******Official Star Citizen / Squadron 42 Thread******

Priorities Jonney :) They don't need it for 1.0 so its on the back burner, priority is get the engine stable, round out the game, polish and optimise, release and then look at Dynamic Server Meshing.
With a soft center cam, you can feel it as the stick goes over the different axis center lines, with no center you don't.

If you imagine you were trying to make some very small, subtle movements for aiming that bump could get in the way potentially. This is because I have yaw on the right x-axis, if it was roll then wouldn't matter :)

Having a center helps you not cross axis is all, So you only ever send in y input or X input.

You are thinking of the actual stick centring in which you are completely right. Taking springs out in effect turns it into a dry clutch so you can use a normal stick like a throttle as in it will stay where you put it.

I've tried removing the spring on mine and it won't stay in postion. The weight of the stick tips it forward.
Is there a cluch you can adjust?

I haven't tinkered with my VKB Omnis at all really, just replaced springs for lighter ones so not sure how the clutches work but would make sense.
Not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but DLSS4 is *well* worth the swap. Make sure you're in DX11 mode, update your drivers and the nVidia App, add starcitizen.exe to the apps list, then in the settings drop the DLSS down to "latest"

Might be in my head, but image quality looks better too.
(Mánadagr) This week's Goals
► We are working on having a 4.0.2 build ready for PTU later this week. This will roll in all the fixes and updates that were not hotfixable as well as new gameplay updates.
► We are currently still looking into further client stability hotfixes and have a handful of the top 10 client crashes ready for a possible client side hotfix on 4.0.1 over the next couple days.


We got some great logging from it and are testing code put in to detect stuck elevators/transit and reset them. Right now this is in 4.0.2 but we may be able to hotfix it over to LIVE if testing goes well. Since this is in early testing today I'm not trying to give hopes up just yet but will have more news later if we can port it over as a hotfix
I'm off next week, what's the chances of a vaguely solid patch? :D

(Tuesday) Latest Client Hotfix has now rolled over onto the LIVE environment with a handful of the top client and server crash fixes

Don't know, i'm away until Friday, i did play over the weekend and to be honest it was running very well for me but still with reports of broken lifts, tho i think on the Sunday that was largely fixed.

It is getting better with each fix they put out....
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Tried doing an Org event this evening, only like 20ish of or something and none of the elevators at Checkmate worked. I tried only three servers, one of the others had already spent the better part of an hour hoping servers trying to leave CM. Hope they get this fixed soon as it's kinda unplayable during peak hours.
Exactly, we all know how Dev teams work. There's one person that actually knows how/what to do. And they're overworked as the rest figured out who they were. :D

There's still a good chunk of my Org that are trying to struggle through, keep things going and we're still getting plenty of org vs org events from others. They just need to fix the hanger lifts asap. The annoying thing was it was good and then the hotfixed/merged streams and killed it.
Christ almighty that SCL is 3h long! I'm about halfway through it and it's all well and good in what they say but I am worried that the majority of players will moan about lack of progress because it's clear that this year we will see very little or no new features in the pu. Hope you guys are happy to play 4.0 for another 10 months lol
Christ almighty that SCL is 3h long! I'm about halfway through it and it's all well and good in what they say but I am worried that the majority of players will moan about lack of progress because it's clear that this year we will see very little or no new features in the pu. Hope you guys are happy to play 4.0 for another 10 months lol
Well this is where most vocal of the community has asked CIG to priorities so not surprised. They also believe there is enough content with Pyro and Stanton and 4.0 to play generally for this coming 12 months.

The Short of it being though from the 3hrs;
  • Monthly patches instead of quarterly but are performance based with less actual hot fixing with bandaids
  • Transit refactor never started as ran out time and will take senior at least 3+ months to actually re-write the whole system to work properly so everything a band aid till then for transit system
  • Elements like transit or the hangar elevators will have system self recovery systems in to try and recover when further edge cases happen that CIG can't code for effectively
  • Mostly new content being built on the current code/features so elements like base building on hold
  • There will be new features that go up in a completely different channel but only expect them to be smaller features rather than sweeping changes
  • They will take months to decide how to do all the above and half the year will be gone as they restructure the teams yet again after just doing that last year

They're apparently working on a patch to fix it all, like the last one to fix things, which doesn't work.

I'm starting to think they don't understand their own code but I'm sure someone will be along to make excuses for them soon :)
Huh where/whom has been saying there is such patch coming? I mean they just spent three hours saying how it will likely take the whole year to fix 4.0 to a reasonable state and be more stable and add basically no new features for the year and just new content being dropped.

As the excuses go, I will just say there will be loads of code that they don't know because people leave and we all know how good people are at documenting what they have done. I know this cause I know if I left where I am they would be screwed and take months to pull about details, documents, procedures and templates etc I have produced and left them with no directions. At same time document and explaining what done and how isn't simplest so I am not surprised on a project this long in dev has probably dozen of code bases for features that nobody knows how was fully written and linked and how etc. That spaghetti code of StarEngine probs does need a 12 month focus from teams to clean up just what they have.
Just another 12 months to fix is something they've essentially been eluding to year after year Curly. Who's been saying such a patch is coming - CIG, repeatedly on their own forum. "elevators will be fixed in this patch". Then it becomes "we think we've got enough info to fix the elevators this patch" then it's "this week, maybe next week for an elevator potential fix".

Same old gaslighting around fixes, meanwhile we'll no doubt get a bundle of free broken mechanics introduced with the fix, all at a time they had scheduled a free fly which they cancelled and an event that requires stability in order to participate in.

It's got to the level of coordinated incompetence I'm wondering if it's simply malicious.
Just another 12 months to fix is something they've essentially been eluding to year after year Curly. Who's been saying such a patch is coming - CIG, repeatedly on their own forum. "elevators will be fixed in this patch". Then it becomes "we think we've got enough info to fix the elevators this patch" then it's "this week, maybe next week for an elevator potential fix".

Same old gaslighting around fixes, meanwhile we'll no doubt get a bundle of free broken mechanics introduced with the fix, all at a time they had scheduled a free fly which they cancelled and an event that requires stability in order to participate in.

It's got to the level of coordinated incompetence I'm wondering if it's simply malicious.
I mean yeah elevators being fixed sure. That isn't fix it all patch though and was never described as that, which is a very different thing. And the hangar elevators and general elevators are having band aid fixes all time since they been in game (respective times for each)

The normal elevators have worked well enough for larger portions of time than been completely broken. Then the SM screwed them again. Should they of got the full transit refactor as priority as working prior to 4.0? Yeah 100% as they tried to have cake and eat it.

But I wouldn't say the 4-5 weeks after coming back from the Xmas break trying to patch the elevators along with general server performance etc even if some of it in a band aid format till a refactor can be completed is awful either.

They have always had feature increase as their priority and the fixing secondary, it has shown and they have stated this in the last three hour show. Because it's in development and a live service they clearly had two separate priorities trying to juggle. They haven't done it well. We all aware but I don't think anything is done malicious intent.

If they truly do as said in show last night then SC ad a game will be better for it but I actually think development to some extent will be worse off. All the features not in since CitCon 2023 to now are basically benches bar little parts here and there so there is a lot missing.

This why noted that 1.0 is realistically 4yrs + away though, always was. It also why it feels off that the star system SQ42 is in isn't going to be ready for 1.0 either cindering there at least 2yrs between SQ42 release and SC 1.0.

I also expect funding to slow down as the next quarter of patches slows down initially even content release let alone features before content possibly ramps up a little.
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