*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

I'd like to play my actual account, with my level 50 characters, but apparently paying £44.99 and preordering in August 2011 makes me an unvalued customer and ineligible for the free 7 day promotion. Surely the people you'd want to try tempt back are the ones who quit before the end of the free box copy 30 days because your game was so undeveloped at launch. Wouldn't you want to show them what's changed since December/January?

Bioware/EA infuriate me. At least I have TSW, but I did want to check out SWTOR again because I have so much free time this summer.

They literally throw all logic out of the window.
finally managed to get myself logged in after a about a week trying to actually patch the game. My character is on Nightmare lands now - jedi guardian named deadlyblue if anybody has a guild I can get in on :)
Sucks. Apparently you have to have completed one billing cycle. So the fact that I only played Between December and January, and quit after the 30 days free, means I cannot try 1.3 with this free 7 day promotion :/

Not happy at all.

Neither did I :( - I am glad you posted that, saves me hunting for my security key generator!

Oh well, their loss. Stupid decision on their part though.
You could just spend £8 and see what it's like? I'm not arguing about whether it's right or wrong you don't get a free week I'm just suggesting £8 isn't a great deal of money to check out a game
Dropped Zorn and Toth in EC HM last night, we ended up giving up after a few goes on the second boss due to it getting late. My personal progress is 1/4, I've been within 2-3% of downing the tanks, which is pretty annoying! The rest of the group managed 3/4 on Sunday night but they were up till 4am!
Grats mate! I like the difficulty of EC HM it's a fun raid, the tanks can be tricky to kill so don't get down about wiping on them a few times, you'll nail it next time!
OK good timing, I had an email from EA last night saying I can use my account until the 17th for free to check out the new content. It also gives you a free transfer to another realm, any suggestions for a good realm to transfer my Sith Sorcerer to ??

Grats mate! I like the difficulty of EC HM it's a fun raid, the tanks can be tricky to kill so don't get down about wiping on them a few times, you'll nail it next time!

Cheers. I'm fairly confident our raid group can do 3/4 and stand a good chance of downing Kephess, it's just a case of getting everyone together. For example last night, we started at 8pm, but we had to pug a healer till 10pm. Once our own raid healer came back, Zorn and Toth were down after 2 goes. Just goes to show how everyone in the raid group must know what's going on and small things cause wipes. I think they've got the difficulty of the hardest raid in the game just right. Certainly not impossible, but very hard to get everything right even though the mechanics are relatively simple.
OK good timing, I had an email from EA last night saying I can use my account until the 17th for free to check out the new content. It also gives you a free transfer to another realm, any suggestions for a good realm to transfer my Sith Sorcerer to ??


You don't get to choose. The server you can move to is based on where you are currently.

Unless you're moving from a different region (US/Asia), not sure how that works.
Up to lvl 15 trial already? Wow...

I might jump back in as i'm a "past paying subscriber", may as well but i'm not expecting much.
Installed and patched but all my skills have been reset. Anyone point me to a guide for a Smuggler's skills (Gunslinger).

The wife's away this weekend so I'll be able to hammer it, will also play the game as well :)
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