******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Tbh I agree with a lot of what you are saying. Your thoughts are rational and well explained. I do think that they are actually very closed doors in development in honesty. The reason is they started out more transparent but then so many people really did not understand the concept of concepts and it killed it pretty quickly.

The old design documents for the gameplay systems from what 3 years ago now were excellent, well written and gave clear idea of what they wanted to implement. Now they sit on things for a year without word. The only stuff they show are the shiny because they need to make sure their funds come in and unfortunately they seem to be of the impression showing white/grey box stuff would be detrimental rather than beneficial.

In regards to not showing network off, tbh they honestly haven't got a working tech demo of it to that doesn't show something similar to dual universe and that means again not likely to see it. However it is also something that doesn't really show off anything pretty. I mean they really haven't shown off much of how the economics work but they are actually at tier 0 in 3.0 with that service and they have given zero info on interdiction and just added it in. If it is anything background or service they seem to ignore it.

Ships sell and make money, nice animations the same, it is marketing and marketing are not always on the same page as more technically minded customers and they look at the largest pool of people to advertise too which in this is people dropping hundreds £££ each time a sale happens.

I think the large scope creep was land parcels from all accounts and before that was actually procedural planets/cities in 2015. Before that it was all the stretch goals. There for at least the last two years hasn't been all that much scope creep relative to what was being suggested from what I can see.
So Skadden's response is out. Yes it is massive as people expected. Its hilarious how some people thought that CIG's mostly PR response would dismiss the lawsuit. The question is will CIG settle or risk discovery and court? Can you imagine all the lies, financials, the dozen dummy companies that Roberts has established surfacing. I think CIG will try to settle.
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Can you imagine all the lies, financials, the dozen dummy companies that Roberts has established surfacing

Have I missed something whilst away?

Is there some unknown document/black hat report that has all these companies listed and online?

Is there a current investigation on going against Roberts ?
Have I missed something whilst away?

Is there some unknown document/black hat report that has all these companies listed and online?

Is there a current investigation on going against Roberts ?
A quick google will show you the list. Not yet but rumor has it that the Crytek lawsuit is just the beginning.
Em no they haven't actually :/

They have done some server side hot fixes to the background applications like interdiction but they are not looking to do much hotfix other than sorting out the major bugs like the player sphere issue. I think at best we will get maybe two hotfixes before 3.1 tbh.

They have already said they have moved almost everyone from 3.0 branch back to main dev branch. Then they will pull 3.1 branch off the dev branch end of February which would suggest 4 weeks of Evocati and bug fixing accordingly to get end of March 3.1 out with the optimisations and the new UI etc.

Sorry, that’s what I meant by hot fixes that they’ve implemented. Visiting the Manchester office this Friday so can’t wait to see all the early stuff talk to everyone.
Aye, I've done a brief google, can someone explain what is going on? All I can find is that Crytek want $75,000...

What's going on? Where are the rumours coming from? What are the rumours?

A lot of people, including a few YouTube law experts, are essentially saying it’s an attempt at a big cash grab by Crytek as they feel hard done by by the original contract. The 2 big issues seem to be centred around CIG changing game engines from CryEngine to Lumberyard, which Crytek have stated CIG were never allowed to do and that they had to use CryEngine no matter what, and that CIG are developing 2 games (Star Citizen and Squadron 42) when the contract was for 1 game (Star Citizen and Squadron42). A lot of their complaints don’t make any sense at all and seem to go against what’s written in the contract, which CIG released to the courts.

The rest of the stuff about shadow companies is that CIG have a good number of companies as part of their umbrella, with people who know business better than I do stating that it makes running a multinational business easier and smarter. There are rumours going round that Erin Roberts, Chris’ brother, was a member of the Swedish mafia and that Chris Roberts ran a used car dealership in California...essentially rubbish that was brought up by a few people at Something Awful, sent over to Derek Smart and he ran with them as if they were true.

Edit: A YouTube who is a copyright lawyer, Crytek are going after CIG for copyright infringement and breach of contract, has made a few videos of the subject.
Initial video
CIG response
Crytek’s response
As it's a law suit you can never say. Unless it's changed dramatically over the past couple of weeks it's just a blip IMHO. Cryteks claims don't add up. The contract they have was for exclusivity but Crytek appear to have assumed that means Star Citizen (or then Space Citizen) MUST be made with Cryengine. I don't read it as that when you look at the contract though, all it does it grant rights for CIG to use Cryengine, it doesn't say they MUST use it.
As it's a law suit you can never say. Unless it's changed dramatically over the past couple of weeks it's just a blip IMHO. Cryteks claims don't add up. The contract they have was for exclusivity but Crytek appear to have assumed that means Star Citizen (or then Space Citizen) MUST be made with Cryengine. I don't read it as that when you look at the contract though, all it does it grant rights for CIG to use Cryengine, it doesn't say they MUST use it.
well said
Yep, I agree, it appears Crytek are just looking to get cash for free but unfortunately that doesn't mean CIG won't lose in a jury trial due to confused peers bamboozled with technobabble & legalese.
Sorry, that’s what I meant by hot fixes that they’ve implemented. Visiting the Manchester office this Friday so can’t wait to see all the early stuff talk to everyone.

