*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

They haven't mentioned anything about the superservers but this certainly seems to be the route they've decided on. I don't think it's bad to have 1-2 servers as long as they aren't over populated. I don't want there to be so many players that community is lost but I'm definitely looking foward to lower pvp queues (about 40 minutes at the moment for me) and more player selection for operations.

They did mention super servers in one interview a while back but I think most people ( me included ) assumd this was just to cover up major server merges. Obviously I hope they actually meant it, was 98 on imp fleet tofn this morning before work so hopefully pops will stay high on those that remain. Pve wise though if Nightmare lands is sent to red eclipse too, as seems likely then I've lost all of my names.....
I have active sub and am on Nightmare lands... its not a dead zone but its not busy... i do hope we get move options and not become a destination, i want to change my frigging name.
I've finally got all my characters on ToFN. I will start playing again when 1.3 hits and will start raiding then. I still feel like this game is not what it should have been though. Anyone feel the same?
I've finally got all my characters on ToFN. I will start playing again when 1.3 hits and will start raiding then. I still feel like this game is not what it should have been though. Anyone feel the same?

yup the features that in now would have kept me playing at the start.
I don't think I'm looking forward to Patch 1.3 at all, in fact I'm not looking forward to the nerfs :(

Also I've been so disappointed with the server transfer system that I'm thinking these 2 things may have killed the game off for me.

I wanted to be able to unite all my characters on to 1 server, but due to the truly odd system BW decided to implement that wont be possible.
I don't think I'm looking forward to Patch 1.3 at all, in fact I'm not looking forward to the nerfs :(

Also I've been so disappointed with the server transfer system that I'm thinking these 2 things may have killed the game off for me.

I wanted to be able to unite all my characters on to 1 server, but due to the truly odd system BW decided to implement that wont be possible.

What nerfs?

And what odd system? PvE->PvE, PvP->PvP etc. Not really odd at all if you ask me, it makes perfect sense.
What nerfs?

And what odd system? PvE->PvE, PvP->PvP etc. Not really odd at all if you ask me, it makes perfect sense.

The Assassin/Shadow nerfs. You know, halving the heal rate and reducing the armour buff from the main tank skill.

I get why there's no PVE -> PVP (and vice-versa) but why no option for PVE -> PVE-RP (and vice versa)? Why limit each server to only one destination?


The amount of money they spent making this game, advertising this game and then their arrogance (by their I mean EA and BW combined) they have completely butt ****** their own product within a year or less!

They had ample feedback and time to to fix and improve on their game but instead in typical EA fashion they assured us that, in fact, they were right and all MMO vets were wrong.

In retrospect releasing a partly finished, years old **** product does not in fact constitute a good game despite the fact it is called Star Wars. Really gutted this game has clearly folded like it has but at the same time I am glad EA's ******* arrogance has came back and kicked them square in the ****.

FU EA and FU BW. You don't know jack and I hope this hits you hard financially.

I know EA are evil incarnate and were no doubt prodding BW in the back to get this on the market ASAP, but I'm laying 99% of the fall of this game squarely at the doors of BW and her conceited developers. The hubris they've shown is staggering. They've sat in their ivory tower, telling players we've got it all wrong and we don't know what's good for us. Based the game on metrics without having any idea what they actually mean. Dismissed players desire for something deeper than a puddle in the Sahara "Han and Chewie never got in their ship and just dicked around in space" thanks for that Erikson, but I bet they never flew around and around an identikit space station on a locked and predetermined flight patch either.

I could go on all day venting but it's not good for my blood pressure. Even me, who has been hopeful, but cynical of this game since it came to light the direction BW were going in, has been surprised at quite how quickly, and spectacularly, it's imploded.

A real shame as I think it will be the end for the P2P model.
The only way I would play this again is if it went F2P tbh - so fingers crossed :p

What a giant screw up though, especially considering how much money they put into this.

The time when MMOs could make a lot of money is long gone. EA and Bioware were too quick to make money on this, too slow to release it with th inability to listen to user feedback. I don't know why they even bothered with a beta, they ignored most of our comments.
It's actually not bad, especially on one of the newly packed servers, it's just that the whole thing is over quite quickly if you're a heavy gamer, and the end game isn't up to much.
The Assassin/Shadow nerfs. You know, halving the heal rate and reducing the armour buff from the main tank skill

So much whinging about this, but it was needed. (In PvP, Sentinels & Marauders are more OP, but Shadows/Assassins were FOTM before for similar reasons).

The best tanks in our guild are Shadow, and one of them is even less well-geared than his other character which is a Guardian but takes WAY less damage on healing-intensive fights like Zorn & Toth in Denova HM. Even our Vanguard when specced takes more damage, it's silly. They are only trying to bring all three tanking classes in-line with each other so they are all as equally viable now, instead of having to rely on the one which is most buffed.
While this game has had problems i dont think we are anywhere near a FTP model yet, 1.3 will bring more subs and at at a guess i would say the game has around 1 million subs, this number could dwindle though with BW constant mistakes and arrogance.

I agree with the EA thing mentioned above.

I dont know the financial numbers that EA would turn to a FTP model but i cant see this game ever going below 500k subs, that's my opinion of course, i also remember reading many articles saying BW have said 500k subs is a profit for them, not sure how much this is true.

PPL need to look at EA's track record with MMOPRG's with Warhammer online, TOR has been far more popular and will continue to add more subs in the future Warhammer online wont.

Warhammer online 4-5-yrs on is still a paid subscription model, this is EA we are talking here, SWTOR will never ever be free imo.

I also think from experience that an MMORPG with a FTP model adds a more immature crowd, again this is my opinion.

Can you also imagine a EA FTP model? £10 to mount up 10 times a day? £10 to repair armour a few times a day, no thanks to an EA FTP model :)

I just hope BW get there stuff together in the future.
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Hmm, was considering getting this, but looking at what everyone over the last few pages have said, I'm not so sure it's worth it now....


It's all opinion based though - I personally love it and still play it 3-4 hours a day minimum (much more at weekends) and have done since June last year when I got into the beta; the only exception was my holiday lol :P

I think the F2P stuff was misquoted, though I do think it will happen I don't think it'll be for a while; to much money in F2P for EA not to I guess.
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