*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

Exactly, look at DayZ. If you'd tried to pitch a zombie survival mmo with free for all PvP and permadeath to a publisher you'd have been laughed out of the building, but it's proving hugely popular because there's real freedom and risk.
So much whinging about this, but it was needed. (In PvP, Sentinels & Marauders are more OP, but Shadows/Assassins were FOTM before for similar reasons).

The best tanks in our guild are Shadow, and one of them is even less well-geared than his other character which is a Guardian but takes WAY less damage on healing-intensive fights like Zorn & Toth in Denova HM. Even our Vanguard when specced takes more damage, it's silly. They are only trying to bring all three tanking classes in-line with each other so they are all as equally viable now, instead of having to rely on the one which is most buffed.

I've got a Vanguard, Juggernaut and Assassin and I definitely didn't feel my Assassin was much more survivable. So I guess it a case of the elite few causing problems for everyone else again. Because person X has all the best gear and is effective during endgame content when in a competent team lets nerf everyone.
Exactly, look at DayZ. If you'd tried to pitch a zombie survival mmo with free for all PvP and permadeath to a publisher you'd have been laughed out of the building, but it's proving hugely popular because there's real freedom and risk.

i would love a real zombie survival mmo.

instead of losing everything your new character could inherit 75% of your stuff
To quote one post on the official forums (which are almost split 50/50 in terms of whines/ragequit threats, or maths to prove that it's not that big of a nerf as most people realise).

Shadows are currently better tanks than any other class. They have good defense, great shields, and decent absorb. Guardians have high defense but low shield and absorb, and vanguards have low defense and high shield/absorb. So while shadows had less armor, they were getting good returns from all three mitigation stats instead of just 1 or 2. They paid for this with the fact that they had less damage reduction from armor. They also had high self-healing. After this nerf, they still will do decent self-healing.

Our other Guardian MT has done a LOT of theorycrafting into how each of the tanking stats scale differently between the 3 tank classes and their base mitigation to support this statement, and at present Guardians/Juggernaughts have the least overall damage mitigation. This is followed by Vanguards/Powertechs in second place, with Shadows/Assassins taking the least damage overall.
Because person X has all the best gear and is effective during endgame content when in a competent team lets nerf everyone.

There is defo an element of this going on, but there are real examples where a class is kicking more ass than it should or not enough as well.

This always happens in most games that have a level of MP like BF3 being a prime example of nerf's & counter nerf's then buffs and its all based off well someone did this so it must be OP, so i will make some noise on the forum to get it changed.

I have a sniper with 1213 Exp and some times in PVP i feel that if i could throw the weapon at them it would do more damage and i have good gear. But then the reverse must happen, when i down a low level in 3-4 shots, he must be thinking Sniper is OP,

To be honest, I would say my sniper is the most underpowered toon vs the gear on him, If you look at the negitives listed below for sniper you would think that would mean its single target DPS would be super high,

1) They cannot move and shot
2) They have cast time + distance + line of sight issues
3) You cannot take much damage,

You put that against any other DPS class & you would think they would hit the hardest but they don't,

I still play that one the most as i like the class, just means i need to play smart and work with the hand BW delt me + pray to Jebus that a healer worth his salt is healing me.
the PVE levelling up is one of the best games ive ever played in terms of engaging me and making me actually give a toss ( at least 1st time round.)

Some of the cut scenes and stories are really well made/funny/good/laughably bad.

Endgame raiding is meh - too little content at moment but the hardest mode is quite difficult tho which is good.

PVP is akin to warhammer, which is a good thing, but simply not as good. I dont have the time to get decent Expertise gear so even tho im an OP marauder i drop very fast and still struggle killing people :O

Its an ok game but like most new MMOs its a few months play then onto the next - they just dont last anymore.
Im not sure if I completed by Class quests or not. It just suddenly disspeared from my mission logs.
Im a Jedi Consular (Shadow), and I seem to have gone onto a flashpoint quest "ilum under siege".

Is there something wrong here? Just seems the class quests ended abruptly.
Im not sure if I completed by Class quests or not. It just suddenly disspeared from my mission logs.
Im a Jedi Consular (Shadow), and I seem to have gone onto a flashpoint quest "ilum under siege".

