******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

TBH thought the presentation was pretty crap. Yeah the demo was an impressive example of what could be done but the rest was bland imo.

Nothing on SQ42, no rough dates for 2.6 or 3.0. Basically lots of slides of what they aim to do.

What we can take from it though is that the game won't be feature complete in 2017. It's got a late 2018 early 2019 release date written on it.
TBH thought the presentation was pretty crap. Yeah the demo was an impressive example of what could be done but the rest was bland imo.

Nothing on SQ42, no rough dates for 2.6 or 3.0. Basically lots of slides of what they aim to do.

What we can take from it though is that the game won't be feature complete in 2017. It's got a late 2018 early 2019 release date written on it.

Don't know, but it is getting a bit long if its pushing into mid 2017 before planet stuff, it is starting to seem like a never ending wait.

4 years and nothing more than a space station.
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TBH thought the presentation was pretty crap. Yeah the demo was an impressive example of what could be done but the rest was bland imo.

Nothing on SQ42, no rough dates for 2.6 or 3.0. Basically lots of slides of what they aim to do.

What we can take from it though is that the game won't be feature complete in 2017. It's got a late 2018 early 2019 release date written on it.

I can understand it seeming like that, but thats exactly what CitizenCon is though, its like an annual board meeting in a way, its not a presentation event which is what Gamescom is more like. Its talking about the state of the game - the past, present and future. Im a bit miffed SQ42 & '2016' wasn't really addressed, but they said where its at and FINALLY they've realised they need to stop giving themselves deadlines and setting themselves up for expectation, disappointment, and criticism because they're not simply going to release it at ANY given time unless its ready, so release it when its ready and give a date when the time is much closer because they're perfectionists and wont ship a knowingly sloppy version just to hit a target.

We'll probably get that SQ42 demo in November, for the Thanksgiving livestream. I think thats late Nov, like 29th or something. This is one of those 'only get 1 opportunity to make a good first impression' moments, better them having something more polished and at a standard where they're happy to show it, than get very close to the end of that 2016 deadline and show of something which still has obvious issues and is going to flair up contention.

Anyway, that bit aside...

3.1 through 4.0 - Amazing, nice to see their roadmap if only to get an idea of whats ahead, screw the dates, its just nice to know the BMM hasnt been forgotten :D

The live demo, felt very inspired by Return of the Jedi & Force Awakens, every bit as authentic, the landscape looks fantastic and if thats what is shipped, you'd be pretty greedy to be disappointed, you'd only get more detail (more POI on a macro level) on a staged single player mission, which is kinda what this was, but that whole world exists to that level of detail (okay, not the ship pieces, but it so easily could be, as demonstrated later on).
If the thought of being the one playing that doesnt excite people, while hundreds of thousands of other players are playing in the same VISIBLE universe, then i dont know what will.
Thats likely to be closer to a top-tier mission, SQ42-lite, where what we saw at Gamescom is probably a mid-tier, and the basic version being the transport goods from A to B, kill pirates at X etc, but if over the life of the game, they're able to build more of those sort of missions where theres a proper narrative, then its going to be amazing.

I also loved seeing the CryEngine/StarEngine bit, seeing how easy it is for them to make these locations, giving them life and variety, without too much difficulty now they have the tools to do this. Given that they said they had none of this back in August, it shows how they should be able to create a wide variety of planets with different degrees of work put into them, and quickly populate systems with their lesser inhabited planets.

Spectrum also looks great, having everything integrated into a single platform that works on multiple devices both in-game and out, thats pretty significant. I really love the fact that CIG are as interested in the external aspects of the game as they are in the game itself.

Just 364 days till CitCon 2017 though!!
Don't know, but it is getting a bit long if its pushing into mid 2017 before planet stuff, it is starting to seem like a never ending wait.

4 years and nothing more than a space station.

They had 6 people on board on day 1, and they were never going to get to 300 staff faster than they did without being completely careless with the funds they had at the time.

They could have done a remastered Freelancer 2015 and we'd have it (though i certainly wouldnt have been interested if that was their vision). Theres a wide array of how it could have been done, but obviously the higher the quality the longer its going to take.
Whats unreasonable and unrealistic is when people see what they're showing off and then complain that it isnt out yet and its been FOUR years like thats a perfectly reasonable opinion. If we were getting Freelancer 2015 and its 2017, they've every right to be p****d, but as it stands, if they get the gameplay to work cohesively, then theres not going to be another game getting even remotely close to this within 5 years of SC being released. There might be 3-4 games that each do something better, but not all rolled into 1, and obviously not first to market.

Expecting so much any sooner is just wishful thinking, they started with little more than an idea, thats been revised on many levels, scaled up significantly, and the day they told others about it has become the day the clock started ticking, and IMO if we're being reasonable its unfair to hold the first 12-18 months to be much more than setting things up. The actual work done in the first 18mo would probably be done in less than 3-6mo now, but they didnt have $125m then or a 300+ workforce, they didnt have CryTek falling apart, and they didnt have years of work behind them in private to start the clock running at full speed. Its just unfair to hold those first 12-18mo against them IMO, cos they really couldnt have done much more with that time. Obviously it counts, you cant ignore it, but you have to account for what was reasonable in that time, given what little they had back then.

