that currently.

I think its fantastic that CIG do have these regular free-fly events, because so many of them absolutely refuse to let anyone who hasnt paid full price touch the game till they've paid up, but at the same time newcomers need to understand the stage of development we're still at, and just like things like mining arent in the game, an introduction isnt either.
One thing CiG are not doing is making a generic game to knock out as fast as possible to bring in the monies.

Yes it might look a bit daft to say that given funding currently stands at $118.5m.
Yet that is actually the reason for the 'Delay' originally Chris Roberts just wanted a few $m to make a game which goes some way to being what he always wanted, Wing Commander, Free Lancer, Privateer ecte.... the technology was not available back then.

Chris is a massive name in Space Sim's, people remember those games, they know what Chris is all about, that's why the massive funding success.

With that Chris now has the money to build the game he always wanted to build, and to its fullest extent, it has grown massively in scope and ambition, thats why what was originally a 2 year project is now 4 years and counting.

They have probably the most talented developers in the industry working on this, not just from the game development world but people who had important roles in Star Trek, Avatar ecte...

Chris isn't making a game for the sake of making a game, like EA, this is his Baby, his Brainchild, he will not rush it, he will not cut corners, he will not hear "this cannot be done"

Personally i feel privileged to be witness to this from infancy all the way through to its coming of age.

Having pledged its not exactly as if i'm simply waiting, i get to be a part of it.

I agree with Maverick, it will be done when its done. :)
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I will be watching the live stream.

Not played this since I think 2.0 came out, waiting patiently for more to be completed.
Okay, here's my first five minutes back in Star Citizen...

Firstly - Damn I forgot how beautiful this game is... It's running a little worse than last time I played, but I'm due a Graphics upgrade :p

I follow these instructions...

In menu go to Universe, then Crusader and click launch.

Once you wake up go down the stairs and go through the door at the bottom of those stairs, you will see terminals, go up to one and press F, select your ship and one the ship is delivered use F To come away from terminal.

Find an airlock, (yellow doors) make sure you have a suit on, there is a machine next to the yellow doors where you can put your suit on or take it off, there is also one in your room, if you go in the airlock without a suit you will die, to activate the airlock and the machine find the panel and press F on the Use prompt.

Once outside find your ship, it will be highlighted in your view with a small circle.
To enter ship find the door and use F on the Use prompt.
Once in with the ship started press space to lift off, W for throttle, once a safe distance from objects to crash into press V for a higher speed mode.

Press F1 to bring up Mobiglass, click in big green window, on the left select a mission by clicking in to make a yellow dot on the right on the mission.
Its location will be highlighted in space, point your ship at it and press B, point your ship at the destination point until you get a circle round it, press F to activate the jump.

If pirates spawn press Y to lock on, mouse 1 in the main weapon, 2 secondary, use the little square over the target to aim.

S to slow down, speed and throttle indicators are centre left of your HUD, V cycles different speed modes.

A and D to role.

Alt+F to get out the seat

Those are the basics.

One other thing, the chatbox on the bottom right, its return to type into it, if you need help ask, you wont always get an answer but there are plenty there happy to help out.

And/Or join an Org, some are listed on page one of this thread.

It looks like a lot to take in, and there is A LOT more if you want to get advanced, but trust me i'm crap with this sort of stuff and i find it very easy, its like anything, with practice it becomes second nature.

If you want a voice to voice tutorial let me know, i will give you my Discord details.

Have fun :)

I reached my ship (Freelancer) - Walked around it a bit - Accidentally hit "F" next to the bed and got into bed.

Then I proceeded to hit every single key I could think of to leave the bed, but couldn't find the "Exit bed" button.

After about two minutes of trying, I heard someone moving around, and then they started flying my ship :p I then heard all sorts of comms chatter, but was still stuck in my bed unable to move :p :D

So yeah... how do I leave bed? :D
either Alt+F or Ctrl+F

Its changing to hold F in 2.5 too, which is perhaps more understandable (dont wanna be bailing out the ship by accidentally clicking 1 button, and ???+F is a bit much as you've just found out :D

Also, the options screen with all the keys does say, it'll have actions in white, and then something like Pink if your holding Alt, Yellow if holding Ctrl etc, or flight/fps type modifiers.
either Alt+F or Ctrl+F

Its changing to hold F in 2.5 too, which is perhaps more understandable (dont wanna be bailing out the ship by accidentally clicking 1 button, and ???+F is a bit much as you've just found out :D

Haha well I looked at the Key Bindings and saw that "Exit Seat" is classed as "Hold F", but it didn't work - So maybe they're ahead of themselves in the Key Bindings department :p

I tried Alt+F but that also didn't work... I didn't try Ctrl+F though... :p
Its really stupid. They need to get all these non-intuitive things sorted out and make the game more approachable.

I understand its alpha, but I still think it would be a good use of dev time.
Yeah, looking at older (but i think accurate) images, exit seat is yellow, and yellow relates to the Ctrl modifier.

I think the red must be flight only actions, blue is Alt modifiers (free-look, use mouse for interaction in mid-game like ship panels etc) and stuff like that. Its an awful lot of information thrown on there without being particularly clear.
Its really stupid. They need to get all these non-intuitive things sorted out and make the game more approachable.

I understand its alpha, but I still think it would be a good use of dev time.

Yeah, its a lot of information to process.

It doesnt help that things are constantly evolving and they're rebinding things each build as they work towards a more consistent layout. This is one of those situations where a tutorial/introduction mission would introduce you to all of these things. It'd tell you what to do and then you'd just know - right now youre told nothing and we just have to figure it out.

With silly things like this, ask in chat, should get a quick reply cos plenty of people know theres newbies trying the game out and want to be helpful, know plenty of questions will be asked etc.
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