*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

yeah ill go back when its free to play even if its just to finish the story quests

subs under 1 million
500k subs needed just to break even


Unacceptable, No it really isn't acceptable :(. Now go make us a decent star wars games. Go look at swg pre cu and add even more features and bring it upto 2014.
Why do big companies keep churning out MMOs that are all the same and have stalled in progress since MMOs first appeared, in fact many are worse than the old ones. Why are we still limited to so few professions, for example.
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What can I say.

I was called an idiot, a moron, a troll and so much more. I was derided and scorned and much worse for suggesting that SWTOR would not be the best thing since sliced bread. You see, I called the demise of SWTOR long, long ago when it became clear the business plan was 'watered down WoW but with a story'. And now I finally get to say to all those people who insulted and abused me for saying the game would be F2P within a year:

I told you so.

And boy does it feel great. If only I could do this with lottery numbers I'd be set for life!
the paid sub mmo space just seems a wasteland of games all failing to get WoW money

i can see the elder scrolls online being a complete disaster

the thing about SWTOR that it made a great first impression up to level 30ish then it just seemed to drag even more then mid level WoW in fact i leveled a few toons to level 30 then just losing insterest
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What can I say.

I was called an idiot, a moron, a troll and so much more. I was derided and scorned and much worse for suggesting that SWTOR would not be the best thing since sliced bread. You see, I called the demise of SWTOR long, long ago when it became clear the business plan was 'watered down WoW but with a story'. And now I finally get to say to all those people who insulted and abused me for saying the game would be F2P within a year:

I told you so.

And boy does it feel great. If only I could do this with lottery numbers I'd be set for life!

Well now you just sound like a bit of an egotistical twod :P

I am not to worried about F2P tbh, I will keep my sub to continue with Ops as I enjoy the game; not really fussed by the news as most MMO's are taking this route, I honestly didn't think it would happen to SWTOR this early, i thought another year or so - but with the exception of WoW it is the go to model now.

Any one excited by Marvel Heroes (off topic!)?
If you look at how they're implanting f2p it's actually very clever. Players can pick up the game cheap and not incur a sub charge but their access to end game is retrieved, maybe they join a guild and decide to try out operations and then POW another sub.

I have no issue with this, as long as the shop only sells fluff and convenience items it's a pretty positive move all around. It also allows players to "vote with their wallets" whilst still playing the game - bored with operation? No worries just drop to F2p until the next content patch, you can still dick around in warzones and flash points. Hopefully this will bring an end to the entitlement of some players although I doubt it.

On the down side this may lower revenue and slow down development but I guess we'll have to wait and see. Did they release the current sub numbers?
It's funny, when STO went F2P I thought: "Great! I can jump on whenever I want now."

I've been on twice.

Granted, I'd maxed out my Captain and done just about everything by then, it's not too surprising.

I haven't been back to SWTOR since about march, but, I only have a couple characters that are even off the first planet (my main two are only in the 30s iirc). It's probably a safe bet that I'll be back once F2P is live :)
I quit the game one level before level cap.

The combat was clunky, the casting animations were terrible and out of synch, player positioning was out of synch so enemies would be somewhere other then where they were on your screen then suddenly lag to their location.

Also it made me cringe how all the races in the game used the exact same character model just with a different skin... laziest thing I have ever seen in an MMO. I bet they create a few more skins for the same model and label them as new races and charge for them in the not too distant future...
If you look at how they're implanting f2p it's actually very clever. Players can pick up the game cheap and not incur a sub charge but their access to end game is retrieved, maybe they join a guild and decide to try out operations and then POW another sub.

I have no issue with this, as long as the shop only sells fluff and convenience items it's a pretty positive move all around. It also allows players to "vote with their wallets" whilst still playing the game - bored with operation? No worries just drop to F2p until the next content patch, you can still dick around in warzones and flash points. Hopefully this will bring an end to the entitlement of some players although I doubt it.

On the down side this may lower revenue and slow down development but I guess we'll have to wait and see. Did they release the current sub numbers?

Agreed with this. A couple of my friends are going back to SWTOR after not playing for a while, it's a good move IMO.
Paid £65 or something for the digital deluxe edition. Which in fairness was my own error, but they repay my faith and loyalty with going mostly f2p? wow thanks for making me waste my money EA. Feels like a kick in the teeth, but good for those who havent played it already

EA, have fun with your Golden Poo award. Heard your shareholders are extatic.
Paid £65 or something for the digital deluxe edition. Which in fairness was my own error, but they repay my faith and loyalty with going mostly f2p? wow thanks for making me waste my money EA. Feels like a kick in the teeth, but good for those who havent played it already

EA, have fun with your Golden Poo award. Heard your shareholders are extatic.
lol @ you raging when you clearly haven't read all of the changes. You get quite a bit having bought the deluxe edition, certainly more than normal subscribers. What the Cartel Coins are worth exactly in terms of how good the new gear is though remains to be seen.
It's pretty much what happens when you develop a crap game, with a Star Wars skin on it.

Let's have it right, if SWTOR was any old MMO without the Star Wars universe, would you have even been bothered in the first place? I don't think I would have been.

No surprise whatsoever it's bleeding subscriptions, no surprise at all. In fact, the only surprise is that it hasn't happened sooner.
If it's just for cosmetic stuff & they stay clear of pay to win I don't mind.

My only concern will be the lack of new content if the development team get's hacked to pieces to just make novelty items.

In all fairness, they should have just made Knight Of The Old Republic 3 (but with more depth, loads of expansion stuff/DLC - kinda like Dragon Age/Mass Effect 2.
Anyone fancy dropping in the detail of the differences between f2p & paid levels of access? Can't view it at work, and believe it or not I've always had a soft spot for huttball :)
Anyone fancy dropping in the detail of the differences between f2p & paid levels of access? Can't view it at work, and believe it or not I've always had a soft spot for huttball :)

Short version: Subscribers is basically same as now, except you get some cartel coins each month too for whatever they're used for... F2P you can play to 50 do everything apart from raids but extremely limited in how much of it you can do per week.

Sub vs F2P

Story Content
Subscribers and F2P players can play their full class stories from levels 1 to 50.

Character Creation Choices
Some character creation options, such as species, are limited to subscribers.

Free players are limited in terms of how many Warzones they can play per week.

Free players are limited in terms of how many Flashpoints they can play per week.

Space Missions
Free players are limited in terms of how many Space Missions they can play per week.

Only Subscribers may complete Operations.

Travel Features
Subscribers have access to all travel functionality, making getting around the world easier. F2p has limited access, no mention of details.

Game Login
Subscribers will always be in login queues ahead of free players.

Galactic Trade Network
Subscribers can post up to 50 auctions for sale as now f2p has extremely limited access.
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