******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Oh i see, i didn't even know about G-safe, i'm assuming mine is on in the two ships i own.

I also just Googled TrackIR, What a nifty thing assuming it works very well, the last thing you would want with something like that is Latency or tracking dropouts.

It works incredibly well, FacetrackNOIR, EDTracker etc are excellent to and far cheaper (although lack some features/reliability). I only got a TrackIR5 as it was going cheap on the members market, I've had tons of use out of it in Elite Dangerous and Star Citizen when it did work, as well as Euro truck simulator.. :p

There's no lag though and being able to look around is fantastic, although I prefer the oculus rift 1/2 for the feeling of immersion I just can't wear those for long without it being uncomfortable and to be honest I'd need a new PC to be able to run the game at a suitable resolution and FPS for the rift so that completely rules it out. Plus I got a 40" 4K monitor for my 40th birthday back in May so I'm happy as larry with my setup :D
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Used both DK1 and 2, don't own either (cousin is a VR fanatic though). I do absolutely love the technology but just hope they improve the comfort of them. My eyes felt try and face quite warm after both devices, second one was certainly better than the first though.

I can see it being a huge boon to how people work and play though, it's just early days still for the tech.
I was bringing up the Roccat device to a mate just a couple of days ago, i'd stumbled across it a while back but dont own an iOS or Android mobile so couldnt try it, and the the next day that video was doing the rounds, which was nicely timed.
I'd like to see the route that CIG goes down with their own apps, as well as what user created stuff appears in the future similar to this, but i could see myself buying a pair of cheap android tablets for functionality like this, essentially recreating the screens surrounding you in the cockpit.

I have a Surface Pro 2 (using it now) and so if there was the opportunity to use one of those, if only to evaluate whether or not its worth buying a couple of tablets & mounts, that'd be pretty handy.

I like these things for the immersive feeling, the concept, but wonder how it'll actually interlink with gameplay. I have this issue with Voice Attack, nice idea, dont believe it'll be helpful with team communication. People talking to their computers and missing what people are saying to them over comms, instructions being given over open mic's, delayed replies cos people need to stop talking to yell stuff at the computer etc etc. This seems like it does the same thing, without voice, it just wants you to switch focus from the screen to the app and take you hand off a control device.
I'm sure the convenience vs inconvenience of using these devices would outweigh not using them (if they dont, dont use em in that situation), i just wonder if there are other alternatives, and whether 90% of the adjustables are something we need quick access to. Immersion seems like the biggest factor, in its current implementation. If we can get live market data, messages, check news, inventory, job/sale listings etc maybe it'll be more convenient, essentially a limited mobiGlas moved from the monitor to an app on another device. Useful for glancing at, without blocking your view while flying or performing any other task.

So im sceptical in terms of current benefits, but i can see it becoming more useful as implementation is added into SC further along the line.

I used Roccat a lot when playing Elite Dangerous, works fine on phones/tablets but I've only ever used it on Android devices. You could use Bluestacks to emulate it and try it out that way on the Surface. One major limitation with the program is it's inability to rotate to landscape. Portrait is OK but in many cases landscape would make things that little bit neater and tidier.

If you are only using a T16000M then it'd be ideal for power regulation, turning shields etc on/off and for the less useful commands like automatic landing, lights, eject etc. However if you do have a throttle, even a basic separate then I think you'll end up with just the really out of combat stuff on it such as landing gear etc as taking your hands off a throttle during combat isn't the best idea.

It is very handy though no doubt about it but the Roccat devs have been promising a landscape orientation plus ton of other updates for well over a year now and haven't delivered which is an absolute mystery to me - this little application works well, there's very little input lag and they could be making a fortune off it. I prefer it by a mile over voice attack (partly as I like being on Teamspeak).
There is a community made touchscreen app too, trying to find info on it but from memory it requires you to configure one of your PCs as a web server etc.
honestly I love CH stuff, have the throttle, only reason I can think of is that CIG are working with Saitek to make one specifically for star citizen.