Ah no worries :) just worth a clarify otherwise next will be "well I haven't had an update" etc.

Honestly hoping they get one end this week for some the larger issues like the fix for people as spheres. That is frustrating as the player cannot fix it.
As it's a law suit you can never say. Unless it's changed dramatically over the past couple of weeks it's just a blip IMHO. Cryteks claims don't add up. The contract they have was for exclusivity but Crytek appear to have assumed that means Star Citizen (or then Space Citizen) MUST be made with Cryengine. I don't read it as that when you look at the contract though, all it does it grant rights for CIG to use Cryengine, it doesn't say they MUST use it.

Yeah to be fair though after what CIG have said in that RSI cannot be involved in the contract dispute has left them open I feel. See my thoughts below on each part that CryTek are shooting at CIG.

The use of their licence and which company
CryTek are suggesting that either they are part of the same company and so can be named accordingly and thus follow up their original claims direct against them or they are not part of the same company and thus should not have been using CryEngine at all as it was only licenced to CIG and so CIG have then given a third party access to CryEngine without having the rights to do so.

If the second stands true than they have much bigger issues tbh. Anything that RSI has produced has been done illegally with software they should not of had access too. With that it means all of SQ42 and any assets that SC uses that were created by RSI would need to be redone from scratch (fortunately a lot is anyways), however it also means they don't legally own the code or anything similar from RSI either. That needs to be destroyed or a sum paid accordingly to CryTek. Now the court is not likely to rule tens of millions as the cost of the licence seems to sit around $1.8 million so with that I think they will get something around the $5 million mark in this case.

And this is for the use between 2013 (when RSI was formed and March 2016 (in which you had to pay a fee to use it).

With that though I thought RSI was a subsidiary and I cannot see anything stating that CryTek allows for use of CryEngine with subsidiary but it also does not explicitly forbid but rather third parties and so the term "third-party" may be taken into account with or without the idea that a subsidiary is and that will be the argument I believe CIG will be making in terms of use of CryEngine in that it had the right to allow it's subsidiary to utilise the licence accordingly. If this is passed it would dismiss the CryTek claims in that the contract is still CIG to CryTek but RSI still have the right to use.

Exclusive or Note
They cannot be suggesting that CIG cannot use Lumberyard to make a game if they are saying they can only make Star Citizen with CryEngine and thus one or the other has to exempt. However they could still state that if it really was only one game for example SC that coudl be made with CryEngine then SQ42 shouldn't of been developed at all.

However it is more likely to be that both are 'The Game' and thus both under the exclusive side of things. However the definition of exclusive seems to be very abstract from CryTek. That one I think would be dismissed once the judge looks at it.

Sharing code to public domain
The point of bugsmashers I think CIG have messed up and any code that is CryEngine (not written by CIG/RSI) that was shown would cause issue and so they will have to highlight specifically what is CryEngine code to court to say that is ours etc. If they cannot prove that code is theirs then it will be dismissed so that really depends on someone going frame by frame through all the Bugsmashers series that falls within the date it showed to when they moved to Lumberyard in house.

With that, the fact that anyone had access to source code as well actually would mean that although in contract it states not to share if it becomes open source then that should no longer be aplicable as CryTek have basically waived their agreement in that section as they have already made it open source. Again this will come down to time and judge seeing the relevant data.

Conflict of Interest
The conflict of interest seems of note though, as it does appear that the letter did not cover what CIG claimed and once we see that letter that will quickly determine that. What ramification that has on any of the above, that is really unknown.
A fan made series, i really like these so i'm going to post these here, he needs more views, please share with friends and like.

So I've been offered a full refund which will in lude shutting my account down. They haven't indicated whether the streaming option will ever work again and I wonder if that is why it's full rather than partial.

I'll probably take it and then back it again at another date when and if my situation changes or streaming via steam or other software (splash top etc.) becomes viable... Shame as I really like the premise but I haven't been able to play since 3.0 release and probably won't.
So as i've seen in short Crytek's response to CIGs was "no you are not right we are right" and they go on and state the same things as they did first not caring about that most of their interpretations of the GLA requires lots and lots of mental gymnastics.

Their points:
Exclusive usage of Cryengine: OFC this is false as at least 2 lawyers on YT dismissed it as well. It means CIG can only use Cryengine for the Game listed in the GLA and not for others. It doesn't mean what Crytek says that CIG cannot use any other engine.
The 2.4 they are citing means CIG cannot go on and develop and sell a competing engine, not that they cannot use another engine to build SC

Squadron 42 not included: Crytek claims SQ42 is not included in the GLA...Well the GLA says: "Space Citizen' and its related space fighter game 'Squadron 42 together hereafter the Game"

IMHO the points about bugfixes and the Cryengine shown on bugsmashers have some merit, but still remained to be seen. Even Crytek comes out on top on some of the claims they still need to prove how the suffered financially from these and how much. Seeing that the claim was filed after Cryengine gone free to everyone it will be hard to come up with numbers.

As the two sides say two different thing it will probably go to court, but IMHO most of Crytek's claims are really weak.

A good explanation:

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