Im not writing this to have a go at you, cos really you know all of the above, but trying to put things into perspective because most people will see 4yrs and think most games are released in 2yrs, we get a new COD every 18mo or w/e, and dont appreciate what 'Day 1' was for Star Citizen compared to what they view as 'Day 1' for COD & co when they're announced at E3 with years of development behind them on an iterated engine, a publisher setting a budget to work with and an established team etc.
Procedural planets have been around for at least a year, now 3 different versions of it demoed.

It seems to me they are endlessly polishing, it will be 2 years confined to Crusader space because they are never done changing and polishing Procedural planets.

I really don't care about it being 100% perfect in the first iteration. i don't care if at first its like ED or even NMS, they did it in half the time and its there....

No, can't have it yet we need another year polishing it.

If they keep insisting on polishing everything to production standards before publishing each individual little component i'll be collecting my pension by the time its in Beta and dribbling into the carpet by the times it released.

Not having a publisher to contend with is really good, but not setting your own pressure to get it done, to be so completely relaxed about not having anything for years is also a recipe for disaster, eventually it will drag on too long and then they realise they need another 4 years polishing 6 years worth of remodelling ontop of 3 years of now obsolete work..

Its like the forth bridge, eventually what you are still doing for so long its now also old and crumbling, so you need to go back over and over and over again to paint over it, that never ends.

How many time have they remodelled some of these ships? 3 / 4 times? the Crusder Station has been re-buffed 2 or 3 times, multiple revisions on this, that... but hey Procedural planets is coming on nicely, again, and again...... mmmmmhhh one more time before we let you have it?
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From the presentation roadmap it's looking like maybe a chapter or two of SQ42 next year, but SC is still several years away. I'll take a guess at 2019.
Procedural planets have been around for at least a year, now 3 different versions of it demoed.

It seems to me they are endlessly polishing, it will be 2 years confined to Crusader space because they are never done changing and polishing Procedural planets.

I really don't care about it being 100% perfect in the first iteration. i don't care if at first its like ED or even NMS, they did it in half the time and its there....

No, can't have it yet we need another year polishing it.

If they keep insisting on polishing everything to production standards before publishing each individual little component i'll be collecting my pension by the time its in Beta and dribbling into the carpet by the times it released.

Not having a publisher to contend with is really good, but not setting your own pressure to get it done, to be so completely relaxed about not having anything for years is also a recipe for disaster, eventually it will drag on too long and then they realise they need another 4 years polishing 6 years worth of remodelling ontop of 3 years of now obsolete work..

Its like the forth bridge, eventually what you are still doing for so long its now also old and crumbling, so you need to go back over and over and over again to paint over it, that never ends.

How many time have they remodelled some of these ships? 3 / 4 times? the Crusder Station has been re-buffed 2 or 3 times, multiple revisions on this, that... but hey Procedural planets is coming on nicely, again, and again...... mmmmmhhh one more time before we let you have it?

So lets get this straight, do a first basic iteration of everything, and then shove it out the door and leave it alone? :rolleyes:
So every planet in every system is a barren moon, cos first version = only version.
The basic 2-week job on Port Olisar, without shops, just a basic set of landing pads and oh you want clothing, log out and go to ArcCorp, but you know, not the one that had all the current shops, the first one we saw to give everyone an idea of what it'd be like, with just a scrap shop, cos first version = only version.

I really do wonder WTF people really want, cos they're damned if they dont show anything, and apparently they're damned if they show you a early version and then spend time finishing it. Considering the amount of moaning about things that arent to peoples preference, of certain ships being unbalanced, people exploiting, weapons just being useless, we'd have a fantastic game.

Maybe everything should go by this rule, we have a game, no more games. Science - we had a theory, we're not spending more time even though clearly we were wrong - nope, everyone gets 1 shot now, even when thats not the finished version, just an unfinished part of an ALPHA!

If you cant cope with seeing stuff in active development, dont watch it! But dont whine about being shown something mid-development and complain that they've spent the time finishing things, there probably isnt a single thing in the game thats absolutely finished, at best it'll be like 99% and knowing that best case scenario it'll need balancing and tweaking cos nothing is perfect when you've not finished the game and got all the pieces and see how they fit together.

But yeah, lets have another ED or NMS. Mile wide and an inch deep, and 18 quintillion planets and every single one is as boring as the rest of the game! Yeah, lets hold those up as shining examples :rolleyes:
So lets get this straight, do a first basic iteration of everything, and then shove it out the door and leave it alone? :rolleyes:
So every planet in every system is a barren moon, cos first version = only version.
The basic 2-week job on Port Olisar, without shops, just a basic set of landing pads and oh you want clothing, log out and go to ArcCorp, but you know, not the one that had all the current shops, the first one we saw to give everyone an idea of what it'd be like, with just a scrap shop, cos first version = only version.

