I was bringing up the Roccat device to a mate just a couple of days ago, i'd stumbled across it a while back but dont own an iOS or Android mobile so couldnt try it, and the the next day that video was doing the rounds, which was nicely timed.
I'd like to see the route that CIG goes down with their own apps, as well as what user created stuff appears in the future similar to this, but i could see myself buying a pair of cheap android tablets for functionality like this, essentially recreating the screens surrounding you in the cockpit.
I have a Surface Pro 2 (using it now) and so if there was the opportunity to use one of those, if only to evaluate whether or not its worth buying a couple of tablets & mounts, that'd be pretty handy.
I like these things for the immersive feeling, the concept, but wonder how it'll actually interlink with gameplay. I have this issue with Voice Attack, nice idea, dont believe it'll be helpful with team communication. People talking to their computers and missing what people are saying to them over comms, instructions being given over open mic's, delayed replies cos people need to stop talking to yell stuff at the computer etc etc. This seems like it does the same thing, without voice, it just wants you to switch focus from the screen to the app and take you hand off a control device.
I'm sure the convenience vs inconvenience of using these devices would outweigh not using them (if they dont, dont use em in that situation), i just wonder if there are other alternatives, and whether 90% of the adjustables are something we need quick access to. Immersion seems like the biggest factor, in its current implementation. If we can get live market data, messages, check news, inventory, job/sale listings etc maybe it'll be more convenient, essentially a limited mobiGlas moved from the monitor to an app on another device. Useful for glancing at, without blocking your view while flying or performing any other task.
So im sceptical in terms of current benefits, but i can see it becoming more useful as implementation is added into SC further along the line.