*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****


How are getting so much money?

I decided to ditch slicing and get Synthweaving instead which is what I should have done at the beginning. Now UT, Syth and Archaeology.

Edit: Also, any shadows on here? What battlemaster armour/spec are you using?
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From comments section:

I know many won't believe me. but, I work at Bioware. best part for me is coming here to read fans replies. I won't tell you much and I don't care if you believe me. So here is "what's" going on were I work.

If you havent noticed the interviews we had given sometime back had been removed. mainly, the interviews that gave it "away" that we are looking at adding F2P model. we are indeed adding free to play to the game. now the best part for me is anonymity I have that allows me to be open.
We will have mainly have a "fluff" shop for the new direction with F2P. but much of the legacy system will have the option to purchase those "perk's" (the main reason credit cost are high to slow progression until we patch F2P) as well many parts of the game will have new content that requires you purchase are type of "coinage" from the cash shop so you can buy the access to "special" content/quest. now new companions will also be in the shop. but due to us getting down sized and the staff changes a small team is working on these F2P changes.
I don't want anyone to be upset by this. but many of these changes had been in the "planning stages" for many months since the sharp drop in subscribers. many parts of the game will cost money to access. for example you can unlock the new "cathar" race in your legacy. but buying the unlock, it will cost 10$ US

So we are all pretty upset here. we know Daniel and Jimmy many more are next round of layoffs. EA blames us and to some extent they're right to. but it was fan feedback from the day we opened the forums that encouraged us to design it for the fans the way it is and that included making it more like Kotor then an MMO like Wow. Also from what I have heard in the halls, Starwars Galaxies was shut down due to the fact are talks with LA,EA suits ecouraged the new guy at LA to increase the licensing fee at renewal time. it was a move to remove any direct competiton to TOR.

Sorry guys gotta go but be good to each other.
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Not sure where it come from or why they did not want a Wow clone, in the early days when the game was announced the forums were full of people looking for an open sandbox swg type game lol.
this is my favourite

Hi Guys,
An other Bioware developer here, just wanted to let you all know that the new super secret legacy companion is Mint-Berry Crunch, and he will cost $9.99 every time he is summoned.

Also, we are getting ready to fire Ray Muzyka tomorrow, because doctors have no business making games.

Like the other devs here I am not concerned about my strict NDA with a company that has a history of enforcing them harshly and has ties with the major gaming sites to prevent actual developers from posting. As such, I will continue to show no professional etiquette by continually leaking things to online gaming sites.

So fear not, this is all true!

I kinda hoped the first bit was true
Could anyone here recommend a Republic guild on the Tomb of Freedon Nadd server? I prefer the PvE stuff but play PvP as well.

I transferred there a while ago and rejoined with a guild from my old server, but the guild is pretty dead and I've given up hope that it'll ever get strong enough to be able to do Operations, or even just regular Flashpoints.
Although I agree there is a lot of unfounded negatively, especially on the forums this is alittle more than natural shedding of development staff post release as large scale lay offs were made in April / May time, this is a further lay off of staff.

This suggests to me that again subscriber numbers have fallen, I believe there is an earnings call soon which will reveal current numbers which I suspect have fallen from 1.3m to around 1.0m subs

Forgetting WoW - 1m subs is not all that bad for an mmo really is it?
Could anyone here recommend a Republic guild on the Tomb of Freedon Nadd server? I prefer the PvE stuff but play PvP as well.

I transferred there a while ago and rejoined with a guild from my old server, but the guild is pretty dead and I've given up hope that it'll ever get strong enough to be able to do Operations, or even just regular Flashpoints.

Coral are farming 16man HM Explosive Conflict and are recruiting for both PvE and PvP teams.

Stick an app on our forums http://coralguild.com/ but have a look at this first: Application Information
Coral are farming 16man HM Explosive Conflict and are recruiting for both PvE and PvP teams.

Stick an app on our forums http://coralguild.com/ but have a look at this first: Application Information

That's quite a daunting application form, it reminds me of job applications I've been doing loads recently. :p

I don't think it's worth me applying, the guild seems way above my level. The Old Republic is my first MMO and I'm still not exactly an expert at it. Thanks for linking it though, maybe I'll feel like I'm ready for a hardcore guild some time in the future.
No worries, I agree those application forms can be over the top sometimes, but they do act as good filters.

Give me a shout on "Cerés" if you need anything ingame :)
Nothing really too in depth on that application form. You need to bear in mind these people could end up spending a significant amount of time playing in game with you so it makes sense you ask a couple of straight forward questions to make sure you are going to fit in.

My opinion has always been if you can't be bothered to spend 5 minutes reading a guild rules page and filling out an application then I can't be bothered to spend 5 hours of my life raiding with you.
OK - just resubbed on TOFN

Levelling alts at the moment.

I just can't get into the PvP sides of things. I like open world PvP but not warzones.

Not been able to find a guild so far. As soon as I hear the words "Hard Core" I lose interest. I had a great guild when I played LOTRO and would love to find something similar. So many guilds have a list of demands - you must always be logged into teamspeak, you must raid at this time, you must do x......I don't want another job. :(
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OK - just resubbed on TOFN

Levelling alts at the moment.

I just can't get into the PvP sides of things. I like open world PvP but not warzones.

Not been able to find a guild so far. As soon as I hear the words "Hard Core" I lose interest. I had a great guild when I played LOTRO and would love to find something similar. So many guilds have a list of demands - you must always be logged into teamspeak, you must raid at this time, you must do x......I don't want another job. :(

Try asking in General for social guilds - quite a few of them about, less "job" like
anyone playing inquisitor to heal with?
I was playing one at launch and in the early stages of hm raids. It was verging on being a bit ott though. Im just wondering if they've been nerfed or has healing been overhauled at all?
Pretty sure i read inq's were due a tone down
anyone playing inquisitor to heal with?
I was playing one at launch and in the early stages of hm raids. It was verging on being a bit ott though. Im just wondering if they've been nerfed or has healing been overhauled at all?
Pretty sure i read inq's were due a tone down

I heal with a sage, all content as well - we got a nerf in 1.2 which when using Noble Sacrifice even with the proc it still now effects our own health - previously it did not meaning we could pretty much have an endless resource of force... we still can but have the problem of healing ourselves now also which costs force.

Other then that still good healers but not as OP as before.


oh the bonus from the HoT has changed it no longer reduces the cast of our big heal but does increase crit chance instead - again this makes healing a bit tougher as takes longer to cast then before.
If you're looking to see the weaknesses of any given class there's are threads on the official forums for each advanced class to discuss how they feel about their classes at the moment. There's a healthy amount of QQ but a lot of it is surprisingly honest.
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