I really do wonder WTF people really want, cos they're damned if they dont show anything, and apparently they're damned if they show you a early version and then spend time finishing it. Considering the amount of moaning about things that arent to peoples preference, of certain ships being unbalanced, people exploiting, weapons just being useless, we'd have a fantastic game.

Maybe everything should go by this rule, we have a game, no more games. Science - we had a theory, we're not spending more time even though clearly we were wrong - nope, everyone gets 1 shot now, even when thats not the finished version, just an unfinished part of an ALPHA!

If you cant cope with seeing stuff in active development, dont watch it! But dont whine about being shown something mid-development and complain that they've spent the time finishing things, there probably isnt a single thing in the game thats absolutely finished, at best it'll be like 99% and knowing that best case scenario it'll need balancing and tweaking cos nothing is perfect when you've not finished the game and got all the pieces and see how they fit together.

But yeah, lets have another ED or NMS. Mile wide and an inch deep, and 18 quintillion planets and every single one is as boring as the rest of the game! Yeah, lets hold those up as shining examples :rolleyes:

I agree. I would rather wait until 2020 and the game lives up to or exceeds expectations than get another ED just to play it now. Reinstalled ED recently even after all these years it still feels empty. Trying to get back into it, but will likely end up uninstalling again.

Really wish Microsoft just made a Freelancer sequel. Loved that game. No procedural bull like ED or NMS. As a matter of fact I think i may end up uninstalling ED and installing Freelancer, not played it in a long time :)
If your honest you dont know if the financial situation is roay or not lol so its a bit hard for anyone other than those directly involved with their finances to make any statement

I'm just saying to the people that think there's no chance of CIG running out of money to be a little more realistic. 4-5 million a month might seem like a fantastic amount of money but in the world of big game dev projects it's not as huge as it seems, especially not a project of this size and with a history of poor management and waste.

My main concern is that Roberts isn't going to lock down a 1.0 release feature scope and it's going to creep for years.
I would estimate a SQ42 release for March - May next year - I think Roberts said it all when he said that he's been disappointed in previous years where developers release too early. With the fact you get early access to the alpha/beta, I'm in no hurry for it and am well prepared to wait while they make it the best they can make it.

Also, not too phased by not seeing any SQ42 missions demoed - I felt like the precedual planet mission they showed with the worm coming out the sand was a really good taste of what we can expect :)

Honestly, I was so impressed I will be throwing them some money when I get the chance - And I'm very against pre-ordering :p
I don't think it's unreasonable to feel some frustration with this, especially if you've already thrown money at it. They're teasing fans with great looking content that is still three or four years away... Still, we will at least, hopefully, get to see a bit of SQ42 next year.
I don't think it's unreasonable to feel some frustration with this, especially if you've already thrown money at it. They're teasing fans with great looking content that is still three or four years away... Still, we will at least, hopefully, get to see a bit of SQ42 next year.

Personally, I still believe the main Star Citizen multiplayer game will be ready to play by the end of next year. They outlined all the way up to 4.0, and said that should all happen next year. By that point, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be a complete game.
CitizenCon should be the big event of the year, sadly it wasn't this time.

You can tell a lot of the presentation was meant to be around SQ42 but because of an obsession with polish in a pre alpha game we didn't see any of it.

As someone on Reddit said:

No SQ42 gameplay
No new Star Marine gameplay
No new Arena Commander gameplay
A very basic grab a spawn beacon mission - granted impressive tech but barely much gameplay.

Just lots and lots of slides about stuff that may happen. Plus an hour delay makes me tired and grumpy this morning.

All in all a very poorly put together presentation that did nothing overly exciting apart from an overly stretched out 20 min demo.

As above my estimate is 2.6 this year, 3.0 around march and April. SQ42 around October next year. Alpha early 2018 release maybe end of 2018 into 2019.
Personally, I still believe the main Star Citizen multiplayer game will be ready to play by the end of next year. They outlined all the way up to 4.0, and said that should all happen next year. By that point, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be a complete game.

That's presuming they stick to a 3 month update with each one (they won't) then it's still likely needing a lot of polish bug fixing and optimising. No way will the game be done next year.
Personally, I still believe the main Star Citizen multiplayer game will be ready to play by the end of next year. They outlined all the way up to 4.0, and said that should all happen next year. By that point, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be a complete game.

I like your optimism but I'm not convinced. The track record of various missed targets, delays and the sheer scope of the thing has me thinking at least two years. More likely three, or more.
What's annoying though is they spent months telling us SQ42 would be there in show and then decided to not tell anyone until the presentation had started that it was misssing.

Won't show a chapter until it's in release condition? Why? It's a pre alpha game nobody expects perfection or too much shown, people just want a 10 minute glimpse of what it will be like.

It's just no very professional.

Now I've put quite a bit of money in to this and I'm not worried or overreacting. They get praise when they do well and they get criticised when they do poor. Last night was 2 hours of filler because the main event was removed. Most of it was ATV level stuff not yearly presentation stuff.
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