******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

I like it but find it a bit boring, think it'd be awesome with someone manning the turret though :D

Still got to try out the Gladiator tonight and perhaps have another look at the Avenger, which is still my favourite.
Ramming is one of the reasons I tend to avoid it, the battlefield isn't particularly set up for dogfighting IMHO, not enough clutter to dodge behind etc. Thankfully in the PU ships have value, which right now they don't - as does your character so people will be far less likely to ram.
Yeah it'll come down to whether I think it'll be fun to fly mate, I loved the idea of the Starfarer (and Caterpillar) since the start but will probably opt for other ships if it looks like it'll require several players (rather than NPCs) to crew effectively.

With the org size of PAGAN I'm not keen on having to have crew AND escorts, we've no intention of growing much more so the likelihood is that unless I was prepared to have org members crew and use one of our partner orgs like Oppression for escort it'd sit in the hangar.
Same - It's one of the reasons I never bought a Constellation, I want to crew a station or man the turret :D Let someone else take the blame for flying into an asteroid for a change lol
I've been in it a few times but crash out relatively quickly, usually after taking off. Spending most of my time in Arena Commander to be honest.

I shall be on your connie though!
I think at the moment big ships like that are pointless, if you take one to a comm on your own you get torn to pieces because your so big and numb

I crewed Worzel's Connie, fantastic fun. I've got to wonder why people with connies aren't getting org mates to help. Other reason we're not doing it regularly is the instability in Crusader :(

I can't link the vid as I'm sure it's got swearing etc in it (only Worzel's teamspeak audio is recorded so conversation seems a bit odd - quirk of shadowplay).

If you've been to any of our videos in the past just look for the "2.0 multicrew first attempt" oddly enough also my longest time in Crusader without a crash ! We had some random sit in the other seat (I tried to shoot him..)
I signed up to Pagan ages ago, although tbh I'm not spending a whole lot of time on SC apart from checking this thread. I'll be a lot more active when the game starts coming together properly.

That's fine mate, I know your in the org as we've got you on the org list of ships :D Also you were org member 100!
Does that happen in Arena commander too? I only seem to have that problem in Crusader (olisar) I can literally play for hours on end in AC/Hangar/Racing and have no issue.
what are the benefits of joining a org? is it advised at all and why?

Right now - none, unless you actually organise stuff with them. It's more of an enthusiasts contact list IMHO.

Later on orgs will have hangars in-game and be able to lend ships, share resources and organise escorts, missions etc. Essentially much like clans/guilds do in other games, same thing really. Only word of warning is that they may also be able to tax members so if you do join any ensure you check that when the PU goes live even if it's just as an affiliate.. I've a feeling a lot of people will get stung by joining lots of orgs and ending up paying a lot of little percentages of their earnings without realising.

off topic:
Messing about getting a few "glamour" shots of the Stalker this evening and something unexpected happened.. assuming it's a new mechanic on abandoned ships, I usually blow mine up by that point. Likely low quality only as it's just been uploaded as I was typing the reply to Kanifee :)

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I'll rent one tonight and have a play then let you know bud. That way they definitely fit. Just wish I could give my subscriber REC points out to people but it's non-transferable so any long term subscribers have 500K+ as they back dated it.
They aren't on other ships are they? I forgot you need to remove them from other ships before placing them again, was confused last night when I couldn't find my badgers, which were on the loaner super hornet lol
I did grab a couple of size 2 ominskys for the wings, a size 3 for the tip and a sledhe I think also. None show in the inventory though.

Seems like only size 1s on the wings and size 2 on the front, I gave it a try on stock weapons and it was OK although the gimbaled nose seemed to have pretty limited ammo but was the only weapon that really did much. The two wing mounted Bulldogs overheat very quickly for repeaters so you need to be more careful with shots.

I tried a few variations, most fun one I found was simply daft, replace the nose cannon with a suckerpunch and leave the two bulldogs on. It was strangely good fun. Few shots with the suckerpunch then lay into it with the bulldogs.

Wierdest combo I tried was two suckerpunch on the wings and a Sledge II on the nose. Get hardly any ammo with a Sledge II (60 rounds) but by christ it does a lot of damage, pretty useless in long fights though as you need to be pretty spot on with your shots.

Honestly I'd run stock until they decide if they're putting larger slots on it or just swap out the main gun when you get bored of it in the meantime. A suckerpunch does work there and it'll force you to be accurate.

Just going to try Omnisky VI (size 2s) and see if I can put them on
Freelancer is certainly a great little ship, very versatile regardless of which one you take. Avenger isn't bad either though, Reliant is worth waiting to look at too. Try not to get dragged into buying whichever ship is coming next to the hangar etc - that's how you end up with 10+ ships :D

Just got omniskys on the Gladius, little vid of the hangar bug below. They are there - just invisible :-/ A couple of these plus the stock scorpion gimbal would be pretty nice I think, 2x Omnisky III on wings and 1x omni IV on nose would probably be less fun as they aren't rapid firing (not repeaters), although are lasers so you only worry about heat rather than ammo.

^^ video still processing so might be a few minutes before it works.
I get the same with them on the Superhornet, so it's perhaps just me or just those weapons.
Sweet mate, yeah pretty much it tbh! Heck probably easier as you dont' get cross winds in space lol

I'll have a look for the shield.. never really played at replacing them tbh!
Twin T16000ms seems quite popular just not, should work fine tbh, I tried it and couldn't get use to it - but I'd been using a ch pro throttle for that long that it didn't really matter as it's got an analog thumb stick on it for thrusters.

I stopped using my pedals recently and haven't really noticed any problems, less immersion but at least my daughter (bedroom below) can get to sleep at night now lol
They aren't silent, but yeah it'll carry during the night. Padding would help a lot though - I had to repair them and then just though.. sod it I'll use the twist, haven't really had any issues despite using those pedals for a couple of years.

Might go back to them eventually..
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