*****Official Star Wars: The Old Republic Thread*****

I can't understand why they take so long to get anything done, for such a supposedly huge development team. It just seems to take them forever to actually implement anything, and that more than anything else is killing the game.

They made several big mistakes, the PvP being the obvious one, but what annoys me more than anything else is the equipment. Armstech, armortech and synthweaving are all pretty useless while levelling, because you can't craft orange gear. They've used the same few skins for hundreds of different items, so that everything (and consequently everyone) looks the same.

Worst of all was the class story. They've glued KOTORs story system onto a world where nothing can ever change, so no matter what you do it's contained behind your little green barrier. Once you go back through it, you're just another identikit jedi.

Introducing the legacy system after everyone already had a bunch of alts levelled was just insulting.

Then there were a load of little annoyances - the level 14 sprint thing, pointless restrictions on speeder use, the exhaustion zones between playable areas, the lack of any guild tools whatsoever, being punished for not maxing light or dark, the unoptimised engine, and so on.

The hardest thing to credit was reading that Mythic, with DaoC and Warhammer behind them, were almost completely uninvolved with development of the game. There has to be some crazy politics going on in the background.
Diablo 3 will kill off Star Wars?
Yer, right.....and WOW will vanish the day after.
Diablo 3 will not kill anything off.

Yeah, i raised an eyebrow at that, if anything Guild Wars 2 and TERA will do some damage, but not kill it off.
Ive just re-rolled on TOFN and left behind some 50s and lots of credits on another server :(

Playing on TOFN is like playing a completely different game, im enjoying doing flashpoints and heroics which i couldn't do on my other servers.

While i agree Server transfers/ merges are needed, this game is noway dying imo.

Diablo III will not kill SWTOR, in fact ill be playing both along with WOW.
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I have to admit though I'm kinda 'forcing' myself to enjoy SWTOR, and the fact that it's Star Wars is keeping me still there. While there's a little bit of me that misses WoW. However, I get that feeling with WoW all the time where I resub to play a few days and then I get bored again of running Dragon Soul all the time until the next expansion.

Basically, Guild Wars 2 can't come around fast enough!
I dont think the game will die, but theres no way they can change what makes it... well i wont say unpopular, but definitely not as popular as everyone expected, and that includes the suits in EA. If theres competing interests in the background, and development costs not yet being covered and Lucasarts payments/concern about their rep being the two main ones, then something has to give.

From my personal perspective the things that really turned me off were the instancing (i understand it in GW2 because of the lack of a monthly fee), the identikit jedis, and the missing 'something special' factor that I can put my finger on. That, and the ridiculous amount of time they need to address anything as well as the continuing arrogance - They referred to discussions about a drop in subs as 'the internets peanut gallery making a lightspeed jump to conclusions' and that they still had 1.7 million subs. This is the same post they were talking about 1.2 and server merges in the summer and there being no end game content because the player loved it so much they levelled too quickly.

But the games not dead by any means, its just whether theres a recognition that theres potential to be realised, not that the internets peanut gallery doesnt get it.
Ive just re-rolled on TOFN and left behind some 50s and lots of credits on another server :(

Playing on TOFN is like playing a completely different game, im enjoying doing flashpoints and heroics which i couldn't do on my other servers.

While i agree Server transfers/ merges are needed, this game is noway dying imo.

Diablo III will not kill SWTOR, in fact ill be playing both along with WOW.

This, and if you're in a friendly guild it can be even better! We did our first 16man EV last night and it was awesome fun. If you're drudging on through the levels alone just going quest to quest of course it will be boring whatever the content is, joining up with a guildy or 2 makes all the difference imo.
Played for a month or two from launch but playing felt like a chore in the end.

For me, it was basically the same as games that had come before but with the Star Wars license and voice characters and a main storyline - which the novelty soon wore off.

To this day, Ultima Online and DAoC were the best (early WoW had its moments) - if they could create a new game that combined the best of those two and built upon them then I'd be sold.
Not really hating on TOR but this made me laugh in one of the massively story comments -

Playerbase: Give us cake!!
Bioware: Enjoy this cake we worked so hard to give you.
Playerbase: OMG this cake...is a week old Ding Dong....and...it has...SHARDS OF GLASS IN IT!
Bioware: We are unaware of any glass, and reject the notion of any dongs. It is cake.
Playerbase: But we're bleeding....in our mouths.
Bioware: Please report all shards of glass issues. Consolidate all threads regarding glass.
Playerbase: Any news on cake...like actual cake that's not old nor filled with broken*glass?
Bioware: Now that you've all experienced delicious cake, get ready to experience TWINKIES!!!
Playerbase: But...but...no cake...and...bleeding!!
Fanboys: SHUT UP HATERS!! Didn't you see that we're getting TWINKIES!!!???
Hi Folks,

Sorry to be a scrounger but can anyone spare a 7 day trial if they have one? All of my real life friends are a bit too cool for star wars games. Much appreciated if anyone can?
Trayus is dead, logged on other night 20 people online in fleet compared to 450+ on TOFN.


Is your guild still active on ToFN? Or like many guilds slowly shrinking? :(

The Republic guild i was in on ToFN has disolved in the last week, although I've been playing my Sniper more recently, bit of a shock to log in to my Gunslinger and see the message of the day and being the only one online.

Just wondering as I could do with finding a guild to play in on the Imperial side.
My guild on The Arkanian Legacy has gotten even bigger!

We'r known as one of the guilds who does both PVP and PVE and another guild wanted to join us all, rarly have less than 20 players on during weekdays and goes up to 30+ on weekends, running 2 x 8man ops groups most of the time and still progressing in Danova HM (onto the 2 tanks).

Im glad they made Danova hard, EV and KP were a little weak on "Story Mode" but it took us a week or 2 to even get to the last boss in Danova (90% rakata as well!).

I can see why people dont like it but myself, im still enjoying the game, totally agree that the legacy system is a complete waste of time and they shouldn't have even bothered with it.

Still in its 1st year so I'm still hoping for it to get better, after the year has ended it might not be the same..
Instancing in what way, would you care to elaborate on your comment?

A more accurate description is phasing. I wouldnt have necessarily minded copies of me running around, you can just explain that away as similar clothing, god knows its hard to be unique in any MMO. Similar copies of you and your 'meant to be only one of them' companion (looking at you Khem Val) was for me highly grating. But phasing, where the people I want to group with were in the same area but invisible was just too much. Having phasing was so anti the idea of an MMO and such an indictment of the game engine that it shattered what few shreds of immersion I had left. But thats just what annoyed me, I did love the lightsabres and the mass murder.
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