*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

Good lord, how long have you got?

The game was released with an broken engine that was completely inadequate for purpose. Large scale PvP was a slideslow, and even fleet with more than a few dozen people was a joke. It's supposedly been fixed in the upcoming patch, but it's already done a good job of emptying the servers.

Personal story - it just doesn't work. You can be dark 5 and still be the best jedi in the galaxy. Nothing you do affects the galaxy as a whole, it all has to take place behind a green barrier. It was forcing a single player game style into an mmo, and it just didn't work very well. In fact the only thing that your good / evil choices affect is which vendor you buy a few items from. Pointless.

Companions - everyone wandering around with the same companion is just dumb. Incredibly immersion breaking having a dozen of the same companion following everyone around in fleet. Another single player mechanism that just doesn't work in an mmo.

Legacy system - bloody hell, do I even need to detail what's wrong with this? Massive grind for a few emotes, again introduced after most people had already been through half a dozen alts. Again, supposedly being fixed, but far too late.

Space combat - pointless add-on for the sake of ticking a feature box. I wouldn't mind if they'd done it properly, but they just lifted it wholesale from lego star wars AND SOMEHOW MANAGED TO MAKE IT WORSE.

World design - some of the most uninspired I've ever seen in an mmo. Coruscant was a mind-numbing series of corridors and warehouses, Taris a frustrating laggy mess where you had to turn the grass off just to get a decent framerate. Tatooine had a nonsensical exhaustion barrier around Anchorhead, purely because the engine couldn't handle a seamless transition between areas.

Customisation - well it's pretty much non-existent. Have a look through the AH and you'll see dozens of different items all with the same graphic skin. They really missed a trick with lightsaber colours too, it would have gone a long way to making your toons feel individual if you could have a bit more choice.

I could go on, I haven't touched on the awful reverse engineering mechanic in crafting, the idiotic level 14 sprint skill the game released with, the utter dependence on CC in PvP, and so on.

You can see Bioware starting to pay attention and gradually fix many of these issues, but it's only in response to the sudden massive fall-off in players. They've displayed massive arrogance in many of their design decisions, especially for a company doing their first MMO. This I think, more than anything else, is what has people angry. They dropped the ball, and the game is never going to recover completely.
Ive been playing since Nov 2011 and im still currently playing.

I agree with most of what Sleepery has said, i could add many more faults, im still enjoying the game though, my biggest gripe is performance and after playing on the PTS with 1.3, performance is so so much better now.
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No offense but it looks like the problem you have with the PvP lies with you rather than the game.
It's not just me, my entire PvP guild feels the same. We're all experienced PvPers and have been playing together for years, and we all agree that the PvP is fundamentally horrible.

I like the rest of the game, but that's not what holds my interest.
Out of interest snave, are you playing a healing specced Operative ?

No. I am the last active concealment operative on my server - In both PvE and PvP :)

We've been nerfed to **** but I enjoy playing the class too much to swap, plus you can make the class work well in PvP still if you know what you're doing.
Good lord, how long have you got?

The game was released with an broken engine that was completely inadequate for purpose. Large scale PvP was a slideslow, and even fleet with more than a few dozen people was a joke. It's supposedly been fixed in the upcoming patch, but it's already done a good job of emptying the servers.

Personal story - it just doesn't work. You can be dark 5 and still be the best jedi in the galaxy. Nothing you do affects the galaxy as a whole, it all has to take place behind a green barrier. It was forcing a single player game style into an mmo, and it just didn't work very well. In fact the only thing that your good / evil choices affect is which vendor you buy a few items from. Pointless.

I strongly disagree with most of this. Yeah sure your choices dont impact the galaxy a great deal but the story aspect of this game has resulted in me have 3 max level characters in 6 months - purely from me wanting to see their story. Played WoW for 6 years and had 2 characters. The only reason I had 2 was because death knights started at 50. Leveling in this game is enjoyable.

Companions - everyone wandering around with the same companion is just dumb. Incredibly immersion breaking having a dozen of the same companion following everyone around in fleet. Another single player mechanism that just doesn't work in an mmo.

I agree to point on this. Personally I'm not really concerned about the immersion thing, I'm not a RPer and it doesn't bother me that there are loads of Darths running around but I think there should be more companion customisation. With the adaptive armour, moddable armour and companion kits though you can do a fair bit of tweaking.

Legacy system - bloody hell, do I even need to detail what's wrong with this? Massive grind for a few emotes, again introduced after most people had already been through half a dozen alts. Again, supposedly being fixed, but far too late.

Hmm not sure you're being honest here. Legacy system gives you far more that just emotes, it really comes into it's own when you level up an alt which is how it's intended to be used. Not sure if you've done that so maybe that's why you don't see its use. Massive grind? For what exactly? I've not done any grinding other than daily quests here and there and it's left me with plenty of credits and a high legacy level. I think the system as a whole has a lot of scope to grow, I certainly don't think it's this "game changing" feature they pitched it as but I can tell you one thing for sure - I loves my rocket boots!

