*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

Sorcs aren't OP in PVP, not many of the classes are, it's all pretty balanced, except maybe marauder/sentinal if played right which are lethal and hit very hard.
Sorcs aren't OP in PVP, not many of the classes are, it's all pretty balanced, except maybe marauder/sentinal if played right which are lethal and hit very hard.

Personally I think Sorcs/Sages are having a tough time at the moment in comparison to Agents/Smugglers.

Agree with Marauders/Sentinels being OP though, they have too much survivability for the damage they output. One or the other needs to be toned down.
There was a spec prior to 1.3 that allowed significant double dipping with chain lightning, if that spec was used I can assure you they were most definitly OP. I'm talking about 2 shotting people on a regular basis. A guy in my guild was demonstrating how OP the spec was and he was outputting over double the damage done of other players in warzones whilst still playing objectively.

Healing specced agents seem to be the most effective in warzones at the moment mainly due to mobility but I'm not sure if that makes them over powered.

Mara's could be toned down a little I suppose, the utilty and mitigation they have in addition to damage seems a little out of balance but I don't find them that hard to kill unless they have a pocket healer. Mara + Pocket healer is going to absolutely destroy people.

Assassins / Shadows could do with a little nerf too IMHO, a tank specced character that has huge burst and probably the largest amount of utility from all classes is a little too much for me.
This is also a load of nonsense. Free periods for MMO's are now common place in some shape or form and considering how this game is designd (story story story) giving people access to the firsrt 15 levels just makes good business sense.

While the most of that article is a bit iffy at best (personally think subs have dropped below 1mil but nowhere near down to only 60k) the part about the F2P to lvl15 is spot on.
It's really not a good sign when an MMO with the budget of SWTOR needs such a trial only 7-8 months after release. Even Warhammer Online that crashed and burned quite quickly still took over a year for the up to lvl10 trial.
Normally at this stage of the games life a standard 7-14 day trial, possibly with content restrictions as well would be expected, not a play forever as long as you don't go past lvl15 one.
The only difference is how it looks, it's the mods that define how good the shell is, and you have to get the mods from campaign/BH gear, or have them crafted for you (expensive!). I think with campaign gear you get a set bonus though, however for sorcs it's not all that good. I personally like the look of BH/campaign gear so will keep it till I get valor rank 70 and I get wear orange war hero gear (looks like a bad ass predetor!).

Bracers and Belts do not have a set bonus (Head/Chest/Leg/Feet Do) - they also have solid stats, no armoring or mods - hence why I said surely getting Orange ones which do allow for Mods and Armoring you can make them better then Rakata/BH/Campaign?
Bracers and Belts do not have a set bonus (Head/Chest/Leg/Feet Do) - they also have solid stats, no armoring or mods - hence why I said surely getting Orange ones which do allow for Mods and Armoring you can make them better then Rakata/BH/Campaign?

Only works if he has access to BH/Campaign level armouring/mods, and if said mods give better stats than the normal BH/Campaign bracers/belt.
Only works if he has access to BH/Campaign level armouring/mods, and if said mods give better stats than the normal BH/Campaign bracers/belt.

Well if he has campaign gear I assume he is running EC HM - so they do have armoring drops; and BH Comms meaning you can strip Mods from them or the campaign gear.


Campaign Smuggler Medic Belt:
78 Endurance
113 Cunning
12 Crit

Modded Orange With Rakata Level Armour/Mods - going for same stats:

81 Endurance
122 Cunning
11 Crit

So -1 Crit but more cunning and end (non augmented) and thats without level 61 stuff
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If you can get the armourings then orange bracers / belts can be better, problem is the drop rate on those armourings isn't great and you can't simply extract armouring from for example the rakata head piece as that is only usable on other head pieces.

Also the belt / bracer only allow you to add an enhancement in addition to the armouring. I think, it might be mod but you can't add both. IIRC!
I don't understand how they are better? Both can be augmented and have the same mods in them, or am I missing something?


Ignore, I know what you mean now. Doesn't have to be an orange shell though, you can throw the mods in Columi/Rakata gear if you want, so the only advantage of changing shells is for the look (unless of course it's campaign which are set). I like the BH gear and WH, if campaign drops and it's better I'll wear it I guess, I haven't looked into it that far and we are struggling with EVHM if I'm honest so it'll be a while till I work it all out.

I've found with SWTOR it's best to learn as you play as there is a lot to the game.
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I don't understand how they are better? Both can be augmented and have the same mods in them, or am I missing something?

Bracers and Belt do not have mods or armoring - unless you get orange ones - the Rakata/Campaign are just basic stats if that makes sense, no armoring or mods or enhancements - like earpieces and implants just pure stats (again unless orange)




Note the Rakata Field Medic Belt, set stats no armoring or mods - compared to the Orange Gunslingers Belt I am wearing - with armoring and mods... that is that i meant...
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Now it's clear.

So I guess if I get a better belt, then RE the Campaign in the hope of being able to craft it (synthweaver)?

Orange Belts can be obtained from

a) Legacy Gear
b) Synthweavers / Armormechs (Schematics come from Underworld Trading and other mission crew skills)
c) GTN

The hard bit is the Armoring Mod - if you want Rakata+ Level you need to wait for a drop during a HM Ops and hope it's one for your class... alternatively there is the GTN but they normally charge hella monies for them!
Not sure when you stopped playing or what spec you were but until recently Sorc's were borderline OP in pvp.

Interface is now movable / customisable to a degree, most people seem to be pleased with it. IMO it could still use some extra functions but each to their own i guess!

Camera has definitely been fixed and you can now set it however you prefer, there's now rated pvp games if you want to pursue that but all in all pvp is in a pretty decent place right now. I pvp a lot and I enjoy it greatly.

At max level there are plenty of flashpoints and operations to take part in and they've now introduced a group finder tool so it's pretty simple to get a group together. The legacy system encourages rolling alts and I would recommend you enjoy some of the other stories, I've never enjoyed levelling alts but I now have 4 max characters in this game purely because the levelling experience sucked me in.

Not sure if they'll be sending out any free game time to old players any time soon but if those were your reasons for quitting I'd say they'd all been resolved now.

I stopped playing in January and was healer spec (whatever that is).. the UI for healers was messed up as often reported players being on full health when in reality they were almost dead.. I'm tempted to give it a go for a month, they don't do a scroll of resurection like wow do they ?
It fits the purpose though doesn't it?

The goal was to get people playing together, not to give people freedom to play where they want.

Not for me and my friends no.
Sure there are more randoms around to spam chat now, but I'd rather play with my friends. Guess I must be odd like that.

Don't see why they couldn't have kept the destination servers but then let any origin server move to any destination server so friends could pick the same one?
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