Yea my gunslinger is awesome in PvP - much more fun then healing!
Yeah i went gunslinger, took me ages to decide when i was in the fleet though, i can see this character being very enjoyable
Yea my gunslinger is awesome in PvP - much more fun then healing!
The troll has returned. Have you really got nothing better to do than constantly come into this thread and bash the game? If you don't enjoy it then don't play and don't comment, it isn't difficult..
Well I had 5million... now I dont
White Crystal (+41 Power 2.5mil)
Social X Mount (no longer has social requirement - 2mil)
I'm tempted on the white crystals but more for it now, sell it post 1.2 when you can no longer get them in game but its a big amount to risk.
My Legacy name is "Sunfall", homage to a player city on SWG-Chimaera.
Am I correct in thinking that come 1.2, if I've leveled an Imperial Agent past Chapter 1 that I'd get the IA class buff on my Jedi Shadow?
My Legacy name is "Sunfall", homage to a player city on SWG-Chimaera.
Am I correct in thinking that come 1.2, if I've leveled an Imperial Agent past Chapter 1 that I'd get the IA class buff on my Jedi Shadow?
Nope, I believe class buffs only come from lvl50 toons or completed class stories (needs clarification) either way, its lvl50.
BTW, I used to play on Chimmy too. Guild was located on Lok.
The class buff unlocks occur when a character finishes Chapter 2. At that point, that character's class buff is unlocked for all characters of his legacy.
Each class' buff applies all of your unlocked class buffs with a single click. It's not 4 buttons you have to keep on your quickbar. One click, all the buffs.
An example: I have an Imperial Agent that finishes Chapter 2. The Agent unlocks his class buff for my legacy. I now go log onto my level 1 Sith Inquisitor. When my Sith Inquisitor casts Mark of Power, it ALSO applies the effects of Coordination, since I have unlocked the Agent's buff.
Furthermore, to get the full set of buffs, you only need to unlock 4 classes. Unlocking the buff for Agent and Smuggler still only nets you a single buff effect, so you can't stack their +Crit bonuses together. (Because that might be a wee bit overpowered. Maybe.)
Clarification ends... now
Nope - it's finishing Act II on the story for class buff
7th Post