Is there something wrong here? Just seems the class quests ended abruptly.

Ilum under siege is the last story quest (shared by all classes) - the last class quests from memory is on Corellia before you return to Coruscant... on Corellia you fight someone
the master from Tython, forget his name, pony tail...
I fought Master Syo but that was a while ago on Corellia as you say....
So I already finished my class quests if I have gone past this point?

Also, I didnt realise story quests were different to class quests (were they labelled as story quests in the mission log)?

Also it seems I will be only able to complete this as a group since it is a flashpoint, does this make sense to you?

(Thanks for the response by the way!)
I fought Master Syo but that was a while ago on Corellia as you say....
So I already finished my class quests if I have gone past this point?

Also, I didnt realise story quests were different to class quests (were they labelled as story quests in the mission log)?

Also it seems I will be only able to complete this as a group since it is a flashpoint, does this make sense to you?

(Thanks for the response by the way!)

Then yes your core "Consular" class story is done - that fight and the kind of ceromy on Coruscant is the end - when you load your character it should say "interlude" at the top! :)

The Ilum story is a cap that all classes do at the end and yes ends with a flashpoint - Battle of Ilum and then The False Emporer :)
The only way I would play this again is if it went F2P tbh - so fingers crossed :p

What a giant screw up though, especially considering how much money they put into this.

The time when MMOs could make a lot of money is long gone. EA and Bioware were too quick to make money on this, too slow to release it with th inability to listen to user feedback. I don't know why they even bothered with a beta, they ignored most of our comments.

I played this at launch and really enjoyed it. I could deal with the teething problems - it was actually the attitude of Bioware that turned me off.

I would have been fine with "Yes, we know there are problems with X, we are working on it. Sorry for the inconvenience"

What we got was "There are no problems you are all just a pack of twazzocks"
I played this at launch and really enjoyed it. I could deal with the teething problems - it was actually the attitude of Bioware that turned me off.

I would have been fine with "Yes, we know there are problems with X, we are working on it. Sorry for the inconvenience"

What we got was "There are no problems you are all just a pack of twazzocks"


I think they've admitted quite a few problems?
100% certain now frostclaw will be orgin.... It's clear they are going for one or two servers so make names on dunebantha/nightmare. They are are both better than frost but it's a toss of a coin.

Only thing that can save frost now is it might have better hardware and a higher server cap.
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I don't think even F2P could make me go back, put a 60 day time card on just before the free 30 days and have not even logged in to play past 60+ days, gone back to WOW and enjoying it much more and looking forward to MOP.

I logged in to see how busy TOFN was after 5 days of transfers and given all the servers that could move to it was a little shocked that Fleet only had 2 instances with a total of 350 people in it, and this was around 8pm so a busy time. Checked my guild list, and the amount of people who had not been seen for 50+ days was something like 80 out of 250 members.

But I am not surprised after 1.2 arrived missing the ranked warzone's and other bits a lot vanished, and then they seemed to stop putting any information out for 3-4 weeks in terms of news and Dev posts, then all the layoffs.

I love Star Wars, but I just found it very boring after I had finished 2 toon's to level 50.
Still enjoying this after my transfer to tofn shame my main 50
Toons ain't getting a move as of yet lord calypho is the only
English rp-pvp stop dragging your heals again BW
Looks like BioWare are concentrating on consolidating most players either onto Tomb of Freedon Nadd (PvP) and The Red Eclipse (PvE), them also being the 2 most populated servers before the transfers started.

My old char on Bacca's Blade is SOL atm

EDIT: May I also add any new transferees to ToFN on Republic who are looking at joining a laidback/social raiding guild, Living Force are currently recruiting players for 16-man Operations (in particular healers!). Just give one of us online a whisper and we'll sort you out.

Might give you a whisper my guardian got moved there and he is homeless lol
The Immortals have reformed on TOFN, as well, while we not anywhere near the size we were, we will grow, so if you want to join a mature guild, see www.mmo-guild.co.uk or whisper, Maresalu, Dasaev, sengar, Nemese's in-game.

Gah hopefully forstclaw will get a transfer soon. Loving the group finder on test. Just free's you up to level and do dailies instead of screaming on the station
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