Space combat - pointless add-on for the sake of ticking a feature box. I wouldn't mind if they'd done it properly, but they just lifted it wholesale from lego star wars AND SOMEHOW MANAGED TO MAKE IT WORSE.

I didn't buy a MMO to play a space game, it's a mini game as far as I'm concerned and not a great one at that. They've said they'll be updating it but frankly I couldn't care less about it.

World design - some of the most uninspired I've ever seen in an mmo. Coruscant was a mind-numbing series of corridors and warehouses, Taris a frustrating laggy mess where you had to turn the grass off just to get a decent framerate. Tatooine had a nonsensical exhaustion barrier around Anchorhead, purely because the engine couldn't handle a seamless transition between areas.

Hmmm, yeah maybe. I didn't find them any less engaging that WoW, I seem to be the only person who LOVED Tattooine though! A lot of this comes down to themepark / sandbox preference.

Customisation - well it's pretty much non-existent. Have a look through the AH and you'll see dozens of different items all with the same graphic skin. They really missed a trick with lightsaber colours too, it would have gone a long way to making your toons feel individual if you could have a bit more choice.

Agreed, they need a load more custom armours. Not a big fan of the end game gear either.

I could go on, I haven't touched on the awful reverse engineering mechanic in crafting, the idiotic level 14 sprint skill the game released with, the utter dependence on CC in PvP, and so on.

Not sure what you mean by idiotic sprint. You get it at level 1 now anyway. Dependence on CC in PvP? I would disagree with that too. I play a CC heavy class and most of the time people have full resolve bars to I have to tacticly use them rather than spam them out. It seems people's experience in PvP is very different to mine!

You can see Bioware starting to pay attention and gradually fix many of these issues, but it's only in response to the sudden massive fall-off in players. They've displayed massive arrogance in many of their design decisions, especially for a company doing their first MMO. This I think, more than anything else, is what has people angry. They dropped the ball, and the game is never going to recover completely.

There are a lot of areas they dropped the ball on, I agree with you. I feel a large reason a lot of players left is simply because the community became so hostile and aggressive. I left several guilds purely because I was sick of listening to players whine about trivial (in my opinion) stuff constantly. It was like complaining was the cool thing to do. Although now these players have left the community remaining on my server is actually very good, so definitely a plus to this too!

I completely agree with you about performance too, I upgraded my PC and get around 100fps all the time now but the upgrade shouldn't be needed. This area still needs improvement imo.
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I think the sprint thing annoyed me in particular because it was such an obviously dumb game mechanic - you run slowly until you hit level 14, and then you get this skill which suddenly makes the whole game at lot less annoying.

I know it's been moved to level 1 now, but it's a prime example of the kind of silly design decision that should have been caught in early beta. You have to wonder what kind of work environment existed at Bioware that nobody spoke up about it.

It was a bit like the speeders not working in starports thing. There was no good reason for it other than to annoy the player. It's just frustrating that they had to have it pointed out to them after launch.
You would have thought something like that would have popped up during beta? Could have always been there to try and slow down leveling a bit though.
Looks like BioWare are concentrating on consolidating most players either onto Tomb of Freedon Nadd (PvP) and The Red Eclipse (PvE), them also being the 2 most populated servers before the transfers started.

My old char on Bacca's Blade is SOL atm

EDIT: May I also add any new transferees to ToFN on Republic who are looking at joining a laidback/social raiding guild, Living Force are currently recruiting players for 16-man Operations (in particular healers!). Just give one of us online a whisper and we'll sort you out.
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Yay! Just transfered my old toons from Niman to ToFN, where I've been playing for a while now (although they're republic and I'm enjoying playing Imperial at the moment) :)

PvP in this game is not that bad to be honest, sure being stun locked then killed is a pain ( I also seem to see my resolve bar dropping whilst stunned a lot, that can't be right can it? )

I expect I'll get fed up when i hit lvl 50 on my current toons as the grind for gear until valor rank 60 is not fun. Did this on 2 of my republic toons, being geared at 60 is a different world for PvP (IMO) which to me does show that PvP IS a lot about gear in this game, not all, but a lot...
OMG! I just put all my characters onto the Red Eclipse. There are about 90 people on the Imp fleet! That's about 4x the max I've seen on my old server (Golluud Corridor). I'm a very happy man! :)
OMG! I just put all my characters onto the Red Eclipse. There are about 90 people on the Imp fleet! That's about 4x the max I've seen on my old server (Golluud Corridor). I'm a very happy man! :)

Try going from max 4 to 257 (on instance 1 of the fleet!) last night! Kai-Kan -> TOFN.

I'm a happy player again :D
Hmm, still nothing to or from Frostclaw :(

Its not even 9 in the morning in Austin yet, give it a few more hours, i think the last few days new servers added have been around 2-3 in the afternoon UK time, with the second wave around 4-6. Thats what has happened last 2 days anyhow.
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