Price might be another factor CH stuff in the UK isn't cheap, I imported mine.
I found my 300i a little sloppy in maneuvers, it certainly didn't feel 'tight'. Apparently has one of the best mounted guns in the game also but it is so sloppy in dog fights it is almost wasted. This however may have a lot to do with my pathetic piloting skills with a mouse also though.

I did hear someone say the 300 series is getting a overhaul and aesthetically i still think it is the most appealing starter ship.

I don't mind how the ships looks and I love the idea of it on paper - I actually really like the 315 and 325 but the manoeuvring thrusters just seem weak as hell, it's like playing Tokyo Drift in 3 dimensions, I'm not sure CIG really know where to place them and in dogfighting terms get the impression they'll be very average amongst the sub hornet level ships although the 325 should in the right hands be able to annoy hornet owners rather than simply be swatted aside.
You should be able to do that ^^^^^ yes :)


If your coming from an LN its really not bad at all, it certainly handles a lot better.

IMO it does feel like the first ship that is more purposeful, no its not anything like as good as the Hornet but that costs 2x more, of course its better :)
The Mustang Beta is cheaper and handles better but that has paper amour and paper shields, as does the Delta, if the 300 series handled anything like them then what's the point in those?
If it did you'd end up with a ship more like the Hornet, so then what is the point of that at £85 or the Gladiolus at £70?

The 300 series is another step toward something like that, not as good as but a better all rounder than cheaper ships.

Don't forget the Reliant, it's in whiteboxing if I remember correctly so may be in-testing soon(ish) and it's another two person ship.
Humbug there is more but it's not being released until the base PU is there to test it on. 2 years of development is not a long time (although it's actually more like 3+)
^^ As he said, don't worry about LTI. When you consider the costs in-game for insurance on cargo, modifications, hangar etc it's going to be absolutely minimal. Some very early backers get free hangar rental on the starter hangar which TBH to me just screams "starter hangar wont' last you long" lol.

In no way is missing out on LTI going to be a problem, I've a few non-LTI ships, doesn't bother me.
You could swap the guns out, what does the 300i come with? I REALLY like Badgers, size 2. Take ages to overheat but don't do a huge amount of damage - but I to still tend to use them on an Avenger over it's stock wing mounted ones.
Avenger is a great ship, let's hope they don't spoil it following the rework! I agree about it being a Transit van of the skies, it's got the chance to do everything, in many ways it's the lone worker's constellation or Freelancer :)
Yes all ships are limited mate, I personally did the same thing a couple of weeks ago (can't remove the Avenger gimbaled main gun apparently!). I always check in the hangar now then alt-tab out to buy with REC, relog to fit.

It's a pain that you don't get an automatic refund if weapons aren't mounted.. I may actually request that now, can't mount? here's your REC back after X days..

I've suggested it, not via Issue Council as it's not for suggestions but more focused on bugs alone.
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^^ I'm actually worried we'll need 3 or 4 people just to use the Starfarer as it is, I originally had one when it was a 2 man vessel about 12 months ago. I can get it back easily enough but won't if it's going to need a reasonably large crew. Like the fact it's big but don't necessarily want that to mean larger crew requirements :(

Now if we can gather raw materials THEN refine fair enough but if it has to happen at the same time and can't be done with 1 or 2 people then I'll probably pass on it and look to get a Vanguard or the prowler when it pops up at some point.

I asked on the forum just to be sure: this is what i got back.

I think i'll just melt it.


Thanks anyway Andy :)

Shove badgers on the Avengers wings and you're laughing, pew pew all day long without overheating essentially. Remember you can replace gear on ships - don't class them as good/bad depending on the stock stuff you get - in game that's not even a factor.
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The way they seem to be aiming flight mechanics I'm guessing you could upgrade the thrusters and get a lot more punch out of them but essentially get only acceleration up to your max limit on velocity.

Oddly enough I took out my loaner super hornet last week and ended up going 410 after taking some damage, apparently the physics realised I lost mass and turned me into a rocketship :D

Quick vid from the fight, don't think I do top speed in any of the quick clips though.

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