How much did GTA5 cost?it's only been 5 years and $200m, you were expecting miracles?
How much did GTA5 cost?
GTA5 Production costs widely reported as $265million. Don't know what SC current burn rates are like but I doubt they'll take long to reach those numbers.
Also a backer from long time back but really starting to doubt I'll see a finished product any time soon.
Have some real concerns about their funding and business model - few people are going to be spending hundreds or thousands once they're live. Just don't see how this is really sustainable once launched?
What's the latest projection for a finished game? This thread is morbidly fascinating.
What's the latest projection for a finished game? This thread is morbidly fascinating.
it's only been 5 years and $200m, you were expecting miracles?
It's looking quite good on the roadmap think my pledge was $60. I actually do think S42 will come in the next 18 months
SQ42 is 2020 isn't it? I would guess SC the following year
It's looking quite good on the roadmap
There is a lot wrong with the development but then there is a lot of good from it. Tbh if nothing else the engine is already pretty sweet because it could easily now do a full sized single planet exploration game with 100 people and has all the needed back engine code to do so.
The game would also work much better right if they had just stuck to having Hurston and moons and limiting the play area to test all the other functions like AI and mechanics and then adding another planet to a new system to test those mechanics and then building out the systems because it is the amount of content now in terms of space that is killing most of the performance.
I suspect when SSOCS happens in early 2020 (that is my assumption of when it will actually happen) we will see the performance needed for the servers to work and AI suddenly working as intended etc.
I don't think we will get anymore player space with the new planets till SSOCS happens and so although they may finish the planets and moons on first pass on roadmap they will be delayed release till Q1 2020.
Missing though are all the gameplay loops because SQ42 doesn't have those and they need that out next year which will likely be a Q4 release and then the following year we may finally see the missing gameplay loops start to be added such as salvage, repair, refueling, proper cargo trading etc.
It is going to be a long 18 months till that starts to happen though.
Sorry but when did this game have server meshing allowing 100 players to be on the same server?
Yea but what I mean is that serve meshing ain't done yet and far from it as well as many of the game mechanics especially in fps mode/viewThat isn't relative at all to what I stated since I mentioned reducing the player area to allow for increased player area. It is total data the server is tracking that becomes the issue and so thus reduce one element to increase the other.