*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

No worries. The servers are down, so I'll get an invite sent once they're up. If you buy the game and get a 30 day subscription, I'll be a happy man as I get the speeder. :D

Let me know either way please.
If it keeps me hooked for at least a week, i'll buy it. I will let you know of course.

Cheers. You should have the invite, and as per the email, if you join the same server as me, I'll fire you 100k credits when the speeder is granted, which, if you're sub level 30 or so still, is a good amount of money. :)
Tried Nightmare Pilgrim last night and 2 or 3 republic were insistent on ruining our chances. We even left Voss for 30 minutes, came back and they were still there. Staying stealthed till mid fight and then pulling the tank away or pulling aggro off one of the bosses. Second time we've tried and a similar thing happened last time. Stupid boss is stupid.
Cheers. You should have the invite, and as per the email, if you join the same server as me, I'll fire you 100k credits when the speeder is granted, which, if you're sub level 30 or so still, is a good amount of money. :)

Just dropped you a mail as I was at work from 3-11PM yesterday. had nothing through in regards to a trial link :(
Does anybody know if there's any significant changes to the BH Bodyguard (healing specc) ? I only played a bit when the game was released, got to lvl 50, started healing a few instances but then I quit out of boredom, there was nothing to do (i dont like dailies). I saw they implemented the legacy and I wonder if there's any good changes that would make me come back...
Just located my security key generator. So incredibly tempted to fire this back up - shame I am only around for about 1/2 of the month :(

Are many of you still playing this? Republic or Imperial?
Last night I went to re-subscribe (I played for a few months during launch) and selected the one month recurring sub. It takes me to Paypal and I set it up with no worries. It says thank you and that I'll have to wait an hour before logging in. No prob.

Over an hour later I try to log in and it says my account is Inactive. I check the site and paypal and there is no change or record of my new sub anywhere. So thinking I must have missed something I did it all again carefully checking everything I was doing.

That was last night and I've just tried to login again but I'm still getting the "Inactive sub." At the time of making the sub, everything from the site, paypal and then the following EA site tells me it went smoothly and that I'll have to wait an hour. But again I cant get in and theres no record of me making a sub anywhere.

Does anyone know whats going on? Has this happened to anyone else?

Personally I was finished with the game but due to a friend recently trying it out (and pestering me to play again,) I was gonna show him the ropes because hes new to MMO's.
This happened to me in January and the reason was because there was no option to add a middle name in your billing details on swtor.com so it triggered a missmatch with your paypal/bank account.

I'd try again but this time make sure the name matches
After a couple of failed attempts of taking down the Nightmare Pilgrim, due mainly to Republic ganking, we finally managed it last night (I wish at times we were on a PVE server and not PVP!). It wasn't an organised run, someone mentioned to me that we may try a joint guild effort, and within 90 minutes and 3 attempts later it was down. We then went onto kill Gargath and the Primal Destroyer (twice, as there were two instances on Belsavis. I didn't get the boots, but we are looking at making it a weekly run so it shouldn't be long.

I've also started levelling an Operative which is heal spec'd. I got bored and since I've always wanted an Assassin Tank I've started one as well and I'm having a lot of fun with it.

Kephess harm mode tonight, though since I picked up campaign pieces on earlier bosses unfortunately I can't roll.
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begun, change has

BioWare™, a Label of Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: EA), announced today that it will be expanding the story-driven, massively multiplayer online game Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ by adding a new Free-to-Play option this fall. This option will give players access to each of the eight iconic Star Wars character class storylines, all the way up to level 50, with certain restrictions*. Unlimited game access, including new higher-level game content and new features, will be made available through individual purchases or through a subscription option.

“Players want flexibility and choice. The subscription-only model presented a major barrier for a lot of people who wanted to become part of The Old Republic™ universe,” said Matthew Bromberg, GM of BioWare Austin.

Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer of Star Wars: The Old Republic added, “Since launch, we’ve been listening to feedback from our fans and adding new content and refining The Old Republic at a breakneck pace. We believe we are in a position to help improve the service even more, not only by continuing to add new content, but also by expanding the game to many more Star Wars fans, increasing the populations on worlds and the vibrancy of the community.”

Starting this fall, there will be two different ways to play Star Wars: The Old Republic:

Subscription – A service designed for players who want unrestricted access to all the game features via ongoing subscription or by redeeming a Game Time Card. In addition to gaining access to all game content as our current subscribers do now, subscribers will receive ongoing monthly grants of Cartel Coins, the new virtual currency that will be introduced later this fall. Cartel Coins can be used to purchase valuable in-game items including customizable gear and convenience features that will enhance the game play experience.

Free-To-Play – The first 50 levels will be Free-to-Play, with restrictions on access to new content and advanced player features. Some restrictions can be “unlocked” with Cartel Coins.

As the first step towards adding the new Free-to-Play option this fall, Star Wars: The Old Republic will go on sale in August for $14.99 USD, including one-month of free subscription.

Source http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/home/email/alert/?ndmViewId=news_view&newsLang=en&newsId=20120731006602
Kina quick to go F2P... but i'll accept it, means I can jump on every now and again.

Does show how much the game has dropped on it's rear though, considering it's what, 7 months old?
So much for my thoughts that it wouldn't go F2P since Warhammer Online has lasted all this time on a full sub basis, sub numbers must have either really dropped like a stone or EA was bsing about 500k being profitable.

Must be a record for fastest post launch F2P conversion on a big name MMO though.
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