******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

It's almost like it's still in development. Oh god those poor adults spending their money how they want..

But why is it still in development? This game has been in development for nearly 8 years. It was supposed to be released in 2015!

Since then, the production team has repeatedly missed their own deadlines, and Roberts just keeps burning through the cash with little to show for it.
But why is it still in development? This game has been in development for nearly 8 years. It was supposed to be released in 2015!

Since then, the production team has repeatedly missed their own deadlines, and Roberts just keeps burning through the cash with little to show for it.

Nearly 8 years... supposed to release in 2015 by my maths that means it should have been completed after 4 years ish. Even if the release date was set at 2015 i think we all know games take a lot longer than 4 years to complete. Anyway i am curious. If this game makes you so angry and personally hurt... what on earth are you doing in this thread? Just don't play it or follow it's development. Go do something you enjoy with your time.
But why is it still in development? This game has been in development for nearly 8 years. It was supposed to be released in 2015!

Since then, the production team has repeatedly missed their own deadlines, and Roberts just keeps burning through the cash with little to show for it.

Why do you care? What's this to your personally? For someone who's here wasting their time on a thread for a game they claim is comically overdue, poorly developed etc it's amazing. Nothing better to do?

Also it is comically overdue and it's been fundamentally mismanaged for years, heck most of us "fans" are more vocal about it than the trolls, but here's a few things which most trolling the thread can't understand or wilfully ignore, because they're a little dim.

1. Backers had a period of 3-4 years to get a refund, they also had 6 months + clear warning that this would end. Most kept their money in, many refunded once, some twice but still put money back in after thinking about it.
2. It's adults spending their own money as they want, if you are personally insulted, frustrated or in some other way offended by this please move to the communist state of your choice. They have disposable income they are willing to risk on this, knowing the risk *shock* *horror* people think differently from you. Get over it.
3. There's plenty to show for it, much of it doesn't mesh together yet but to claim little to show? That's a little.. on the knuckledragging side. Either it's ignorant bliss, in which case, good on you or it's laziness and not watching a single video they put out constantly about new content they are working on, bug fixing and releasing to backers. Again a lot of it doesn't fit together to make a clean, logical game yet - but to say there's little of it is dishonest. CIG have punted out more content over the years to backers then most AAA games put out with their gold release and first three season passes but apparently that's OK.
4. No backer cares if you compare the game to Elite Dangerous or any other space like title, because most backers own those games already and wouldn't disagree on 99.9% of the points made.

In short, I disagree with you on some points and unlike many I don't really care what other adults spend their own money on..

PS Disclaimer I'm drunk.
Worth watching....

The depth of this game is just absolutely astonishing. When it releases in a state where you can call it a proper game with purpose, it's going to be one hell of a game. When that will be who knows, but it's obviously many many years away because of their outrageous analness to detail. I'm not knocking that, it's incredible for the gamer to get immersed, but with that goes this incredibly long drawn out development process where so many ppl rightly so will question its direction.
I viewed my kickstart pledge as a pure punt, not a promise. If they pull it off it'll be incredible, if they don't then <shrug>, it was worth a gamble.

If you go on to spend 100s or 1000s $/£ then that's your prerogative. No one to blame but yourself.
In the meantime, if you really must, you can immerse yourself in the glorified tech demos. Plenty of people spend more for less.

Being critical of what they are doing is one thing but sniping from the sidelines from folk with no dog in the fight is just petty.
Alpha 3.8 PTU is open to everyone.


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All the bits and bobs I've seen look gorgeous and in theory the game is right up my street, but I steered well clear when they started announcing all the stretch goals, and it looks like my decision has been justified.
I can see both sides to the argument, but for me personally its good to see a company trying to innovate instead of the copy and paste templates we get every year.
The ups and downs of this development will make a good film, plenty of history to go on, plenty of dubious dealings to make it a thriller, I wonder who I could pitch the idea to that has a film company, oh wait I know ............................ :D
The ups and downs of this development will make a good film, plenty of history to go on, plenty of dubious dealings to make it a thriller, I wonder who I could pitch the idea to that has a film company, oh wait I know ............................ :D

Don't :( he already tried to make the citizen con live stream a pay per view event
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