*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

they locked a load of the "origin" servers to stop people creating characters on the dead ones, they're also planning on moving everyone off the locked servers over the summer so would assume they'll then be shut down for good.

If you're looking for a busy server take a look at the server transfer threads on the SWTor site, that'll show you where they considated everyone to.
Nightmare Lands is a big PVE one now and pretty busy all the time
Every server minus chundar (My origin server) was Standard population.
I'll just play on one of those servers then, thanks.

I can only transfer to Tomb Of Freedom Nadd?
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Found out a neat little trick today...

If you set the launcher to run in Windows 2003 SP1 mode, it doesn't trigger UAC, and things like Ventrilo PTT, media keys, keyboard macros etc. work without having to run them in administrator mode.

I wish BioWare would just fix the launcher instead, but you know....
I started playing again on release of 1.3. This was after a 2 month break due to work commitments.

Absolutely loving it again, I'm on Nightmare Lands and it's thriving, people everywhere.
I must say the server mergers and game improvements in 1.3 have really transformed the game. 250+ people on the republic fleet compared to the 30 on my old server, it actually feels like an MMO!

Also 1.3 really seems to have improved the smoothness and FPS of the whole game. Going to start PvEing at the weekend now the group finder is in place :)

Its just a shame the game wasnt like this a few months ago, it could have kept them a lot of subscribers.
I must say the server mergers and game improvements in 1.3 have really transformed the game. 250+ people on the republic fleet compared to the 30 on my old server, it actually feels like an MMO!

Also 1.3 really seems to have improved the smoothness and FPS of the whole game. Going to start PvEing at the weekend now the group finder is in place :)

Its just a shame the game wasnt like this a few months ago, it could have kept them a lot of subscribers.

Tbh seeing the game now and what they've planned for 1.4 it should get a lot of subs if they keep it going like this, even with GW2 coming out soon
Using my free trial at the moment after I left my level 29 sith warrior a few months ago. Feels so much better to play now. I'm on Tofn if anyone is around. Ingame name stranguk or strang. I've forgotten which.
Any Nightmare Lands Imps on here - wanted a social guild for my Tank - not worried about Ops really.

Also is it wrong to do HM FlashPoints in recruit gear, people have got annoyed for me tanking in recruit (even though I seem to do ok?) - but I need to get Columi gear some how - and a lot of the purple gear crafted for end game isnt as good as the Recruit.
Stand on the fleet for a minute and you'll see a stream of guilds looking for players, should be pretty easy to get one.

Recruit gear is pretty bad for pve tanking tbh but if you've just hit 50 it may be better than what you have, getting columi gear is simple though especially using group finder as a tank.
Stand on the fleet for a minute and you'll see a stream of guilds looking for players, should be pretty easy to get one.

Recruit gear is pretty bad for pve tanking tbh but if you've just hit 50 it may be better than what you have, getting columi gear is simple though especially using group finder as a tank.

Thats what I'm saying though - I am only tanking HM FPs which give Columi but the recruit is better then crafted gear so it seems adequate to do HM FP's in - I know it's no good for PvE at any higher level.

Also I wanted to play with fellow OcUK'ers hence the question :)
Well the easiest option to gear up quickly is to run the heroic daily quests, you'll get purple mods and armourings as a reward so you just need to slap them into moddable gear and you'll be in a decent position.

That being said as long as you aren't wiping all the time just carry on as you are.
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