*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

Well, i got accepted into The Dark Vengeance, currently doing the HK quests and then onto grinding 69 rating gear.

How are they as a guild then? Thinking I need to join one if I'm going to have a decent go at coming back to it, they looked interesting but I'm just not sure how much I'll play.
How are they as a guild then? Thinking I need to join one if I'm going to have a decent go at coming back to it, they looked interesting but I'm just not sure how much I'll play.

I knew them from SWG.

They accept casual players, but they do say that a dedicated Raided player or PvPer will always be given a slot instead of a casual player, which i'm fine with.

122 members, Ventrillo.

I'm looking to join the Ranked PvP team, just need the gear now.
Was going to bite the bullet and give this game a glance as I'm hearing a lot of praise for the way they have recovered from the early problems with it

I'm actually lacking a decent mmorpg to play currently so it would be nice if when i do find one thats interesting, that the bloody thing actually works :P

Getting the crash after you use the launcher login and hit play, no error messages or anything.. and their support seems a bit meh as well
Was going to bite the bullet and give this game a glance as I'm hearing a lot of praise for the way they have recovered from the early problems with it

I'm actually lacking a decent mmorpg to play currently so it would be nice if when i do find one thats interesting, that the bloody thing actually works :P

Getting the crash after you use the launcher login and hit play, no error messages or anything.. and their support seems a bit meh as well

Treat it more as a RPG with MMO mechanics and it's absolutely brilliant.

I remember the support generally being okay, have you submitted a ticket?
Started to get back to the game yesterday after 2 days of patching and password faffing.
Also confused with all the various currencies and coins in the game.
Anyway, the game seems to run smoother on my laptop now and lots of people running around in lower levels helping (which is great). The LFG finder hasn't worked for the 3 hours of playing, although looking in the chat window can find you a group quicker.
Also annoyed that the free JA3 speeder is broken and cannot be unlocked by subscribed users with low level characters like myself (broken for sometime according to forums).
Gamewise - it is a great RPG and as Outline quoted it is absolutely brilliant.
See if I can stick with it all week (without the missus complaining).
I've heard a number of people talking about this launcher issue. Only issue I had(a few months back now) was when I opened the launcher I would get a "certificate authentication" error. Called support and went through a number of fixes it turned out to be my windows install. Rebuilt my machine and now its working fine.

I've joined a great guild recently and we doing a lot of the high level Ops which are a lot of fun.

If you are a tank, LFG should pop straight away. Healer you can wait maybe 5/10min and dps can be up to 2/3hrs. As you said better off trying to get a group together in general chat.

If you need any help or advice in game just buzz me. I'm on TRE - Scülly or Durkadirka
I had repeated crashes yesterday. I Decided to reinstall the game and it's been okay since, but i think messing around with graphic settings on BF4 caused too much stress on my 660.

Tanking is brilliant, my Juggernaut Tank is so much fun to play in both PvE and PvP.
I had repeated crashes yesterday. I Decided to reinstall the game and it's been okay since, but i think messing around with graphic settings on BF4 caused too much stress on my 660.

Tanking is brilliant, my Juggernaut Tank is so much fun to play in both PvE and PvP.

Agreed, I had several maxed out DPS classes, but when I tried Jugg tank, it was like a completely new game for me. They nailed tanking IMO, a lot of games fall short.
Agreed, I had several maxed out DPS classes, but when I tried Jugg tank, it was like a completely new game for me. They nailed tanking IMO, a lot of games fall short.

I'm leveling an Assassin Tank (finding this tough) and a Powertech Tank currently, my Operative will be a Healer.
I'm leveling an Assassin Tank (finding this tough) and a Powertech Tank currently, my Operative will be a Healer.

They doing a lot of changes to the Assassin tank, quite a few changes coming when the next expansion launches.

I got bored with my Powertech, so rolled a Merc and having much more fun with it. Saying that a PT is a good tank.

Agree about the Jugg, its a fun toon to play. Spec Rage for PVP and you do some serious damage! It's almost OP :p
Trying to push my lvl 26 Jedi Sentinel, but keep getting distracted with side-quests and Heroic missions. Mind you, the space combat missions are a blast of fun, especially taking out the destroyers.
I'm leveling an Assassin Tank (finding this tough) and a Powertech Tank currently, my Operative will be a Healer.

I respecced both my Assassin and PT to tank at one of the updates (that basically screwed both classes' DPS up), and they were both great fun in warzones!
Hi all.

Played this game since 2010:eek:

I quit a while ago as i got bored of the game due to a number of reasons.

Im thinking of coming back but now its a free to play game im concerned about a few things.

1:Firstly, how does the whole free to play work? does it basically mean half xp and credits like 90% of other free to plays..

2:Also if i was to sub, i was a sith marauder, but found anh got nurffed a bit so changed to carnage before that got nurffed lol. is sith marauder still a useful character to play?

3: I was level 50 something, before quit, if i was to resub would i be able to even get into any groups or even survive pvp as i hated PvP before i left due to people running around in silly armor where you couldn't damage them, basically meant no chance for casual players to play in PvP.....how are things atm?

just like to know how games doing atm
1:Firstly, how does the whole free to play work? does it basically mean half xp and credits like 90% of other free to plays..

Might as well sub, so many restrictions that you basically either sub or quit through anger and frustration.

2:Also if i was to sub, i was a sith marauder, but found anh got nurffed a bit so changed to carnage before that got nurffed lol. is sith marauder still a useful character to play?

Yep, just become a Smash junky.

3: I was level 50 something, before quit, if i was to resub would i be able to even get into any groups or even survive pvp as i hated PvP before i left due to people running around in silly armor where you couldn't damage them, basically meant no chance for casual players to play in PvP.....how are things atm?

Yes, so long as you do regulars. Just grind warzones to get Conq gear.

What server are you on?
Not bad considering it launched in December 2011.

opps does that hint that i was part of alpha and beta testing lol.

im on The Red Eclipse server. btw

I have a few characs but sith marauder was my best.

I was actually tempted to re-roll a healer class, after the nurff of Anh tree ect but if its still worth playing maurader then i might sub for a month and see how things go.

what major changes have come into affect? (not incl free to play ofc lol)
opps does that hint that i was part of alpha and beta testing lol.

im on The Red Eclipse server. btw

I have a few characs but sith marauder was my best.

I was actually tempted to re-roll a healer class, after the nurff of Anh tree ect but if its still worth playing maurader then i might sub for a month and see how things go.

what major changes have come into affect? (not incl free to play ofc lol)

Lots and lots of changes. Make a coffee and have a good read of the patch notes. ;)

Only read the the main notes i.e. 1.5, 1.6, 2.0, 2.1 etc


3 new daily areas
New Ops
New WZ
New Arena's
New Race

And Marauder's are still doing crazy damage so no issue there.
Lol cheers, might try a month and see how it goes, hopefully not too much"your noob so I won't let you join my group"lameness that used to happen a lot.

Dare I look at the client download size.....
Been playing it for 3 days and really getting the fun of it. I have a Jedi Sentinel (lvl27) and a Vanguard trooper (lvl13) rolled on The Red Eclipse server. Plenty of people there for doing Flashpoints and Heroics. Tried a bit of PvP - highly unbalanced with lvl 13 against a team of 20's.
Lol cheers, might try a month and see how it goes, hopefully not too much"your noob so I won't let you join my group"lameness that used to happen a lot.

Dare I look at the client download size.....

Work your way to max level and then have a go with the LFG tool, I've never had an issue. Catching up on gear is relatively easy, just a grind.
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