******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

in which case it is quite a wait for me. hypothetically if I played for X number of hrs and got to a certain ship in the game but that gets wiped, but someone else who flopped out £500 (for argument's sake) got to keep theirs that would cheese me off no end, so I will be waiting for soft launch as I don't want to burn out getting reset back to nowt multiple times.

(which is not to say I won't have the odd little dabble)

Persistence isn't really a thing and servers are pathetically small so tbh it's barely worth considering for now.

If it ever comes out it's the time rich people who will ultimately win, having a ship that's big won't actually accumulate wealth if you aren't on to use it.
Persistence isn't really a thing and servers are pathetically small so tbh it's barely worth considering for now.

If it ever comes out it's the time rich people who will ultimately win, having a ship that's big won't actually accumulate wealth if you aren't on to use it.
honestly server size in principle does not bother me.

I would be delighted if it was essentially a new single player privateer game with NPC's. extra bonus points if I could invite a handful of mates into my instance and we could mooch about making money together.

the whole MMO side of it not only am I not interested in but it actually massively limits the scope of the NPC side of the game imo as well as makes it far more complicated to make (look how long server meshing is taking). I realise I am in a huge minority but I was more than happy with the smaller scope of the game I backed in 2012/2013 whenever it was.
Did you ever play Rebel Galaxy Outlaw? That was basically a spiritual successor the Privateer if you ask me and all I ever really wanted, when I kick-started Star Citizen in 2012
Yep i bought it the moment it released. it is great............ but i must admit i fancy something a little more cutting edge, a half way house between RGO and the monumental (arguably pie in the sky) aims of SC.
Did you ever play Rebel Galaxy Outlaw? That was basically a spiritual successor the Privateer if you ask me and all I ever really wanted, when I kick-started Star Citizen in 2012

I tried it but it didnt really grab me like Privateer did. In fact I went back and installed Privateer and played it for a bit.

Have u ever worked in a software house of any size?
THings get delayed/changed based on developing it .

You cant predict every possible outcome before you implement a feature and sometimes during development you realize what your making will only work short term and wont work with another future feature in the game and thust we have to start over or refactor what we have done already.

Its not lying.

Nonsense. I've worked in AAA game development for many years. I'm quite familiar with delays and releases slipping....a year or two in some cases. Things happen, direction changes, things get reworked.

But I backed Star Citizen in 2014. It's 8 years later now, and we are still no close to a release than we were in 2014. There's no change of direction, it's just never-ending scope creep. It's an absolute bloody shambles and no amount of dressing it up makes it OK or normal.

It's partly a victim of it's own success. If it had the same fixed budget as a regular title, it would have launched by now. As it is, it has a budget many times larger than most AAA titles, and a seemingly infinite flow of funding coming in from people that don't seem concerned about ever seeing it actually release.
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Nonsense. I've worked in AAA game development for many years. I'm quite familiar with delays and releases slipping....a year or two in some cases. Things happen, direction changes, things get reworked.

But I backed Star Citizen in 2014. It's 8 years later now, and we are still no close to a release than we were in 2014. There's no change of direction, it's just never-ending scope creep. It's an absolute bloody shambles and no amount of dressing it up makes it OK or normal.

It's partly a victim of it's own success. If it had the same fixed budget as a regular title, it would have launched by now. As it is, it has a budget many times larger than most AAA titles, and a seemingly infinite flow of funding coming in from people that don't seem concerned about ever seeing it actually release.
I too have worked on such projects like that and i know a lot of people in the industry too.

Your clutching on straws. the issue is not scope creep. everything thats planned for the PU is exactly what the backers voted for.

Many triple A games are taking close to 10 years to make now from scratch and that is working on usually one game and a studio already built from the ground up and well established(RD2 rockstar and now GTA6)
I too have worked on such projects like that and i know a lot of people in the industry too.

Your clutching on straws. the issue is not scope creep. everything thats planned for the PU is exactly what the backers voted for.

Many triple A games are taking close to 10 years to make now from scratch and that is working on usually one game and a studio already built from the ground up and well established(RD2 rockstar and now GTA6)

No scope creep in Star Citizen is one of the more hilarious things I've heard this year :cry:

I absolutely did not back a game that was going to release close to 2030....trying to pretend this is all part of the plan that we backed is.....well, it is Saturday night, maybe you're drunk :confused:
No scope creep in Star Citizen is one of the more hilarious things I've heard this year :cry:

I absolutely did not back a game that was going to release close to 2030....trying to pretend this is all part of the plan that we backed is.....well, it is Saturday night, maybe you're drunk :confused:

Careful, if you criticise this debacle in any shape or form he'll add you to his ignore list. The guy is absolutely delusional.
Jonney will say literally anything to defend his beloved Star Citizen and CIG.

"Scope creep" is the method they have used to extend development indefinitely whilst still raking in money, because neither of their games are viable, now people have had enough they have turned on backers and others calling them "roadmap watchers" because they have seen through the endless failure and BS from the roadmaps and CIG.

This is a typical tactic of the modern entertainment industry - it's the players fault, it's the fans fault, it's the viewers fault, if you don't like our NFT's it is because you're stupid...none of this is our fault, - so gives us more money NOW and stfu.
Sad thing is....I don't want to bash Star Citizen. I want to play Star Citizen.....yet every time I check in to see when that day may come....it's drifted further off into the future.
Sad thing is....I don't want to bash Star Citizen. I want to play Star Citizen.....yet every time I check in to see when that day may come....it's drifted further off into the future.
Exactly. There should have been a point where someone said ‘enough! Let’s stop here and work on getting this released’ but no one has said that. It makes me wonder if they’re afraid the money will stop after release.
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